Lakes Sitemap (m) - 664 lakes

MacAdam Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 200km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.980168083482, -107.56840202308
Shore Length: 9.56km
Surface Area: 378 acres

MacAllister Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 26km NW of Pinehouse. MacAllister Lake is named after Gordon Dale Macallister. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.670440301497, -106.90550222353
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 1590 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Macallum Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km WSW of Beauval.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Canoe Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.031104123558, -108.39753486151
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 6486 acres

Macartney Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 411km NNE of La Loche. Macartney Lake is named after Arthur Sutherland Macartney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.68670249379, -105.94820165297
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 310 acres
Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

MacDonald Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 379km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.640144524357, -107.00236569588
Shore Length: 95km
Surface Area: 2559 acres

MacDonald Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 488km NNE of La Ronge. MacDonald Lake is named after Colin MacDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.33784433433, -103.09208239967
Shore Length: 43km
Surface Area: 1549 acres

MacDonald Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 257km NNE of La Ronge. MacDonald Lake is named after Ronald Douglas Jeffrey Macdonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.357364728654, -104.31541114828
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 758 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

MacDonald Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km WNW of Creighton. MacDonald Lake is named after John Edward MacDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.980978712624, -102.53776235421
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 785 acres

MacDonald Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 454km NNE of La Ronge. MacDonald Lake is named after Raymond MacDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.0876681, -103.5699734
Surface Area: 805 acres

MacDonaugh Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 58km WSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: The Gap No. 39
Location: 49.393033870755, -104.53692426728
Shore Length: 8.91km
Surface Area: 215 acres
Northern Pike

MacDonnell Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 92km NNE of Prince Albert. MacDonnell Lake is named after John Kenneth MacDonnell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.007021094883, -105.26603814574
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 751 acres

MacFarlane Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 167km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.639857179775, -107.63889279256
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 602 acres

MacFarlane Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 32km S of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.575645486567, -108.51866273674
Shore Length: 8.1km
Surface Area: 606 acres

MacFie Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 69km NW of Creighton. MacFie Lake is named after James Edward MacFie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.234937178061, -102.60708945184
Shore Length: 7.72km
Surface Area: 165 acres

MacGillivray Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 14km NNE of Stony Rapids. MacGillivray Lake is named after Donald Duncan MacGillivray. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.36063, -105.700176
Surface Area: 758 acres

MacGillivray Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 268km NE of La Loche. MacGillivray Lake is named after Robert MacGillivray. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.437878657525, -106.7904536068
Shore Length: 7.45km
Surface Area: 346 acres

MacGregor Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 497km N of La Ronge. MacGregor Lake is named after Melvin Wellington MacGregor. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.571315807626, -105.88434536439
Shore Length: 8.95km
Surface Area: 272 acres

MacGuire Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 167km N of Pinehouse. MacGuire Lake is named after Frank MacGuire. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.019031938069, -106.6336405518
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 667 acres

Machete Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 476km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.386346661666, -104.81947079105
Shore Length: 8.78km
Surface Area: 246 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

MacIntyre Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 263km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.439168778606, -106.10350432126
Shore Length: 59km
Surface Area: 7224 acres
Provincial Park Campground
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

MacKay Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within MacKay Lake Recreation Site and 45km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 6 photos of MacKay Lake
Parks: MacKay Lake Recreation Site, Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.460921595796, -104.93349812272
Shore Length: 60km
Surface Area: 2143 acres

MacKay lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 297km NE of La Loche. MacKay lake is named after James MacKay. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.494318463084, -106.16168299876
Shore Length: 4.94km
Surface Area: 241 acres

MacKenzie Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 386km N of La Loche. MacKenzie Lake is named after Norman Alexander Freeman MacKenzie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.953621, -109.179109
Surface Area: 3350 acres

MacKenzie Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 56km WSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: The Gap No. 39
Location: 49.405047104289, -104.51118902834
Shore Length: 1.66km
Surface Area: 30 acres

MacKenzie Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 40km SE of Wollaston Lake Hamlet.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.842445153259, -102.70445661595
Shore Length: 57km
Surface Area: 4116 acres

MacKenzie Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 134km NE of La Loche. MacKenzie Lake is named after David Victor MacKenzie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.319602, -107.822513
Surface Area: 2606 acres

MacKeracher Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 259km NNE of La Loche. MacKeracher Lake is named after Donald Douglas MacKeracher. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.599106244403, -107.58612375091
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 356 acres

Mackey Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 388km NNE of La Loche. Mackey Lake is named after Harold Dee Mackey. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.897171043195, -108.06154386519
Shore Length: 4.48km
Surface Area: 140 acres

Mackie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 137km N of La Ronge. Mackie Lake is named after Harold Wilfred Mackie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.341531405065, -105.49209483065
Shore Length: 7.87km
Surface Area: 143 acres
Provincial Park
Rainbow Trout Splake

Mackie Lake is a very tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 54km N of Choiceland. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park. Parking is adjacent to Mackie Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 10 photos of Mackie Lake
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 53.98019305091, -104.52650572291
Shore Length: 0.36km
Surface Area: 2 acres
Rainbow Trout

Macklin Borrow Pit is a stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km S of Macklin. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.232257446938, -109.92855893535
Regional Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch

Macklin Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Macklin Game Preserve and 11km NW of Primate. The lake is within Macklin Game Preserve. Macklin Lake Regional Park is adjacent to Macklin Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Eye Hill No. 382
Communities: Macklin
Parks: Macklin Game Preserve, Macklin Lake Regional Park
Location: 52.320154182858, -109.95065245447
Shore Length: 3.92km
Surface Area: 191 acres
Rainbow Trout

Macklin Regional Park Trout Pond is a stocked pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Macklin Game Preserve and 2km S of Macklin. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.317130331436, -109.94143159256

MacLachlan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.827076150192, -104.38052143331
Shore Length: 8.32km
Surface Area: 226 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

MacLachlan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 52km E of La Ronge. MacLachlan Lake is named after Robert Bruce MacLachlan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.053169930978, -104.48310090896
Shore Length: 6.89km
Surface Area: 463 acres

MacLachlan Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km NNE of Stony Rapids. MacLachlan Lake is named after Albert James MacLachlan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.408310022431, -105.71069053171
Shore Length: 4.17km
Surface Area: 113 acres

MacLean Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 62km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.28867292874, -102.19577643361
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 729 acres

MacLean Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 370km NNE of La Loche. MacLean Lake is named after Norman Douglas MacLean. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.743115814549, -108.11283482209
Shore Length: 4.25km
Surface Area: 56 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

MacLean Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 112km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 1 photos of MacLean Lake
Parks: McLennan Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.910951266204, -104.19967013913
Shore Length: 53km
Surface Area: 1800 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Burbot White Sucker Longnose Sucker

MacLennan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 84km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Elaine Lake Recreation Site, Elaine Lake Road Corridor Game Preserve
Location: 54.458579239403, -106.31174222965
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 460 acres

Macleod Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 71km N of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Parkdale No. 498, Medstead No. 497
Location: 53.402263733543, -108.27011491031
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 768 acres

MacMillan Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 168km NNW of Sandy Bay. MacMillan Lake is named after William Russell Elwood MacMillan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Davin Lake Recreation Site
Location: 56.843501806045, -103.53092363434
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 319 acres

MacMurchy Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 29km NE of Kelvington. MacMurchy Lake is named after Edward Douglas MacMurchy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Porcupine No. 395, Hazel Dell No. 335
Location: 52.344986111546, -103.22880589714
Shore Length: 4.92km
Surface Area: 197 acres

MacNeil Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 132km N of La Ronge. MacNeil Lake is named after Roderick Alphonsus MacNeil. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.299228676169, -105.43960985006
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 201 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Macoun Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 182km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Macoun Lake
Location: 56.529325988051, -103.82568337052
Shore Length: 143km
Surface Area: 25215 acres

MacPherson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km E of Uranium City. MacPherson Lake is named after James Hugh Macpherson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.544045299075, -108.19409161397
Shore Length: 6.64km
Surface Area: 113 acres

MacPherson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 153km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.489140410461, -105.25726661676
Shore Length: 71km
Surface Area: 2445 acres

MacRae Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 357km NNE of La Loche. MacRae Lake is named after William John MacRae. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.607240072816, -108.04474497895
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 277 acres

Madden Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km WNW of Camsell Portage. Madden Lake is named after Neil Patrick Madden. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.724698117096, -109.6166584824
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 319 acres

Madden Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 49km NW of Pelican Narrows. Madden Lake is named after William John Madden. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.48000380005, -103.49664812038
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 522 acres
Provincial Park Golf Course Campground Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Madge Lake is a large stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Duck Mountain Provincial Park and 76km NE of Yorkton. Last stocked with walleye in 2023 The lake is within Duck Mountain Provincial Park. Off-leash Dog Park is adjacent to Madge Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 6 photos of Madge Lake
RM: Cote No. 271
Parks: Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 51.658540953932, -101.63759720865
Shore Length: 38km
Surface Area: 4186 acres
Max Width: 5 km (3.1 mi)
Max Length: 5 km (3.1 mi)
Max Depth: 12 m (39 ft)
Inflows: numerous unnamed creeks from the west, south, and east
Outflows: single unnamed seasonal creek flowing north

Madole Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 127km N of La Ronge. Madole Lake is named after Carl Hubert Madole. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.252758, -105.178953
Surface Area: 201 acres
Provincial Park

Mae Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Great Blue Heron Provincial Park and 51km NNW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Great Blue Heron Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Parks: Fairy Island Wildlife Refuge, Great Blue Heron Provincial Park
Location: 53.643322925491, -105.96394995822
Shore Length: 1.82km
Surface Area: 43 acres

Mafic Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km NW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.631519560683, -108.75810732687
Shore Length: 1.93km
Surface Area: 39 acres

Magdalen Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 17km W of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.742219696255, -102.16849110779
Shore Length: 7.27km
Surface Area: 269 acres

Magnes Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 234km NE of La Loche. Magnes Lake is named after Harold Julius Magnes. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.116370337237, -106.96657629325
Shore Length: 7.26km
Surface Area: 360 acres

Maguire Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 374km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.47080769806, -106.522843742
Shore Length: 4.98km
Surface Area: 87 acres
Lake Trout Lake Whitefish

Maguire Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NW of Creighton. Maguire Lake is named after Clarence Almer Maguire. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.386660712509, -102.8137384524
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 757 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker

Mahigan Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 89km WSW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.717500978896, -106.49752422085
Shore Length: 25km
Surface Area: 4961 acres

Mahon Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 48km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.453025956582, -104.82396291481
Shore Length: 4.16km
Surface Area: 115 acres

Maiden Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 76km S of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Parkdale No. 498
Location: 53.444203676858, -108.44913662394
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 926 acres

Maidstone Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 55km ESE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Eldon No. 471, Paynton No. 470
Location: 53.019580494464, -109.29285593703
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 917 acres
Rainbow Trout

Maidstone Trout Pond is a stocked pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Maidstone and 52km ESE of Lloydminster. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.0868923, -109.2759958

Maier Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 192km NNE of La Loche. Maier Lake is named after John Joseph Maier. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.054631477825, -108.08536331563
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 466 acres

Maimann Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 13km NE of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.680509, -109.074894
Surface Area: 201 acres

Main Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 10km SSW of Brabant. Main Lake is named after James Elliott Main. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.030568795179, -103.81860498647
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 438 acres
Brook Trout

Maistre Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Whiteswan Lake (Whelan Bay) Recreation Site and 96km NNE of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.026889565569, -105.18302332716
Shore Length: 1.68km
Surface Area: 26 acres

Makaroff Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 45km NNW of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Blaine Lake No. 434
Parks: Petrofka Recreation Site
Location: 52.677262415306, -106.90281193972
Shore Length: 7.3km
Surface Area: 317 acres

Maksemuik Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 161km N of La Loche. Maksemuik Lake is named after William Maksemuik. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.92084, -109.093563
Surface Area: 317 acres
Provincial Park Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Makwa Lake is a very large stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Steele Narrows Provincial Park and 54km W of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with walleye in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 31 photos of Makwa Lake
RM: Loon Lake No. 561
Communities: Loon Lake
Parks: Makwa Lake Provincial Park, Steele Narrows Provincial Park
Location: 54.058617457321, -109.26018416635
Shore Length: 68km
Surface Area: 7913 acres
Max Depth: 27.5 m (90 ft)
Inflows: Ministikwan Creek
Outflows: Makwa River

Malchow Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 87km ENE of La Ronge. Malchow Lake is named after Merton William Malchow. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.518813659448, -104.11147747637
Shore Length: 9.7km
Surface Area: 471 acres

Malcolm Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 474km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.727646565702, -103.15982154175
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 445 acres

Maligne Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Leaf Rapids Recreation Site and 48km W of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Leaf Rapids Recreation Site
Location: 54.839984939111, -102.62869669068
Shore Length: 6.74km
Surface Area: 380 acres

Malinoski Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 356km NNE of La Loche. Malinoski Lake is named after John Joseph Malinoski. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.304027197118, -106.57239467139
Shore Length: 3.13km
Surface Area: 46 acres

Mallard Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 56km NW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hoodoo No. 401
Location: 52.558579536482, -105.69646254704
Shore Length: 3.12km
Surface Area: 87 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish White Sucker

Mallard Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 61km NNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.639197327864, -108.74871713294
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 1047 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Mallen Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 377km NNE of La Ronge. Mallen Lake is named after William Brown Mallen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.416250036893, -103.88075964673
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 1038 acres

Mallett Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 152km NNW of Sandy Bay. Mallett Lake is named after George Edwin Mallett. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.82629735364, -102.87961169182
Shore Length: 7.87km
Surface Area: 251 acres

Malloy Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 181km NNW of Sandy Bay. Malloy Lake is named after Dean McCallum Malloy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.987952032512, -103.45942859747
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 509 acres
Provincial Park

Maloney Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 52km ENE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Maloney Lake is named after James Joseph Maloney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.290344549418, -104.54276116888
Shore Length: 5.72km
Surface Area: 171 acres

Malyas Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 36km SW of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Lenore No. 399, Three Lakes No. 400
Location: 52.631298352309, -104.98522459478
Shore Length: 0.66km
Surface Area: 7 acres

Malyk Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 69km NW of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Insinger No. 275, Invermay No. 305
Location: 51.62560452609, -103.211294548
Shore Length: 1.27km
Surface Area: 27 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Sauger

Manawan Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 32km NW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.412414713546, -103.22884485242
Shore Length: 273km
Surface Area: 15475 acres

Mandin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 158km NNE of La Loche. Mandin Lake is named after Emile François Bruno Mandin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.768580877604, -108.27892953106
Shore Length: 9.53km
Surface Area: 557 acres

Mang Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 53km ESE of La Ronge. Mang Lake is named after Ronald Franz Mang. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.987742772791, -104.49066069828
Shore Length: 9.17km
Surface Area: 279 acres

Manika Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 42km NE of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Rosthern No. 403
Location: 52.627416520453, -106.22160921175
Shore Length: 3.65km
Surface Area: 93 acres
Regional Park

Manitou Lake is a massive lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 63km SSE of Lloydminster. Big Manitou Regional Park is adjacent to Manitou Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Manitou Lake No. 442
Parks: Marsden Game Preserve, Suffern Lake Regional Park (Manitou Section), Big Manitou Regional Park
Location: 52.746453569347, -109.70377516374
Shore Length: 77km
Surface Area: 20719 acres
Max Depth: 25 m (82 ft)
Inflows: Eyehill Creek
Outflows: None

Mann Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 279km N of La Ronge. Mann Lake is named after Edward James Mann. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.62409166357, -105.40757308406
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 509 acres

Mann Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 34km N of Preeceville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Preeceville No. 334
Location: 52.260444946636, -102.74470114478
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 842 acres

Mansask Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 38km N of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.103682695143, -101.88521211871
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 674 acres

Mansell Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 4.1km NNE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.892427508605, -104.57908941177
Shore Length: 2.61km
Surface Area: 99 acres

Manson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 351km N of Sandy Bay. Manson Lake is named after John George Manson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.604732029236, -103.26528272985
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 1351 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Manson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 87km NNW of Sandy Bay. Manson Lake is named after Paul Richmond Manson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.246374922159, -102.69167141305
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 501 acres
Rainbow Trout

Mantario Trout Pond is a stocked pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km W of Eatonia. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2023

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.245649642322, -109.60714867068

Mantle Lakes is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 38km NE of Île-à-la-Crosse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.69361725264, -107.52470399117
Shore Length: 38km
Surface Area: 2227 acres

Mantrap Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km NNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Humboldt No. 370, Three Lakes No. 400
Communities: Pilger
Location: 52.400151317697, -105.23628003723
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 209 acres

Mantysaari Lakes is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 15km SW of Beauval.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.050088, -107.817362
Surface Area: 2227 acres
Northern Pike

Many Bays Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 424km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.771790597813, -105.78387892955
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 1133 acres

Many Island Lake is a massive lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 49km WNW of Maple Creek.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Enterprise No. 142, Maple Creek No. 111
Location: 50.125523520448, -110.06369736212
Shore Length: 226km
Surface Area: 11887 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike

Many Islands Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 469km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.705583363203, -102.14969656297
Shore Length: 93km
Surface Area: 5048 acres

Many Shoal Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 415km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.62952784696, -105.61778406677
Shore Length: 25km
Surface Area: 518 acres

Maple Creek Trout Pond is a pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 3.5km NW of Maple Creek. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2022

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.929261419621, -109.51049653495
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Maraiche Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 33km SSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.472303552883, -102.02932450798
Shore Length: 52km
Surface Area: 8571 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Marchand Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 184km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Communities: Southend Reindeer
Parks: Reindeer Lake (Norvil Olson) Recreation Site
Location: 56.281173075459, -103.21979731189
Shore Length: 119km
Surface Area: 7881 acres

Marchant Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 412km NNE of La Loche. Marchant Lake is named after John Phillip Marchant. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.720729266996, -105.99842711223
Shore Length: 86km
Surface Area: 2719 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Marchel Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 86km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.368481215638, -102.74392719517
Shore Length: 73km
Surface Area: 2059 acres

Marder Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 56km N of Norquay. Marder Lake is named after Moie Marder. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.376895805333, -101.95766160104
Shore Length: 2.62km
Surface Area: 96 acres

Marean Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 278km N of La Ronge. Marean Lake is named after Fred Aten Marean. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.612019038256, -105.48723143615
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 753 acres
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

Marean Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Greenwater Lake Provincial Park and 79km ESE of Melfort. Last stocked with walleye in 2023

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 43 photos of Marean Lake
RM: Bjorkdale No. 426
Parks: Greenwater Lake Provincial Park
Location: 52.517318559759, -103.5715980542
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 1623 acres

Marg Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hoodoo No. 401, Three Lakes No. 400
Location: 52.575928848524, -105.47373893039
Shore Length: 1.98km
Surface Area: 46 acres

Margaret Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 89km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411, Round Valley No. 410
Location: 52.444131995603, -109.48669200415
Shore Length: 1.64km
Surface Area: 34 acres

Margery Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Biggar and 80km SSE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Biggar No. 347
Communities: Biggar
Location: 52.070803498633, -108.00345841654
Shore Length: 1.96km
Surface Area: 34 acres

Margetts Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 398km NNE of La Loche. Margetts Lake is named after Ralph Margetts. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.568349961256, -105.99091796835
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 809 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Margo Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NW of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Sasman No. 336, Foam Lake No. 276
Communities: Margo
Location: 51.813010040609, -103.35927236494
Shore Length: 9.23km
Surface Area: 611 acres

Marguerite Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 71km E of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Montmartre No. 126, Francis No. 127
Location: 50.387351896815, -103.63769259896
Shore Length: 2.42km
Surface Area: 77 acres
Provincial Park

Marguerite Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Great Blue Heron Provincial Park and 48km NNW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Great Blue Heron Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Parks: Emma Lake (Murray Point) Recreation Site, Fairy Island Wildlife Refuge, Great Blue Heron Provincial Park
Location: 53.627375186461, -105.89856047974
Shore Length: 4.83km
Surface Area: 81 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Mari Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 36km N of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.076535460698, -102.00643460215
Shore Length: 253km
Surface Area: 11461 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Maribelli Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 132km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Maribelli Lake
Location: 56.210853123085, -104.47367722696
Shore Length: 57km
Surface Area: 6301 acres

Marie Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 43km NW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hoodoo No. 401, Three Lakes No. 400
Location: 52.515742942425, -105.48756209283
Shore Length: 5.64km
Surface Area: 487 acres
Provincial Park

Marie Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 82km NNE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.813719818904, -102.51380408433
Shore Length: 7.05km
Surface Area: 79 acres

Marion Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 42km SSW of Outlook.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: King George No. 256
Location: 51.127453107057, -107.2575514319
Shore Length: 5.87km
Surface Area: 141 acres

Marion Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 34km NNE of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Rosthern No. 403
Location: 52.592677578883, -106.34227513792
Shore Length: 6.75km
Surface Area: 234 acres

Marion Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 344km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.418042, -107.569172
Surface Area: 500 acres

Marjorie Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 62km WSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: The Gap No. 39
Location: 49.367730014511, -104.5686036652
Shore Length: 3.67km
Surface Area: 165 acres

Mark Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 66km N of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Parkdale No. 498, Medstead No. 497
Location: 53.359929434334, -108.21603353961
Shore Length: 1.27km
Surface Area: 24 acres

Mark Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 144km N of La Ronge. Mark Lake is named after Stanley Raymond Mark. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.406603362656, -105.48158808476
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 393 acres

Markham's Crater Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km E of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 50.951898398655, -102.45358599313
Shore Length: 0.84km
Surface Area: 13 acres

Marquardt Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 290km N of Creighton. Marquardt Lake is named after Edward Gustave Marquardt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.37020202133, -102.00317719267
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 341 acres

Marquis Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.286936725838, -103.17303121858
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 846 acres

Marshall Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 56km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Location: 53.703439336974, -105.88730751719
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 530 acres

Marshall Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 272km NE of La Loche. Marshall Lake is named after William John Marshall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.337643981722, -106.46356344927
Shore Length: 8.43km
Surface Area: 414 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Cisco

Marshall Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 237km N of La Ronge. Marshall Lake is named after Thomas Clayton Marshall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 5 photos of Marshall Lake
Location: 57.221153629462, -104.75823039605
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 1302 acres

Marshall Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 492km NNE of La Ronge. Marshall Lake is named after Lawrence Marshall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.306897267741, -102.70674643084
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 742 acres

Marston Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 64km S of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Elcapo No. 154
Location: 50.357181376312, -102.78186178891
Shore Length: 7.85km
Surface Area: 170 acres

Mart Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 59km WSW of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Invergordon No. 430
Location: 52.700991396583, -105.4375958487
Shore Length: 3.78km
Surface Area: 85 acres

Martin Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 59km NNW of Pinehouse. Martin Lake is named after Walter Keogh Martin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.995526438405, -106.99640714765
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 594 acres

Martin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 496km NNE of La Ronge. Martin Lake is named after Edward Martin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.367287092954, -102.82762311018
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 552 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Martin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 3.3km SSE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Communities: Uranium City
Location: 59.540971869336, -108.59590685159
Shore Length: 40km
Surface Area: 2482 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye

Martin Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 27km WNW of Creighton. Martin Lake is named after Victor Lewis Martin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.823709877266, -102.31231776826
Shore Length: 6.72km
Surface Area: 190 acres

Martin Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 46km NNE of Maple Creek.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Piapot No. 110, Fox Valley No. 171
Location: 50.299012415603, -109.27105038116
Shore Length: 1.06km
Surface Area: 18 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Martin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 247km N of La Ronge. Martin Lake is named after Maurice Allan Martin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.32197903223, -105.64937291201
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 1628 acres
Regional Park Beach Boat Launch Golf Course
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Martins Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 81km NNW of Warman. Martins Lake Regional Park is adjacent to Martins Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 15 photos of Martins Lake
RM: Leask No. 464
Parks: Martins Lake Regional Park
Location: 52.998248718439, -107.00793375413
Shore Length: 7.33km
Surface Area: 280 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Martinson Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 25km NW of La Loche. Martinson Lake is named after Douglas Stuart Martinson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.649810623731, -109.69974009521
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 835 acres

Martyn Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 376km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.849433765712, -109.99941133872
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 208 acres

Martyns Lake is a stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 88km ESE of Melfort. Last stocked with walleye in 2023

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.6281139, -103.3618212

Martynuik Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 409km NNE of La Loche. Martynuik Lake is named after Steve Martynuik. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.701233654141, -106.04747384931
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 290 acres

Mary Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km NNE of Stony Rapids.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.47755207595, -105.65119813399
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 955 acres

Marynowski Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 164km N of La Loche. Marynowski Lake is named after Michael Edmond Marynowski. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.94878565386, -109.10780737181
Shore Length: 43km
Surface Area: 1179 acres

Maskunow Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 33km WNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.840252783734, -102.39885382354
Shore Length: 8.9km
Surface Area: 583 acres

Maskwa Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 64km ESE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Paynton No. 470, Cut Knife No. 439
Location: 52.966268565477, -109.19301243674
Shore Length: 6.3km
Surface Area: 669 acres

Mason Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 51km N of Maple Creek.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Fox Valley No. 171
Location: 50.359294415907, -109.35597204395
Shore Length: 5.75km
Surface Area: 182 acres

Mason Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 84km NNW of Creighton. Mason Lake is named after Robert Hector Mason. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Sandy Bay
Location: 55.489590667343, -102.25344443688
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 632 acres

Mason Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 296km N of Sandy Bay. Mason Lake is named after Alexander Mason. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.151709516376, -102.02186761437
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 502 acres

Massey Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 86km E of La Ronge. Massey Lake is named after Norman Edward Massey. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.057994995376, -103.94703541283
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 410 acres
Provincial Park

Masson Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 66km NE of La Ronge. Masson Lake is named after John McDonald Masson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.480968311399, -104.46712847381
Shore Length: 5.64km
Surface Area: 191 acres

Mather Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 55km SSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Alma No. 8
Location: 49.203765885165, -104.13019597713
Shore Length: 4.46km
Surface Area: 138 acres

Mathers Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 118km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.173902624504, -105.25925778118
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 546 acres
Provincial Park Campground Beach Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Burbot White Sucker

Matheson Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 45km NW of Meadow Lake. The lake is within Meadow Lake Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 22 photos of Matheson Lake
RM: Beaver River No. 622
Parks: Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Location: 54.40911673935, -108.93875971924
Shore Length: 9.76km
Surface Area: 816 acres
Max Depth: 15.545 m (51.00 ft)

Matheson Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 39km W of Creighton. Matheson Lake is named after Campbell Russell Matheson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.810858842936, -102.49817902005
Shore Length: 7.85km
Surface Area: 572 acres

Matheson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 398km NNE of La Loche. Matheson Lake is named after Donald John Matheson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.965820038946, -107.82187825968
Shore Length: 5.03km
Surface Area: 123 acres

Mathews Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 345km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.469940652141, -107.81765776921
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 395 acres

Mathison Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 376km N of La Ronge. Mathison Lake is named after Earl Donald Mathison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.487927549803, -104.89163951595
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 1270 acres

Matisekawe Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 86km NNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.861912143859, -108.8067239641
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 838 acres

Matkin Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 30km N of Meadow Lake. Matkin Lake is named after Frederick Joseph Matkin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.390469226454, -108.41599311642
Shore Length: 5.6km
Surface Area: 371 acres

Matts Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 61km SSE of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Terrell No. 101, Elmsthorpe No. 100
Location: 49.871578548008, -105.29606796659
Shore Length: 3.03km
Surface Area: 58 acres

Mattson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 466km N of Sandy Bay. Mattson Lake is named after Vernon Gilbert Mattson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.6575, -103.22361
Surface Area: 1179 acres

Matwiy Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 132km N of Sandy Bay. Matwiy Lake is named after John Matwiy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.684828521975, -102.24277437925
Shore Length: 2.3km
Surface Area: 51 acres

Matyas Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 87km NE of Buffalo Narrows. Matyas Lake is named after Frank Edward Matyas. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.487781174957, -107.70242805156
Shore Length: 6.34km
Surface Area: 361 acres

Maud Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km S of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Terrell No. 101, Excel No. 71
Parks: Oro Lake Park
Location: 49.794478516244, -105.37287826956
Shore Length: 2.77km
Surface Area: 54 acres

Maude Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 39km SW of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.622132822584, -105.02696955119
Shore Length: 1.56km
Surface Area: 24 acres

Maunder Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km N of Uranium City. Maunder Lake is named after James Edward Maunder. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.710729701438, -108.62801739774
Shore Length: 8.14km
Surface Area: 143 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Maurice Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 137km ENE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.001452646418, -107.38960950758
Shore Length: 39km
Surface Area: 1945 acres

Maurice Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 7km N of Beauval.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.201802601504, -107.65428869554
Shore Length: 7.15km
Surface Area: 313 acres

Mavor Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 406km NNE of La Loche. Mavor Lake is named after Graham Robertson Mavor. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.673659911916, -106.07842050891
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 609 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike

Mawdsley Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 193km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.790345619116, -106.10454359215
Shore Length: 48km
Surface Area: 1673 acres

Max Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 69km W of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hillsdale No. 440
Location: 52.773908565519, -109.29127938337
Shore Length: 3.59km
Surface Area: 106 acres

Max Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km E of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.559115695657, -108.27508105498
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 516 acres

Maxmen Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 474km N of La Ronge. Maxmen Lake is named after Stanley Ray Maxmen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.365428373913, -104.75306248345
Shore Length: 9.47km
Surface Area: 114 acres

Maxwell Lakes is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 96km SE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.565965, -107.318885
Surface Area: 114 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

May Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 29km N of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.372252296955, -103.73995792445
Shore Length: 46km
Surface Area: 4040 acres

May Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 478km N of La Ronge. May Lake is named after Kenneth Allison May. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.404815769024, -105.27521024656
Shore Length: 9.96km
Surface Area: 237 acres

May Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km N of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Preeceville No. 334
Communities: Sturgis
Location: 51.920252829562, -102.49709327482
Shore Length: 4.47km
Surface Area: 178 acres

Mayer Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 59km NW of Creighton. Mayer Lake is named after Alfred Peter Mayer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.19353227864, -102.44859416795
Shore Length: 6.27km
Surface Area: 119 acres

Mayflower Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 67km N of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Keys No. 303
Location: 51.813544637904, -102.34174453183
Shore Length: 2.08km
Surface Area: 65 acres

Maynard Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km E of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.01626431303, -103.92710786582
Shore Length: 56km
Surface Area: 2248 acres

Maynard Lake is a very tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km SSW of Uranium City. Maynard Lake is named after Douglas Leonard Maynard. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.412674017105, -108.68571570024
Shore Length: 0.95km
Surface Area: 10 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Mayson Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 210km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.92544343425, -107.17468919196
Shore Length: 49km
Surface Area: 12142 acres

McAdam Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km SW of La Loche. McAdam Lake is named after William Henry McAdam. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.128803939284, -109.90163851182
Shore Length: 8.6km
Surface Area: 1080 acres

McAlister Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 75km WSW of Buffalo Narrows. McAlister Lake is named after William James McAlister. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.625641906726, -109.66115630379
Shore Length: 9.1km
Surface Area: 550 acres

McAlpine Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 205km NNE of La Ronge. McAlpine Lake is named after John Bower McAlpine. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.898343852183, -104.47549897456
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 581 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McAndrew Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 87km N of Sandy Bay. McAndrew Lake is named after Colin James McAndrew. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.263739575125, -102.5671184069
Shore Length: 50km
Surface Area: 1503 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

McAneeley Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 39km E of La Loche. McAneeley Lake is named after Emmitt Francis McAneeley. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.442729028415, -108.79545107665
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 3888 acres

McArter Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 83km ENE of La Loche. McArter Lake is named after Glenville McArter. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.877722298582, -108.25385626482
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 1019 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McArthur Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 63km NNW of Creighton. McArthur Lake is named after Duncan Archibald McArthur. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.248366853572, -102.39474791202
Shore Length: 42km
Surface Area: 1946 acres

McArthur Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 37km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Pleasantdale No. 398
Location: 52.560195114197, -104.353542683
Shore Length: 8.99km
Surface Area: 416 acres

McAuley Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 77km NNE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.901778902226, -103.06204635221
Shore Length: 5.42km
Surface Area: 139 acres

McAusland Lakes is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km NNW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.618519930831, -103.11022529058
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 421 acres

McAvoy Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km NNE of La Ronge. McAvoy Lake is named after James Michael McAvoy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.856987477774, -104.78421144749
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 394 acres

McBeath Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 32km NE of La Loche. McBeath Lake is named after Thomas Albert McBeath. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.709736524737, -109.0832062224
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 1104 acres

McBlain Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 378km N of La Loche. McBlain Lake is named after Malcolm Thomas McBlain. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.878550644934, -109.72842845719
Shore Length: 7.74km
Surface Area: 147 acres
Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker

McBride Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 56km W of Creighton. McBride Lake is named after Gordon Joseph McBride. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.843456354005, -102.76058135431
Shore Length: 9.81km
Surface Area: 461 acres
Campground Provincial Park Boat Launch Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

McBride Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Porcupine Hills Provincial Park and 44km S of Hudson Bay. Last stocked with walleye in 2024 The lake is within Porcupine Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 25 photos of McBride Lake
Parks: Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Location: 52.454369978148, -102.41326948129
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 662 acres
Max Depth: 7.62 m (25.0 ft)
Inflows: Pepaw River
Outflows: Pepaw River

McBurney Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 391km N of La Loche. McBurney Lake is named after Harry Robert McBurney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.998341116799, -109.41412813879
Shore Length: 5.07km
Surface Area: 87 acres
Provincial Park

McCaffrey Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 53km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. McCaffrey Lake is named after John Harold Alexander McCaffrey. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Stanley Mission
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.387173245023, -104.60127960225
Shore Length: 6.93km
Surface Area: 293 acres

McCall Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 53km NW of Creighton. McCall Lake is named after Roy Calder McCall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.14993845399, -102.37004100473
Shore Length: 9.73km
Surface Area: 248 acres

McCallum Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 294km NNE of La Loche. McCallum Lake is named after John Francis McCallum. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.6924785309, -106.71947597414
Shore Length: 8.87km
Surface Area: 335 acres

McCallum Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 28km NW of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 50.490788844974, -108.01573952377
Shore Length: 7.97km
Surface Area: 350 acres

McCartney Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 254km NE of La Loche. McCartney Lake is named after John Charles McCartney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.2646114, -106.7665617
Surface Area: 421 acres

McCaw Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 43km N of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Three Lakes No. 400
Parks: Lenore Lake Bird Sanctuary
Location: 52.58107094947, -105.07840188146
Shore Length: 0.69km
Surface Area: 6 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

McClean Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 360km NNE of La Ronge. McClean Lake is named after Delmar James Robert McClean. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.257560629682, -103.88974113656
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 563 acres

McClelland Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km NE of Stony Rapids. McClelland Lake is named after William Gordon McClelland. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.367794412699, -105.59394279101
Shore Length: 7.06km
Surface Area: 210 acres

McClure Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 86km NE of Big River. McClure Lake is named after James Edward McClure. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.380151838172, -106.10394169179
Shore Length: 6.96km
Surface Area: 278 acres
Provincial Park
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

McComb Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NNE of La Ronge. McComb Lake is named after George Merton McComb. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.531554127231, -104.83005058348
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 338 acres

McCombie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 364km NNE of La Loche. McCombie Lake is named after John Smith McCombie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.442157590869, -106.77124616367
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 211 acres

McConechy Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 377km NNE of La Loche. McConechy Lake is named after Donald Hyatt McConechy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.762566956945, -107.7691726178
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 328 acres

McConechy Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 64km N of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Paddockwood No. 520
Location: 53.790838227796, -105.66591897452
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 1012 acres

McConnell Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 271km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.827656723173, -103.58025517143
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 1090 acres

McConville Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 36km NW of Stony Rapids. McConville Lake is named after James Albert McConville. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.479242146648, -106.29817346767
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 812 acres

McCorkle Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 139km ENE of La Loche. McCorkle Lake is named after Donald Frederick McCorkle. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.040588084693, -107.37874776488
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 715 acres

McCormick Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 38km N of Creighton. McCormick Lake is named after Joseph McCormick and John Gibney McCormick. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.100535650662, -101.95776620791
Shore Length: 3.99km
Surface Area: 129 acres

McCorriston Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 30km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.347877928375, -105.54018787455
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 279 acres

McCourt Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 381km N of La Loche. McCourt Lake is named after James Hill McCourt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.906994371088, -109.73955230581
Shore Length: 6.42km
Surface Area: 154 acres

McCoy Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 36km NNW of Buffalo Narrows. McCoy Lake is named after Alfred Ernest McCoy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.166516698243, -108.74448726989
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 1470 acres

McCoy Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NNW of Pelican Narrows. McCoy Lake is named after Harold McCoy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.825953786055, -103.65645666269
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 845 acres

McCrady Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 255km N of La Loche. McCrady Lake is named after Alexander Currie McCrady. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.749893, -108.736724
Surface Area: 211 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McCrea Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 145km NNE of La Ronge. McCrea Lake is named after Maurice Phillippe McCrea. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.344299110126, -104.52501116685
Shore Length: 45km
Surface Area: 1401 acres

McCrindle Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km ENE of Southend Reindeer. McCrindle Lake is named after William Donald McCrindle. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.433024518719, -102.84554907392
Shore Length: 9.23km
Surface Area: 322 acres

McCue Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 382km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.871775409921, -108.31769590315
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 1184 acres

McCulloch Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 64km NW of Pelican Narrows. McCulloch Lake is named after Karl Everett McCulloch. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.569376641625, -103.68590132638
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 556 acres

McCulloch Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 96km SSE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279
Location: 51.385378916707, -104.65649368453
Shore Length: 3.18km
Surface Area: 49 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McCusker Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 53km WSW of Île-à-la-Crosse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.266199903712, -108.72900718146
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 1871 acres

Mcdermott Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 56km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.575156226501, -102.70095998464
Shore Length: 7.8km
Surface Area: 748 acres
Provincial Park

McDonald Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located in Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park and 293km N of La Loche. The lake is within Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park. McDonald Lake is named after Stafford Austen McDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park
Location: 59.069761268033, -108.4473737328
Shore Length: 4.72km
Surface Area: 193 acres

McDonald Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 132km NNE of La Ronge. McDonald Lake is named after Justin Angus McDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.252709120631, -104.67570671356
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 831 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

McDonald Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 197km NNE of Pinehouse. McDonald Lake is named after Martin John McDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.19913918334, -105.59480800979
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 843 acres

McDonald Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 362km NE of La Loche. McDonald Lake is named after Ivan George McDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.796844, -105.146912
Surface Area: 246 acres

McDonald Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 62km NW of Pinehouse. McDonald Lake is named after Daniel McDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.97890419691, -107.14724590706
Shore Length: 7.16km
Surface Area: 160 acres

McDonald Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 99km ESE of Melfort. McDonald Lake is named after Donald Allan McDonald. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.40928029296, -103.34814304772
Shore Length: 1.9km
Surface Area: 58 acres
Provincial Park

McDonell Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 49km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. McDonell Lake is named after John Alexander McDonell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.376688530789, -104.67506019039
Shore Length: 3.03km
Surface Area: 74 acres

McDougal Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 92km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.468632286491, -109.53798480324
Shore Length: 1.14km
Surface Area: 16 acres

McDougald Reservoir is a tiny reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 9.6km SSE of Maple Creek.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Maple Creek No. 111
Location: 49.822435066024, -109.44413321307
Shore Length: 2.3km
Surface Area: 46 acres

McDougall Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 499km NNE of La Ronge. McDougall Lake is named after Lawrence John McDougall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.405331626181, -102.91913396813
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 742 acres

McDougall Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 388km N of La Loche. McDougall Lake is named after Walter Joseph McDougall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.971249693448, -109.69259595367
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 281 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McDougall Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 267km N of La Ronge. McDougall Lake is named after Reginald Eugene McDougall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.514221840125, -105.26508844101
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 1165 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McDowell Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 290km NNE of La Ronge. McDowell Lake is named after Kenneth Lendon McDowell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.651276744991, -104.19345278642
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 2333 acres

McEachern Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 163km N of La Loche. McEachern Lake is named after Gerard Joseph McEachern. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.9501224, -109.5508324
Surface Area: 294 acres

McEachern Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 65km NNE of Île-à-la-Crosse. McEachern Lake is named after Reginald Milton McEachern. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.941477424291, -107.39027023955
Shore Length: 7.41km
Surface Area: 424 acres

McEwen Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 22km W of Stony Rapids. McEwen Lake is named after John Finlay McEwen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.237484087627, -106.21432230918
Shore Length: 7.6km
Surface Area: 396 acres

McEwen Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 118km NNE of La Ronge. McEwen Lake is named after Lawrence David McEwen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.143052747153, -104.84858710442
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 561 acres
Provincial Park

McFarlane Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 79km NNE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.780060791856, -102.50275939908
Shore Length: 4.73km
Surface Area: 94 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McGaffin Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 28km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.743435720783, -102.41950650005
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 1125 acres

McGill Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 396km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.919918494224, -107.65419373878
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 361 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McGillivray Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 255km N of La Ronge. McGillivray Lake is named after Earl Lewis McGillivray. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.388864733009, -105.81593085255
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 817 acres

McGillivray Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 380km N of Sandy Bay. McGillivray Lake is named after Allan Ernest McGillivray. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.908940741141, -102.51017638237
Shore Length: 32km
Surface Area: 1245 acres

McGinnis Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 21km ENE of Stony Rapids. McGinnis Lake is named after William Joseph McGinnis. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.316053776104, -105.48335363523
Shore Length: 6.57km
Surface Area: 117 acres

McGrath Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 384km N of La Loche. McGrath Lake is named after Joseph McGrath. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.870715491139, -108.18094385506
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 274 acres

McGrath Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 75km WSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.336729, -104.74675
Surface Area: 103 acres

McGraw Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km WNW of Uranium City. McGraw Lake is named after Andrew Francis McGraw. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.614666315505, -108.8811214171
Shore Length: 6.32km
Surface Area: 126 acres

McGregor Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 239km N of La Ronge. McGregor Lake is named after Jack Alpine McGregor. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.25435070851, -104.9983583888
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 1429 acres

McGregor Lakes is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 17km SE of Cumberland House. McGregor Lakes is named after Alexander Morven McGregor and David Burnett McGregor. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.833046350033, -102.12816626482
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 7013 acres

McGuigan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km NNE of La Ronge. McGuigan Lake is named after William Henry McGuigan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.495439681019, -105.15662115191
Shore Length: 9.82km
Surface Area: 152 acres
Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

McGunigal Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km N of La Ronge. McGunigal Lake is named after Philip Arthur McGunigal. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.801059816612, -105.35712703799
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 601 acres
Provincial Park

McGurk Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 79km NNE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Moose Mountain No. 63
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.741818999485, -102.40261618552
Shore Length: 5.45km
Surface Area: 184 acres

McHarg Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 475km NE of La Loche. McHarg Lake is named after Vernon Frederick McHarg. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.689081506631, -104.08318993755
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 770 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McInnis Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 66km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.038248617781, -102.74086343548
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 1722 acres

McInnis Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 352km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.549986351385, -107.94054987238
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 508 acres

McIntosh Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km SSE of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Willowdale No. 153
Location: 50.401025000187, -102.33287403442
Shore Length: 2.3km
Surface Area: 57 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

McIntosh Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 75km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.784037973143, -105.09599442043
Shore Length: 193km
Surface Area: 15334 acres

McIntyre Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km NE of Uranium City. McIntyre Lake is named after William McIntyre. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.707481359653, -108.25665800204
Shore Length: 4.56km
Surface Area: 79 acres

McIntyre Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 469km N of Sandy Bay. McIntyre Lake is named after Clayton Byng McIntyre. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.70776284884, -102.29200378669
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 711 acres

McIntyre Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 261km NNE of La Loche. McIntyre Lake is named after Jack Edwin McIntyre. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.471246489199, -107.0782494729
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 367 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Cisco

McIntyre Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 40km WNW of La Ronge. McIntyre Lake is named after James Roy McIntyre. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.288076674311, -105.83464875536
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 841 acres

McIntyre Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 40km NNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Three Lakes No. 400
Location: 52.537384495962, -105.33981118533
Shore Length: 6.46km
Surface Area: 687 acres

McIntyre Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 252km NE of La Loche. McIntyre Lake is named after Gordon Angus McIntyre. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.0329039, -106.3728875
Surface Area: 202 acres

McIver Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km NW of Stony Rapids. McIver Lake is named after Henry Carbee McIver. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.398907727665, -106.14692583267
Shore Length: 9.24km
Surface Area: 337 acres

McIvor Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 159km NE of La Loche. McIvor Lake is named after Clifford Douglas McIvor. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.292587170812, -107.26213487283
Shore Length: 4.99km
Surface Area: 110 acres

McKague Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 185km NNE of La Ronge. McKague Lake is named after Carman Cecil McKague. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.507528663199, -103.68078879433
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 759 acres

McKay Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 270km NNE of La Loche. McKay Lake is named after Harry Robertson McKay. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.588749319916, -107.17132514041
Shore Length: 4.62km
Surface Area: 211 acres
Yellow Perch

McKay Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 186km NNW of La Ronge. McKay Lake is named after Melvin McKay. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.498841, -106.943644
Surface Area: 3499 acres

McKechnie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 151km N of La Ronge. McKechnie Lake is named after Morton Hugh McKechnie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.469858506698, -105.49039842869
Shore Length: 7.54km
Surface Area: 154 acres

McKee Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 72km E of La Ronge. McKee Lake is named after William Ellis McKee. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.038214319792, -104.17678880573
Shore Length: 6.17km
Surface Area: 226 acres

McKeen Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 196km NNE of La Ronge. McKeen Lake is named after Leonard Isaac McKeen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.674910419341, -103.82384839287
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 634 acres

McKeever Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 455km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.921658073942, -105.19950585048
Shore Length: 77km
Surface Area: 3329 acres

McKeith Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 286km NNE of La Loche. McKeith Lake is named after Wesley Robert McKeith. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.881902, -107.668551
Surface Area: 759 acres

McKenna Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 56km E of La Ronge. McKenna Lake is named after Robert John McKenna. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.06705065209, -104.42405666017
Shore Length: 8.25km
Surface Area: 375 acres

McKenzie Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 73km SSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.207552915984, -102.50975956148
Shore Length: 29km
Surface Area: 7986 acres

McKenzie Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 287km NNE of La Ronge. McKenzie Lake is named after John Mortimer McKenzie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.628317377148, -104.2539300119
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 696 acres

McKenzie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 295km NE of La Loche. McKenzie Lake is named after Cecil Malcolm McKenzie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.654930503499, -106.57965481856
Shore Length: 7.64km
Surface Area: 373 acres

McKenzie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 169km NNE of La Ronge. McKenzie Lake is named after George Allan McKenzie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.385975904351, -103.82812929295
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 500 acres

McKenzie Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 351km NNE of La Loche. McKenzie Lake is named after Daniel Neilson McKenzie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.399934581453, -107.12122986571
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 600 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

McKie Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 145km NE of La Loche. McKie Lake is named after Alexander McKie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.249317724434, -107.48033950463
Shore Length: 40km
Surface Area: 1668 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McKillop Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 82km NW of La Ronge. McKillop Lake is named after Norman Colin McKillop. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.566260328899, -106.31090260351
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 768 acres

McKinnon Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 41km NNE of Preeceville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Preeceville No. 334
Location: 52.316659073197, -102.50842317236
Shore Length: 1.25km
Surface Area: 18 acres

McKinnon Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km WSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Bengough No. 40, The Gap No. 39
Location: 49.404607815601, -104.87018859314
Shore Length: 3.74km
Surface Area: 75 acres

McKnight Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 55km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.41491502582, -104.25631424731
Shore Length: 5.13km
Surface Area: 90 acres

McKnight Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 189km NNE of La Ronge. McKnight Lake is named after Justin Elwood McKnight. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.56140455222, -103.70119853148
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 478 acres

McLachlan Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 443km N of Sandy Bay. McLachlan Lake is named after George Hallern McLachlan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.475092601828, -102.57682150307
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 584 acres

McLachlan Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 270km NNE of La Loche. McLachlan Lake is named after Donald Parker McLachlan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.583000537462, -107.1302364153
Shore Length: 4.7km
Surface Area: 233 acres
Regional Park
Northern Pike Rainbow Trout

McLaren Lake is a lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in McLaren Lake Regional Park and 40km S of Burstall. McLaren Lake Regional Park is adjacent to McLaren Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: McLaren Lake Regional Park
Location: 50.29537, -109.8840163

McLaren Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 447km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 60.008771785042, -105.75682130774
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 620 acres

McLaren Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 224km NNE of La Ronge. McLaren Lake is named after Lewis Wilfred McLaren. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.080821193334, -104.51354069045
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 805 acres

McLaughlin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 181km NW of Sandy Bay. McLaughlin Lake is named after Russell Lorne McLaughlin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.826307, -103.980668
Surface Area: 759 acres

McLay Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 121km ENE of La Loche. McLay Lake is named after Donald Francis McLay. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.944976290879, -107.61815179879
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 888 acres

McLean Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 76km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.615197853826, -109.36847789046
Shore Length: 3.25km
Surface Area: 163 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

McLean Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 11km ESE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.449645290412, -109.2496302011
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 6085 acres

McLean Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 292km N of La Ronge. McLean Lake is named after Leslie McLean. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.683470995699, -104.35285422344
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 579 acres
Provincial Park

McLellan Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 88km NNE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.828759651631, -102.3796269672
Shore Length: 6.98km
Surface Area: 126 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McLellan Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 145km NNE of La Ronge. McLellan Lakes is named after Charles McLellan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.353697503628, -104.56751721839
Shore Length: 34km
Surface Area: 1205 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Mclennan Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 40km NE of Missinipe.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Mclennan Lake
Parks: McLennan Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.878789779832, -104.36743139191
Shore Length: 70km
Surface Area: 3213 acres

McLennan Lakes is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km WNW of Southend Reindeer. McLennan Lakes is named after Alexander Cockburn McLennan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.42721761223, -103.59650781333
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 332 acres
White Sucker

McLeod Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 268km NE of La Loche. McLeod Lake is named after Harold Dick McLeod. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.454922600519, -106.8468241434
Shore Length: 4.27km
Surface Area: 157 acres

McLeod Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 173km NW of Sandy Bay. McLeod Lake is named after Ralph Joseph McLeod. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 3 photos of McLeod Lake
Location: 56.758363243544, -103.9504941739
Shore Length: 4.08km
Surface Area: 96 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McLeod Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 294km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.504436483014, -106.24331734086
Shore Length: 41km
Surface Area: 1748 acres

McLintock Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 554km N of La Ronge. McLintock Lake is named after William Stewart McLintock. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.982977428266, -103.38767929661
Shore Length: 32km
Surface Area: 1032 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish

McLurg Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 72km WNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.078212395836, -102.8811542357
Shore Length: 8.8km
Surface Area: 140 acres

McMahon Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 17km SSE of Buffalo Narrows. McMahon Lake is named after Jack Bernard McMahon. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.717821760567, -108.42331614643
Shore Length: 9.63km
Surface Area: 509 acres

McMaster Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 47km WNW of Creighton. McMaster Lake is named after James Herbert McMaster. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.937838789254, -102.56169267546
Shore Length: 6.01km
Surface Area: 163 acres

McMechan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NNE of La Ronge. McMechan Lake is named after Ian Keith McMechan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.597416413929, -105.1044816996
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 250 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

McMillan Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 381km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.91208542405, -109.6152183543
Shore Length: 46km
Surface Area: 1427 acres

McMillan Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 277km NE of La Loche. McMillan Lake is named after Archibald Kenzie McMillan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.307866543048, -106.27159097806
Shore Length: 5.93km
Surface Area: 259 acres
Lake Whitefish

McMillan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 69km N of La Ronge. McMillan Lake is named after Albert James McMillan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.729564649713, -105.15131782607
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 332 acres

McMillan Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 88km NNE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.826170572153, -102.39273629615
Shore Length: 6.48km
Surface Area: 118 acres

McMillan Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 186km NNE of Pinehouse. McMillan Lakes is named after Clarence Orville McMillan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.112435093654, -105.69453656623
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 1394 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Cisco

McMurchy Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 66km NE of Buffalo Narrows. McMurchy Lake is named after William Archibald McMurchy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.315866056725, -107.8603791224
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 789 acres

McMurdo Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 30km SSW of Creighton. McMurdo Lake is named after Melvin Ernest McMurdo. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Meridian Creek Recreation Site
Location: 54.518193284947, -102.09645899885
Shore Length: 3.26km
Surface Area: 177 acres

McMurdo Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 460km N of Sandy Bay. McMurdo Lake is named after William E McMurdo. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.600789327075, -103.22417271672
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 260 acres

McNab Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 98km NNE of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.303898039652, -104.27389376633
Shore Length: 2.37km
Surface Area: 25 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

McNabb Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 287km NNE of Pinehouse. McNabb Lake is named after John George McNabb. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.842164880033, -104.58318365973
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 543 acres

McNair Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 359km NNE of La Loche. McNair Lake is named after Robert Wendell McNair. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.407176763277, -106.85493523918
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 658 acres

McNally Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 22km SSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.576159353125, -102.00902082789
Shore Length: 3.41km
Surface Area: 117 acres

McNeil Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 13km S of Uranium City. McNeil Lake is named after Archibald Henry Stanley McNeil. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.456784236622, -108.62315030011
Shore Length: 2.91km
Surface Area: 42 acres

McNichol Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 415km NNE of La Loche. McNichol Lake is named after David Louis McNichol. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.664531619043, -105.73063826191
Shore Length: 8.36km
Surface Area: 132 acres
Lake Whitefish

McNichol Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 145km NE of La Loche. McNichol Lake is named after Glen Alexander McNichol. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.32092, -107.588184
Surface Area: 814 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

McNichol Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 57km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. McNichol Lake is named after Robert Henry McNichol. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.482921516873, -104.66899170683
Shore Length: 7.87km
Surface Area: 339 acres

McNie Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km SW of Uranium City. McNie Lake is named after Donald Cameron McNie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.443751470715, -108.82377302416
Shore Length: 4.04km
Surface Area: 67 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

McNulty Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 71km E of La Loche. McNulty Lake is named after Thomas Norman McNulty. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.573404425213, -108.26740619055
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 1341 acres

McNutt Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km NNE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.766759744559, -108.43515371422
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 482 acres

McOrmond Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 82km SSW of Creighton. McOrmond Lake is named after Charles Robert McOrmond. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.130400787627, -102.54639816252
Shore Length: 9km
Surface Area: 934 acres
Northern Pike

McOuat Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km N of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.42998575663, -102.49642982219
Shore Length: 5.83km
Surface Area: 357 acres

McPhail Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 298km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.722201289263, -106.36636514762
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 490 acres

McPhail Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 40km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.541666317335, -104.33428994041
Shore Length: 3.43km
Surface Area: 104 acres

McPhee Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 235km NE of La Loche. McPhee Lake is named after Allen Jeremiah McPhee. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.137771782621, -106.97520561493
Shore Length: 9.17km
Surface Area: 415 acres
Beach Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

McPhee Lake is a small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km NNW of Prince Albert. Last stocked with walleye in 2022

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 9 photos of McPhee Lake
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521, Paddockwood No. 520
Location: 53.877263851414, -105.97229504699
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 465 acres

McPherson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 269km NNE of La Ronge. McPherson Lake is named after Joseph Campbell McPherson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.462801142577, -104.24577985948
Shore Length: 9.55km
Surface Area: 279 acres

McPherson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 494km NNE of La Ronge. McPherson Lake is named after James Forbes McPherson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.413000014209, -103.25207396704
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 847 acres
Lake Trout Lake Whitefish

McRae Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 80km NE of Pinehouse. McRae Lake is named after Roderick Head McRae. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.082347621881, -105.79992924278
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 385 acres

McRitchie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 427km NNE of La Loche. McRitchie Lake is named after Ronald Edwin McRitchie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.7424003471, -105.58662840304
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 209 acres

McRobb Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 88km ESE of Meadow Lake. McRobb Lake is named after James Keith McRobb. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.761631627775, -107.25617347362
Shore Length: 3.72km
Surface Area: 166 acres
Rainbow Trout

Mcrobbie Lake is a very small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 12km S of Creighton. Last stocked with brown trout and rainbow trout in 2024 Mcrobbie Lake is named after William McRobbie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.658053303917, -101.87575394199
Shore Length: 4.04km
Surface Area: 87 acres

McSherry Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 55km SE of Hudson Bay. McSherry Lake is named after Leslie Andrew McSherry. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.509345157839, -101.76787231241
Shore Length: 5.38km
Surface Area: 212 acres
Lake Trout Lake Whitefish

McTaggart Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 181km NNE of La Loche. McTaggart Lake is named after David Alexander McTaggart. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.021926512823, -108.41011987452
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 3486 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

McTavish Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 12 photos of McTavish Lake
Location: 55.903767850871, -105.2962460455
Shore Length: 113km
Surface Area: 16124 acres

McWilliams Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 49km NW of Creighton. McWilliams Lake is named after Ray Eugene McWilliams. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.123298014768, -102.34224709955
Shore Length: 9.13km
Surface Area: 151 acres

Mead Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km NW of Uranium City. Mead Lake is named after Anthony Mead. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.635360177862, -108.78809768205
Shore Length: 4.79km
Surface Area: 77 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Meadow Lake is a massive lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 78km NE of St. Walburg.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588
Communities: Meadow Lake
Location: 54.113869268379, -108.34212232622
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 10148 acres
Max Width: 4.8 km (3.0 mi)
Max Length: 9.6 km (6.0 mi)
Max Depth: 2.2 m (7 ft 3 in)
Inflows: Chitek River, Nolin Creek
Outflows: Meadow River

Meadow Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 65km E of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Redberry No. 435
Communities: Hafford
Location: 52.758546430282, -107.31880277119
Shore Length: 9.06km
Surface Area: 581 acres

Meadow Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 64km ENE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.557258637432, -102.74383422629
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 2763 acres

Meagher Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 23km SSW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.391285098302, -108.82283302749
Shore Length: 1.53km
Surface Area: 19 acres

Meaney Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 28km WSW of Creighton. Meaney Lake is named after William Patrick Meaney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.644942804618, -102.27969578325
Shore Length: 5.19km
Surface Area: 102 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Meanwell Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 130km NNE of La Loche. Meanwell Lake is named after Victor Meanwell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.583646674324, -108.6521736774
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 407 acres

Meeker Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 87km ENE of La Ronge. Meeker Lake is named after Clarence Alvin Meeker. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.293222183454, -103.95711684611
Shore Length: 6.97km
Surface Area: 171 acres

Meersman Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 23km NW of Stony Rapids. Meersman Lake is named after Alfons Meersman. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.388735444768, -106.15273559371
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 311 acres
Regional Park Boat Launch Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Meeting Lake is a large stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 63km NE of North Battleford. Last stocked with walleye in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 27 photos of Meeting Lake
RM: Spiritwood No. 496, Meeting Lake No. 466
Communities: Spruce Bay, Shady Bay, Crescent Beach
Parks: Meeting Lake Regional Park
Location: 53.188065191389, -107.655959422
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 2733 acres
Max Depth: 13 m (43 ft)

Meeyomoot Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 72km S of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.470203949994, -105.25233906817
Shore Length: 78km
Surface Area: 4627 acres

Megaffin Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 371km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.459247027062, -106.55982829835
Shore Length: 5.98km
Surface Area: 147 acres

Meier Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 472km N of Sandy Bay. Meier Lake is named after Paul Hubert Meier. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.655724451135, -103.79436515542
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 733 acres

Meili Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 189km NNE of La Ronge. Meili Lake is named after Ernest Otto Meili. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.661838416168, -104.03033376545
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 1288 acres

Meilinger Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 30km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 54.055015944243, -106.77920557989
Shore Length: 3.78km
Surface Area: 89 acres
Provincial Park

Mekewap Lake is a very small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 41km NE of La Ronge. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.395867679249, -104.86174983479
Shore Length: 2.66km
Surface Area: 95 acres

Mekin Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 49km S of Hudson Bay.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.408275372801, -102.44451850003
Shore Length: 2.89km
Surface Area: 136 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Mekisuk Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 37km N of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.50968282903, -102.96319566139
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 1194 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Melanson Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 71km NW of La Ronge. Melanson Lake is named after George Alexander Melanson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.641311199841, -105.93450692254
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 1040 acres

Melby Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 362km NNE of La Loche. Melby Lake is named after Palmer James Melby. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.33909003765, -106.47482405041
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 193 acres

Melenchuk Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 373km NNE of La Loche. Melenchuk Lake is named after John Melenchuk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.452780412027, -106.48948199303
Shore Length: 6.27km
Surface Area: 116 acres

Melfort PFRA Reservoir is a reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km ESE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.81484825, -104.46131591357
Northern Pike White Sucker

Melfort Town Reservoir is a stocked reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Melfort and 18km W of Star City. Last stocked with walleye in 2022

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.85514525, -104.60550348836
Rainbow Trout

Melfort Trout Pond is a stocked pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 21km W of Star City. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.857215869736, -104.64827441536
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Melgurd Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 54km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.214380763994, -102.20422505404
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 787 acres

Melma Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 14km ESE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.512665949767, -108.39039395192
Shore Length: 6.8km
Surface Area: 170 acres

Melnick Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 361km N of Sandy Bay. Melnick Lake is named after Nicholas Melnick. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.736352937899, -102.21755311033
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 1243 acres

Melville Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 3km E of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Communities: Uranium City
Location: 59.569229649535, -108.55772949757
Shore Length: 8.44km
Surface Area: 581 acres

Melville Reservoir is a medium sized reservoir in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 3km E of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.56959243595, -108.55794095584
Shore Length: 7.26km
Surface Area: 604 acres
Picnic Area Washrooms Boat Launch Fishing Dock
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Melville Town Reservoir is a small reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 5.1km NW of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 17 photos of Melville Town Reservoir
Location: 50.96068295, -102.86295316748
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 366 acres

Melville Trout Pond is a pond in southern Saskatchewan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Melville Trout Pond
Location: 50.940468416613, -102.81669642001
Boat Launch Beach Golf Course Regional Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Memorial Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 92km W of Prince Albert. Memorial Lake Regional Park is adjacent to Memorial Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 31 photos of Memorial Lake
Communities: Village of Shell Lake
Parks: Memorial Lake Regional Park
Location: 53.293646613033, -107.04766182559
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 406 acres
Max Depth: 10 m (33 ft)

Meneilly Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 103km ENE of La Loche. Meneilly Lake is named after James Alexander Meneilly. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.79009660166, -107.83120970331
Shore Length: 7.45km
Surface Area: 481 acres
Provincial Park

Menesachin Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Porcupine Hills Provincial Park and 42km S of Hudson Bay. The lake is within Porcupine Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Location: 52.469124717632, -102.4482407884
Shore Length: 4.4km
Surface Area: 99 acres

Mercer Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 59km WNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.297851769528, -106.16386185089
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 818 acres

Mercredi Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 295km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.924230814257, -107.45515078573
Shore Length: 32km
Surface Area: 908 acres

Meridian Lake is a very large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 56km N of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Frenchman Butte No. 501
Location: 53.788837, -110.010699
Surface Area: 9330 acres

Meridian Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 99km NNW of St. Walburg.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Beaver River No. 622
Location: 54.388972841076, -109.97540971101
Shore Length: 9.44km
Surface Area: 606 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye

Meridian Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 5.6km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Creighton
Location: 54.745404496169, -101.98250976178
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 308 acres

Merk Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 29km ESE of Buffalo Narrows. Merk Lake is named after George Adam Merk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.726770671418, -108.13470546598
Shore Length: 9.06km
Surface Area: 364 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Merkley Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 94km NW of Sandy Bay. Merkley Lake is named after Albert James Merkley. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.121259866984, -103.32037772592
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 803 acres

Merner Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 88km SSE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.527825766863, -109.63059647545
Shore Length: 2km
Surface Area: 42 acres

Merret Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 35km NE of Stony Rapids.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.446239603601, -105.35818441989
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 941 acres

Merritt Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 69km SW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.817540907226, -103.80900533382
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 429 acres

Merritt Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 380km N of Sandy Bay. Merritt Lake is named after John Percival Merritt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.849486316561, -103.507800949
Shore Length: 41km
Surface Area: 2099 acres

Messenger Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 159km N of La Loche. Messenger Lake is named after Robert Francis Messenger. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.918504066146, -109.31815627861
Shore Length: 7.39km
Surface Area: 523 acres

Messum Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 389km N of Sandy Bay. Messum Lake is named after Stanley Ernest Messum. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.943495611058, -103.41416172622
Shore Length: 52km
Surface Area: 2195 acres

Metcalfe Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 178km NW of Sandy Bay. Metcalfe Lake is named after Donald Irving Metcalfe. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.802048341021, -103.96738141379
Shore Length: 7.9km
Surface Area: 212 acres

Metka Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 399km N of Creighton. Metka Lake is named after Joseph Metka. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.338248108477, -102.26696140981
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 2002 acres

Meyakumew Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 46km WSW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.922934314185, -105.92267387822
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 2225 acres
Lake Whitefish

Meyers Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 32km S of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Lenore No. 399, Pleasantdale No. 398
Location: 52.575925418417, -104.63550484348
Shore Length: 3.19km
Surface Area: 149 acres

Meyers Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.852336694213, -105.90099191424
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 476 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Burbot White Sucker

Meyers Lake / Myra Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 32km WNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.24415142352, -108.88739802292
Shore Length: 4.01km
Surface Area: 201 acres

Mic Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 7.1km ENE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.589065, -108.49146
Surface Area: 2225 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Michael Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 280km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.838878081303, -103.97786432231
Shore Length: 115km
Surface Area: 4686 acres

Michaud Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 497km N of La Ronge. Michaud Lake is named after René Michaud. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.489217432174, -103.68144773992
Shore Length: 5.74km
Surface Area: 299 acres

Michel Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 98km NNE of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Kellross No. 247, Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.271490832699, -104.10893055381
Shore Length: 1.86km
Surface Area: 50 acres

Michnik Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 60km N of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Parkdale No. 498
Location: 53.301444183742, -108.38081291828
Shore Length: 3.99km
Surface Area: 41 acres

Mickey Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 8.9km ENE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.591404827913, -108.45862172898
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 301 acres

Microbe Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 75km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.422592706817, -109.23559459835
Shore Length: 1.56km
Surface Area: 37 acres
Rainbow Trout

Mid Lake is a tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km W of Creighton. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Mid Lake
Parks: Leaf Rapids Recreation Site
Location: 54.832693197597, -102.64040641147
Shore Length: 1.2km
Surface Area: 18 acres

Middle Creek Reservoir is a medium sized reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km SSW of Maple Creek.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Reno No. 51
Location: 49.39570166649, -109.99514071335
Shore Length: 9.96km
Surface Area: 726 acres

Middle Elk Lake is a very tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Location: 53.635056528889, -105.82384888507
Shore Length: 0.74km
Surface Area: 10 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Middle Foster Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 168km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.62455423149, -105.40483579018
Shore Length: 96km
Surface Area: 9127 acres

Middle Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Basin and Middle Lakes Bird Sanctuary and 40km N of Humboldt. Basin and Middle Lakes Bird Sanctuary is adjacent to Middle Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Three Lakes No. 400
Parks: Basin and Middle Lakes Bird Sanctuary
Location: 52.559465743594, -105.1953281845
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 2058 acres
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Longnose Sucker

Middle Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km ESE of Stony Rapids.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.204075580859, -105.5804486761
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 1667 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Middle Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 257km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.764487395408, -103.12001368942
Shore Length: 46km
Surface Area: 2256 acres

Middle Quill Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 70km ESE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.926382345257, -104.20802443374
Shore Length: 32km
Surface Area: 3383 acres

Middlemas Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 67km ESE of La Ronge. Middlemas Lake is named after Robert James Middlemas. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.970003450525, -104.27285961713
Shore Length: 8.98km
Surface Area: 157 acres

Middlemiss Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 486km N of Sandy Bay. Middlemiss Lake is named after Kenneth Robert Middlemiss. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.773972761679, -103.91249551348
Shore Length: 42km
Surface Area: 1283 acres

Middleton Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 468km NNE of La Ronge. Middleton Lake is named after Isaac Cornelius Middleton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.21984, -103.657466
Surface Area: 157 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Middleton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 263km NNE of La Ronge. Middleton Lake is named after Joseph John Middleton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.429226743807, -104.43391211349
Shore Length: 69km
Surface Area: 2359 acres

Midnight Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 56km SE of Hudson Bay.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.525983574168, -101.71894086564
Shore Length: 2.52km
Surface Area: 58 acres

Midnight Lake is a very large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 70km S of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Parkdale No. 498
Location: 53.502295682375, -108.32772059042
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 6013 acres

Midtskogen Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 78km W of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Chaplin No. 164
Location: 50.396874243355, -106.64027185208
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 801 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

Midway Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 15km NNW of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.250540415887, -105.34428162185
Shore Length: 4.08km
Surface Area: 136 acres

Mieyette Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 399km NNE of La Loche. Mieyette Lake is named after Lloyd George Mieyette. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.986641937965, -107.9452555989
Shore Length: 7.06km
Surface Area: 143 acres
Northern Pike White Sucker

Mikinak Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 46km S of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588, Parkdale No. 498
Location: 53.718604637113, -108.53825217013
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 893 acres
National Park

Mikisew Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 43km NE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Photos: 3 photos of Mikisew Lake
Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 54.132559100184, -106.61612703792
Shore Length: 5.83km
Surface Area: 263 acres
Boat Launch Campground
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Miko Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 54km ESE of Meadow Lake. Miko Lake is named after Joseph Miko. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 10 photos of Miko Lake
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.880113058347, -107.72184440477
Shore Length: 5.12km
Surface Area: 191 acres

Milden Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 98km SSW of Saskatoon.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Fertile Valley No. 285, Milden No. 286
Location: 51.395764717799, -107.43002467148
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 1190 acres

Mile 11 Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 80km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.372006792062, -106.22378046821
Shore Length: 2.77km
Surface Area: 71 acres

Mile 3 Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.278080362665, -105.97750503301
Shore Length: 1.67km
Surface Area: 48 acres

Mile 8 Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 83km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.34939952239, -106.12316551587
Shore Length: 2.39km
Surface Area: 71 acres

Miles Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.469480833754, -105.06020840391
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 448 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Millar Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NW of Creighton. Millar Lake is named after George Ronald Millar. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.312840941069, -102.95032849979
Shore Length: 46km
Surface Area: 1270 acres

Millard Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 192km NNE of La Loche. Millard Lake is named after Henry Archibald Millard. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.154210178824, -108.57299465215
Shore Length: 6.25km
Surface Area: 531 acres

Miller Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 85km SE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Spy Hill No. 152
Communities: Spy Hill
Location: 50.634084040217, -101.67796228859
Shore Length: 3.1km
Surface Area: 57 acres

Miller Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 378km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.577082351105, -106.77169983702
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 1131 acres

Miller Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 73km ENE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.483857748234, -108.94363967153
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 1121 acres

Miller Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 386km N of Sandy Bay. Miller Lake is named after Theodore Albert Miller. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.95579731514, -101.98640352796
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 569 acres

Miller Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 240km NNE of La Ronge. Miller Lakes is named after Joseph MacTavish Miller. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.191272370177, -104.24873735845
Shore Length: 38km
Surface Area: 1861 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Round Whitefish

Milliken Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km SSW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.442997883867, -108.75135648971
Shore Length: 29km
Surface Area: 2383 acres
Northern Pike

Millpond Lake is a very small pond in central Saskatchewan. It is located 25km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Parks: Nesslin Lake Recreation Site
Location: 53.994070534283, -106.76896021597
Shore Length: 2.97km
Surface Area: 82 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Millson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 190km NNW of La Ronge. Millson Lake is named after Harold Roy Millson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.746535514255, -106.1652326571
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 583 acres

Milmine Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 14km ENE of Uranium City. Milmine Lake is named after John Melvin Milmine. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.63192645414, -108.40436024756
Shore Length: 5.65km
Surface Area: 64 acres

Milne Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km NE of Southend Reindeer. Milne Lake is named after William Stanley Milne. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.417210165613, -103.12390676127
Shore Length: 6.85km
Surface Area: 180 acres

Milner Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 59km NNE of La Ronge. Milner Lake is named after Howard Andrew Milner. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.593822142133, -104.8733658026
Shore Length: 8.11km
Surface Area: 146 acres
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike

Milton Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 496km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.501026955694, -103.8769712896
Shore Length: 94km
Surface Area: 10790 acres

Milward Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km SW of Uranium City. Milward Lake is named after Leo Victor Milward. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.395188871232, -108.93934781389
Shore Length: 3km
Surface Area: 59 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Miners Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NW of La Ronge. Miners Lake is named after Harold Milton Miners. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.58855781472, -106.34242928091
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 746 acres

Ministik Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 64km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.568898769135, -102.84122386268
Shore Length: 6.65km
Surface Area: 263 acres
Provincial Park Boat Launch Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Ministikwan Lake is a very large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Bronson Forest Recreation Site and 80km W of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 7 photos of Ministikwan Lake
RM: Loon Lake No. 561
Parks: Bronson Forest Recreation Site
Location: 54.019153127998, -109.65239643079
Shore Length: 58km
Surface Area: 6839 acres
Max Depth: 25.6 m (84 ft)

Minnie Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km N of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Victory No. 226
Location: 50.8933891782, -107.73064946968
Shore Length: 4.8km
Surface Area: 138 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch

Minnow Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km NNE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588
Location: 54.461105365342, -108.11726423818
Shore Length: 39km
Surface Area: 2716 acres

Minnow Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km N of Love.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.364776136909, -104.12220874512
Shore Length: 3.75km
Surface Area: 184 acres

Minnow Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 77km SSE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.639421575408, -109.5968468386
Shore Length: 2.12km
Surface Area: 45 acres

Minnowin Lakes is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 74km NNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.763732, -108.726501
Surface Area: 1861 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker

Minto Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 155km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.882389696947, -109.32947015956
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 2710 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Minuhik Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 93km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Minuhik Lake
Location: 55.795901499471, -104.43149615086
Shore Length: 70km
Surface Area: 2166 acres

Miora Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 41km SW of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Lenore No. 399, Three Lakes No. 400
Parks: Lenore Lake Bird Sanctuary
Location: 52.564350611606, -104.97743065244
Shore Length: 1.68km
Surface Area: 21 acres
Northern Pike

Mirasty Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 92km ENE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.476987955412, -107.15894405727
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 3069 acres

Mirau Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 71km ENE of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.0237019, -107.440941
Surface Area: 3069 acres

Mireau Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 158km N of Pinehouse. Mireau Lake is named after Albert Ovide Mireau. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.940398897381, -106.60263938556
Shore Length: 8.46km
Surface Area: 366 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Mirond Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 68km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.126599507368, -102.75794782499
Shore Length: 475km
Surface Area: 26684 acres
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike

Misaw Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 485km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.849935665665, -102.4685472849
Shore Length: 201km
Surface Area: 21326 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike

Misekumaw Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 461km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.161386519592, -103.68689041737
Shore Length: 180km
Surface Area: 11483 acres

Misiwe Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 490km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.515120878512, -105.6220605675
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 794 acres

Miskat Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 67km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.541423923774, -102.86725539967
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 450 acres

Missi Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 166km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 5 photos of Missi Lake
Location: 56.476155963363, -104.20121086141
Shore Length: 42km
Surface Area: 5282 acres
Boat Launch
Bigmouth Buffalo Channel Catfish Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Common Carp

Mission Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Fort Qu'Appelle and 68km WSW of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 8 photos of Mission Lake
RM: North Qu'Appelle No. 187, Abernethy No. 186
Communities: Fort Qu'Appelle, Lebret
Parks: Lebret Recreation Site
Location: 50.757278036568, -103.74007285299
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 1904 acres
Max Width: 1.6 km (0.99 mi)
Max Length: 5 km (3.1 mi)
Max Depth: 16.8 m (55 ft)
Inflows: Qu'Appelle River
Outflows: Qu'Appelle River

Mission Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 67km NNE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Keys No. 303
Location: 51.781015096429, -102.13535864777
Shore Length: 2.78km
Surface Area: 101 acres

Mission Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 97km N of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.307756327857, -104.38379904666
Shore Length: 3.43km
Surface Area: 31 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

Mistawasis Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km ENE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Meeting Lake No. 466
Location: 53.089059708046, -107.23595913485
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 1601 acres
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Mistohay Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 57km NW of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with walleye in 2024 The lake is within Meadow Lake Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 14 photos of Mistohay Lake
Parks: Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Location: 54.457602740916, -109.09620257695
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 1484 acres

Mitatut Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 428km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.342267437892, -102.37520641309
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 1002 acres
National Park

Mitawanga Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 42km NNE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 54.150689986207, -106.67869994788
Shore Length: 9.07km
Surface Area: 263 acres

Mitchell Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 271km NNE of La Loche. Mitchell Lake is named after John Webber Mitchell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.496236179714, -106.87170639704
Shore Length: 6.12km
Surface Area: 447 acres

Mitchell Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 59km E of La Ronge. Mitchell Lake is named after John Maxfield Mitchell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.057390587919, -104.37635610025
Shore Length: 9.3km
Surface Area: 584 acres

Mitchell Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 155km ENE of La Loche. Mitchell Lake is named after Peter John Felix Mitchell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.14669671745, -107.17482623865
Shore Length: 6.19km
Surface Area: 188 acres

Mitchell Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km SW of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Communities: Sintaluta
Location: 50.466509894267, -103.43159334592
Shore Length: 3.27km
Surface Area: 54 acres

Mitchell Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km NW of Camsell Portage. Mitchell Lake is named after Donald Alex Mitchell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.740178, -109.594987
Surface Area: 840 acres

Mitchell Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 287km NNW of Sandy Bay. Mitchell Lake is named after Russell Tremaine Mitchell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.881587002571, -104.08951547189
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 356 acres

Mitchell Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 22km N of Beauval. Mitchell Lake is named after William Alexander Mitchell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.3334215, -107.6340188
Surface Area: 356 acres

Mitchet Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 401km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.9595231993, -107.56935420027
Shore Length: 51km
Surface Area: 1706 acres

Mitoskwun Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 52km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.666208185954, -102.69491492918
Shore Length: 7.48km
Surface Area: 187 acres

Mitt Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km S of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wreford No. 280, Usborne No. 310
Location: 51.588866958023, -105.21545086382
Shore Length: 5.1km
Surface Area: 131 acres
Provincial Park
Yellow Perch

Mitten Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NNW of Choiceland.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 53.972224467262, -104.64880297504
Shore Length: 0.84km
Surface Area: 11 acres
Provincial Park

Mitz Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Great Blue Heron Provincial Park and 45km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521, Paddockwood No. 520
Parks: Emma Lake (Murray Point) Recreation Site, Great Blue Heron Provincial Park
Location: 53.600235947565, -105.88467067337
Shore Length: 1.55km
Surface Area: 18 acres

Mizhashk Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 48km SE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Pleasantdale No. 398
Location: 52.508972311855, -104.17616394612
Shore Length: 8.74km
Surface Area: 589 acres

Moat Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 45km WSW of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 50.106153173514, -108.35716380467
Shore Length: 3.55km
Surface Area: 60 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Moberley Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km ENE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.669854, -108.222887
Surface Area: 5282 acres
National Park

Moccasin Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 87km NW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.857920407676, -106.43906540527
Shore Length: 2.61km
Surface Area: 72 acres

Moe Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 162km NE of La Loche. Moe Lake is named after Roald Arthur Moe. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.294866702529, -107.19788272295
Shore Length: 5.47km
Surface Area: 117 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch

Moen Lake is a lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 349km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.6282583, -102.7084235

Moens Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 78km ESE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.676618165386, -103.48142608048
Shore Length: 2.3km
Surface Area: 22 acres

Moffat Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 47km NNW of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Blaine Lake No. 434, Laird No. 404
Location: 52.72343192189, -106.80399023708
Shore Length: 6.54km
Surface Area: 146 acres

Moffatt Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 388km NNE of La Loche. Moffatt Lake is named after William Francis Moffatt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.707166086329, -106.90195812905
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 575 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker

Moffatt Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 365km NNE of La Ronge. Moffatt Lake is named after Malcolm Murray Moffatt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.289471628066, -103.79813510521
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 414 acres

Mogalki Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 76km ESE of Meadow Lake. Mogalki Lake is named after Roy Edwards Mogalki. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.768620323209, -107.44537054552
Shore Length: 5.66km
Surface Area: 149 acres

Mogey Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km NE of Île-à-la-Crosse. Mogey Lake is named after Harold Frederick Mogey. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.761160567554, -107.50924544583
Shore Length: 9.8km
Surface Area: 695 acres

Mohr Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 117km NNE of La Ronge. Mohr Lake is named after Leslie Adam Mohr. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.037728117213, -104.39374024307
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 261 acres

Moir Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NNE of La Ronge. Moir Lake is named after Allan Robert Moir. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.823734710162, -104.78900700258
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 535 acres

Moise Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 71km WNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.079668266776, -102.86023828343
Shore Length: 2.23km
Surface Area: 29 acres

Mokoman Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 51km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.885008044436, -102.73010106829
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 640 acres

Molanosa Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 66km S of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.535627889981, -105.48563274802
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 2228 acres

Moldenhauer Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 171km NNW of Sandy Bay. Moldenhauer Lake is named after John Roy Moldenhauer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.9543424647, -103.16590263205
Shore Length: 7.66km
Surface Area: 246 acres

Mollard Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km NNW of Camsell Portage. Mollard Lake is named after Lloyd Bemister Mollard. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.813998487311, -109.52688838482
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 186 acres

Moller Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 43km S of Creighton. Moller Lake is named after Roy Wesley Moller. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 54.381799029589, -101.84940301589
Shore Length: 3.56km
Surface Area: 159 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Mollison Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 184km NNW of Sandy Bay. Mollison Lake is named after George Warren Mollison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.081271852188, -103.16083281029
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 808 acres

Molloy Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 31km NW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Three Lakes No. 400, Humboldt No. 370
Location: 52.420563422725, -105.40495190076
Shore Length: 4.07km
Surface Area: 179 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Moloski Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 82km NW of La Ronge. Moloski Lake is named after Harvey Thomas Moloski. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.62123, -106.239531
Surface Area: 159 acres

Molsberry Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 126km NNE of La Ronge. Molsberry Lake is named after Clarke Buell Molsberry. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.118193347873, -104.37506845236
Shore Length: 8.57km
Surface Area: 208 acres

Monck Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 146km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.4501036, -107.7840205
Surface Area: 751 acres

Moncrieff Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 65km E of La Ronge. Moncrieff Lake is named after Stanley Richard Moncrieff. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.143725680938, -104.28203007134
Shore Length: 7.71km
Surface Area: 113 acres

Money Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 37km ENE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588
Location: 54.302497392744, -107.95165611441
Shore Length: 2.56km
Surface Area: 101 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Monnery Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 61km NNE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.7667607, -109.5507612
Surface Area: 101 acres

Monson Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 63km NW of Pelican Narrows. Monson Lake is named after Merval Theodore Monson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.557265790679, -103.68204354815
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 354 acres

Montague Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km WNW of Willow Bunch.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Willow Bunch No. 42
Communities: St. Victor
Location: 49.471468485143, -105.82250865993
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 4112 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Montgomery Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 167km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.978824, -109.1751
Surface Area: 159 acres

Montgrand Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 127km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.41210954116, -108.18432704205
Shore Length: 25km
Surface Area: 960 acres

Montmartre Reservoir is a reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km SSW of Wolseley.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 50.203852711184, -103.429183337
Boat Launch Beach Launch Site
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Montreal Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 94km SSW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 13 photos of Montreal Lake
Communities: Timber Bay, Weyakwin
Location: 54.303994930624, -105.69663208502
Shore Length: 221km
Surface Area: 112954 acres
Max Depth: 7.8 m (26 ft)
Inflows: Waskesiu River
Outflows: Montreal River

Moon Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km SSW of Saskatoon.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Dundurn No. 314
Communities: Merrill Hills
Location: 52.011878345154, -106.77478274938
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 232 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Moon Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 268km N of La Ronge. Moon Lake is named after David Charles Gardner Moon. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.514183523303, -105.58454468816
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 1601 acres

Mooney Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 33km NW of Stony Rapids.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.420966274513, -106.30995772682
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 370 acres

Mooney Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 495km N of La Ronge. Mooney Lake is named after Lorne Rolfe Mooney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.469631339064, -103.66740870555
Shore Length: 8.87km
Surface Area: 289 acres

Moonlight Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 18km E of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Parks: Ness Lake Recreation Site
Location: 53.861571757813, -106.76660895805
Shore Length: 5.58km
Surface Area: 231 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch

Moonshine Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Bronson Forest Recreation Site and 67km NNE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.833019108049, -109.57550300133
Shore Length: 2.93km
Surface Area: 63 acres

Moore Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 240km NE of La Loche. Moore Lake is named after George Nelson Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.227317146826, -107.05172049564
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 512 acres

Moore Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km NNE of Île-à-la-Crosse. Moore Lake is named after James Rowland Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.824621685187, -107.69024382161
Shore Length: 9.89km
Surface Area: 766 acres

Moore Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 53km ENE of La Ronge. Moore Lake is named after Kenneth Archibald Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.320942769373, -104.53874577508
Shore Length: 1.77km
Surface Area: 25 acres

Moore Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 352km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.210390339347, -106.39738295233
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 647 acres
Provincial Park

Moore Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park and 295km NNE of La Loche. Moore Lake is named after Robert Frederick Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park
Location: 59.03004387084, -108.03699782643
Shore Length: 5.06km
Surface Area: 215 acres

Moore Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 222km NNE of La Loche. Moore Lake is named after Claude Russell Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.316774734945, -107.92303077981
Shore Length: 5.38km
Surface Area: 239 acres

Moore Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Scent Grass Lake Bird Sanctuary and 23km NNE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Meota No. 468, Round Hill No. 467
Parks: Scent Grass Lake Bird Sanctuary, Scent Grass Lake Game Preserve
Location: 52.967831693245, -108.20807456278
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 1071 acres

Moore Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 390km NNE of La Ronge. Moore Lake is named after Earl Floyd Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.258958114759, -102.49431343592
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 617 acres

Moore Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 263km NE of La Loche. Moore Lake is named after Roger Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.0426276, -106.1259313
Surface Area: 47 acres

Moore Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 259km N of La Ronge. Moore Lakes is named after Lorne Joseph Moore. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.440387047682, -105.05734637148
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 2251 acres

Moose Calf Lake is a very tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km NNW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.278453876955, -107.00443988312
Shore Length: 0.71km
Surface Area: 6 acres

Moose Jaw Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 465km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.085802839519, -102.88429295011
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 657 acres

Moose Jaw Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.856078169277, -102.6169836339
Shore Length: 8.96km
Surface Area: 377 acres
Provincial Park

Moose Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Duck Mountain Provincial Park and 75km NE of Yorkton. The lake is within Duck Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Moose Lake
RM: Cote No. 271
Parks: Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 51.604289763112, -101.58373184229
Shore Length: 2.37km
Surface Area: 32 acres
Provincial Park

Moose Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 83km NNE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.784602275639, -102.4029931779
Shore Length: 1.34km
Surface Area: 10 acres
National Park

Moose Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 92km NNW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.902054306006, -106.45233591598
Shore Length: 5.35km
Surface Area: 157 acres
Northern Pike White Sucker

Moose Mountain Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 62km ENE of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Golden West No. 95
Location: 49.920502919639, -103.07900836031
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 947 acres
Inflows: Moose Mountain Creek
Outflows: Moose Mountain Creek

Moose Mountain Trout Pond is a pond in southern Saskatchewan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.812763137334, -102.33561146757
Regional Park Beach Boat Launch Golf Course
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Moosomin Lake is a medium sized stocked reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 9.3km SSW of Moosomin. Last stocked with walleye in 2022 Moosomin and District Regional Park is adjacent to Moosomin Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Maryfield No. 91, Moosomin No. 121, Martin No. 122
Parks: Moosomin and District Regional Park
Location: 50.069733525835, -101.72134868588
Shore Length: 29km
Surface Area: 1122 acres
Max Length: 8 km (5.0 mi)
Inflows: Pipestone Creek
Outflows: Pipestone Creek

Moosonees Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 442km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.037271176731, -104.14408108177
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 2036 acres

Moosooskaw Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 138km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.737913365778, -102.18527906104
Shore Length: 35km
Surface Area: 1334 acres

Mooswu Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 92km N of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.664553871161, -107.00548174574
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 1303 acres

Mooswuk Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 64km ESE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.870824319265, -107.56780887499
Shore Length: 4.14km
Surface Area: 122 acres

Moran Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km E of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.567238905056, -108.39979334987
Shore Length: 1.34km
Surface Area: 15 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Morell Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 295km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.625462362057, -103.77715930892
Shore Length: 43km
Surface Area: 2714 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Morin Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 36km W of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.168667164095, -105.8516472496
Shore Length: 43km
Surface Area: 2886 acres
Regional Park Cabins Beach Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish

Morin Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 97km WNW of Prince Albert. Last stocked with walleye in 2024 Morin Lake Regional Park and Morin Lake Off-leash dog area are located at Morin Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 26 photos of Morin Lake
RM: Canwood No. 494
Parks: Morin Lake Regional Park
Location: 53.499507119227, -107.0663156504
Shore Length: 9.61km
Surface Area: 598 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish

Morin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 248km N of La Ronge. Morin Lake is named after Norman Joseph Morin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.300571281948, -106.04842221403
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 1522 acres

Morken Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 78km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.811052358424, -105.19939106207
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 341 acres

Morlidge Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 377km N of La Loche. Morlidge Lake is named after Arthur Bryan Morlidge. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.842947615338, -108.55808801659
Shore Length: 4.96km
Surface Area: 138 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Morning Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km NW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.362177582314, -105.83984693157
Shore Length: 98km
Surface Area: 4978 acres

Moroz Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km N of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.134607278693, -101.98767241772
Shore Length: 5.42km
Surface Area: 140 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Morphy Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 49km NE of La Loche. Morphy Lake is named after John Nelson Morphy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.827468983024, -108.90141821012
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 582 acres
National Park

Morrier Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 94km NW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.905562848078, -106.51485165645
Shore Length: 2.77km
Surface Area: 106 acres

Morris Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 369km NNE of La Loche. Morris Lake is named after Ernest Henry Morris. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.697343984147, -107.8696284243
Shore Length: 4.49km
Surface Area: 118 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Morris Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 183km NNW of Sandy Bay. Morris Lake is named after Blake Morris. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.991737637835, -103.55675980852
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 721 acres

Morris Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 364km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.743728065454, -109.96460983453
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 520 acres

Morrison Lake is a lake in northern Saskatchewan.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.675668182385, -108.10240559596

Morrison Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 364km N of Sandy Bay. Morrison Lake is named after Wesley Kenneth Morrison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.759469166365, -102.07507268579
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 612 acres

Morrison Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 150km N of Sandy Bay. Morrison Lake is named after Frank Thomas Morrison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.838496522554, -102.04692772991
Shore Length: 6.11km
Surface Area: 187 acres

Morrison Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 286km NNE of La Loche. Morrison Lake is named after Donald Bentley Morrison and John Duncan Morrison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.716346492403, -107.01853761062
Shore Length: 5.97km
Surface Area: 234 acres
Provincial Park

Morrison Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 85km NNE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wawken No. 93
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.782116082177, -102.33622735899
Shore Length: 2.67km
Surface Area: 58 acres
Lake Whitefish

Morrow Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 140km NNE of La Loche. Morrow Lake is named after George Donald Hector Morrow. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.688713666194, -108.7441601585
Shore Length: 7.85km
Surface Area: 591 acres

Morse Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 93km S of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.455336928549, -109.87819373259
Shore Length: 5.09km
Surface Area: 273 acres

Mortenson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 123km N of Sandy Bay. Mortenson Lake is named after Theodore Ralph Mortenson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.603515994284, -102.23226373475
Shore Length: 7.33km
Surface Area: 180 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Morton Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km W of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.73840992676, -102.67756826957
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 484 acres

Morwick Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 290km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.481988379488, -103.33257275422
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 2740 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Mosher Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Denare Beach and 13km SW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.696692332177, -102.06319204904
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 512 acres

Mosquito Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 40km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.391281419715, -104.88275244678
Shore Length: 3.53km
Surface Area: 92 acres

Moss Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 129km NE of La Loche. Moss Lake is named after Claude Alexander Moss. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.257902, -107.829842
Surface Area: 317 acres

Moss Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 69km NNE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Keys No. 303
Location: 51.806459596757, -102.16343033461
Shore Length: 2.25km
Surface Area: 77 acres

Mossdale Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Pleasantdale No. 398, Star City No. 428
Location: 52.663071448832, -104.42240849381
Shore Length: 3.44km
Surface Area: 222 acres
Provincial Park

Mossing Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 49km ENE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Mossing Lake is named after Frederick Wallace Mossing. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.352919361305, -104.63838811849
Shore Length: 9.04km
Surface Area: 361 acres

Mostoos Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 96km SE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279
Location: 51.534135569802, -104.24322227945
Shore Length: 0.67km
Surface Area: 6 acres

Mostoway Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 102km NNE of La Ronge. Mostoway Lake is named after Harry Mostoway. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.974898467399, -104.72812009313
Shore Length: 6.86km
Surface Area: 141 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Motherwell Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 145km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.550002926771, -108.0406560376
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 497 acres
Regional Park

Motherwell Reservoir is a tiny reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Kindersley and 20km W of Netherhill.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Kindersley No. 290
Communities: Kindersley
Parks: Kindersley Regional Park
Location: 51.459726654265, -109.13847660081
Shore Length: 2.27km
Surface Area: 15 acres

Motz Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km SSE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.554921113804, -109.71110306617
Shore Length: 1.17km
Surface Area: 19 acres

Mount Nebo Lake is a lake in southern Saskatchewan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Mount Nebo Lake
Location: 53.324928938095, -106.83988518138
Provincial Park
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Sauger

Mountain Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 67km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 6 photos of Mountain Lake
Communities: Stanley Mission
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park, Holy Trinity Anglican Church/Stanley Mission Historic Site
Location: 55.514567854424, -104.49952737758
Shore Length: 285km
Surface Area: 14346 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Cisco

Mountney Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 66km N of La Ronge. Mountney Lake is named after Irwin Ronald Mountney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.704020918709, -105.11265474019
Shore Length: 58km
Surface Area: 2024 acres

Movingstone Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 74km SE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Spiritwood No. 496
Location: 53.650914074218, -107.65914933228
Shore Length: 4.08km
Surface Area: 109 acres

Mowatt Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 379km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.884020122873, -109.11263954224
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 418 acres

Mower Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 90km NNE of La Ronge. Mower Lake is named after Wilmore Henry Mower. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.908494077804, -104.99393137555
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 368 acres

Mucha Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 380km NNE of La Loche. Mucha Lake is named after William Mucha. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.788009160927, -107.74822375903
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 202 acres
Northern Pike

Muckingham Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 59km WSW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.837110215149, -109.19621297523
Shore Length: 9.32km
Surface Area: 376 acres
Provincial Park

Mud Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 79km NNE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.765540672267, -102.46789173678
Shore Length: 1.65km
Surface Area: 23 acres

Mud Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 34km NE of Sturgis.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.191833556987, -102.258941628
Shore Length: 8.36km
Surface Area: 165 acres

Mud Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 80km N of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.929982266148, -102.5123119396
Shore Length: 2.05km
Surface Area: 69 acres

Mud Pond is a very tiny pond in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 6.7km NW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.608000948216, -108.70193154623
Shore Length: 0.83km
Surface Area: 8 acres

Mudd Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 486km NNE of La Ronge. Mudd Lake is named after Stanley Richard Mudd. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.370054360239, -103.52398311807
Shore Length: 7.31km
Surface Area: 234 acres

Muddy Lake is a very large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 76km SW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Tramping Lake No. 380
Location: 52.311130696839, -109.10297371712
Shore Length: 41km
Surface Area: 5909 acres

Mudford Lake is a very tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km SW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.393030926373, -108.89120957705
Shore Length: 0.52km
Surface Area: 3 acres

Mudhen Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km S of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.53759, -110.003055
Surface Area: 368 acres

Mudie Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 85km W of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Beaver River No. 622
Location: 54.208816593065, -109.72803367701
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 2570 acres

Mudjatik Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 173km N of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.073094296048, -106.528332201
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 655 acres
National Park

Muhekun Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 33km ENE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.977421038145, -106.60142285356
Shore Length: 1.71km
Surface Area: 34 acres

Muirhead Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km WNW of Camsell Portage. Muirhead Lake is named after Harvey Donald Muirhead. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.662073, -109.515948
Surface Area: 906 acres

Muirhead Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 62km E of Meadow Lake. Muirhead Lake is named after William James Muirhead. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Cowan Dam Recreation Site
Location: 54.212871072608, -107.49841054902
Shore Length: 6.42km
Surface Area: 598 acres

Mukasew Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 484km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.368204636377, -103.6461728621
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 2286 acres
National Park

Mukasew Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 83km NW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.750348534708, -106.54923176198
Shore Length: 5.26km
Surface Area: 147 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Mukoman Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.33642492074, -102.55485033136
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 1077 acres
Provincial Park

Muledeer Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 53km ENE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.34319673494, -104.56613697758
Shore Length: 8.82km
Surface Area: 197 acres

Mullen Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 298km N of Sandy Bay. Mullen Lake is named after Gilbert Albert Mullen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.168837911573, -102.36817986153
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 617 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Mulligan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 35km WNW of Pelican Narrows. Mulligan Lake is named after Albert Edward Mulligan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.241842490183, -103.4672925944
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 378 acres

Mullin Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 244km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.617551464758, -103.2896670694
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 2526 acres

Mullins Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 338km N of La Ronge. Mullins Lake is named after Frederick Ernest Mullins. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.142882388996, -104.8525967511
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 531 acres

Mullis Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 392km NNE of La Loche. Mullis Lake is named after Earl Austin Mullis. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.545146610607, -106.13518283524
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 228 acres
Tiger Trout Splake White Sucker

Mullock Lake is a very small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NE of La Ronge. Last stocked with splake and tiger trout in 2023 Mullock Lake is named after Robert Mullock. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.470731961765, -104.86438581174
Shore Length: 4.16km
Surface Area: 90 acres

Munn Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km NNE of Camsell Portage. Munn Lake is named after William Forsythe Munn. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.706829572281, -109.1761594471
Shore Length: 7.11km
Surface Area: 168 acres

Munns Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 23km NW of Stony Rapids. Munns Lake is named after Douglas Claire Munns. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.373456363603, -106.15899131039
Shore Length: 6.05km
Surface Area: 121 acres
Provincial Park

Munns Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km NE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Moose Mountain No. 63
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.720200303791, -102.35270724566
Shore Length: 1.18km
Surface Area: 20 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Munro Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km NNW of Pelican Narrows. Munro Lake is named after Hector William Munro. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.709856417643, -103.5309715746
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 1131 acres

Munroe Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 337km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.186683879274, -106.84359413375
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 453 acres

Murdock Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 378km NNE of La Loche. Murdock Lake is named after Raymond Henry Murdock. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.49599192451, -106.4562990355
Shore Length: 5.77km
Surface Area: 100 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Murison Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 153km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.858890567176, -109.40800343338
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 2298 acres

Murphy Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 42km SE of Cumberland House.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.710218310611, -101.79988821682
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 606 acres

Murphy Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 26km NNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Humboldt No. 370, Three Lakes No. 400
Location: 52.398595674559, -105.3152358188
Shore Length: 6.05km
Surface Area: 347 acres
Boat Launch

Murphy Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 66km W of Meadow Lake. Fowler Lake Recreation Site is adjacent to Murphy Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 3 photos of Murphy Lake
Parks: Fowler Lake Recreation Site
Location: 54.0167654, -109.434094
Surface Area: 1222 acres

Murphy Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 228km NE of La Loche. Murphy Lake is named after William Arthur Murphy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.098399565897, -107.07259106089
Shore Length: 7.75km
Surface Area: 365 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Murphy Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 374km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.438985746153, -104.34846700485
Shore Length: 84km
Surface Area: 3240 acres
Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Murray Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Murray Lake Bird Sanctuary and 31km N of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Meota No. 468, Round Hill No. 467
Communities: Cochin, Trevessa Beach, Maymont Beach, West Chatfield Beach, Sleepy Hollow, Day's Beach, Summerfield Beach, Lanz Point, Pelican Point
Parks: Murray Lake Bird Sanctuary
Location: 53.046223327887, -108.27905521127
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 2905 acres

Muscowequan Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 97km WNW of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Kellross No. 247
Location: 51.350689327388, -104.02171635372
Shore Length: 5.85km
Surface Area: 93 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Music Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 81km NNW of Pinehouse. Music Lake is named after Frederick Warren Music. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.160468582974, -107.19054005637
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 625 acres

Muskak Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 57km ESE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Parks: Lac Eauclaire Recreation Site
Location: 53.845923083949, -107.71853532901
Shore Length: 5.53km
Surface Area: 207 acres

Muskak Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 59km SE of Beauval.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.795451966787, -106.92606262148
Shore Length: 4km
Surface Area: 253 acres

Muskakowun Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 78km NNE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.504988066612, -106.69199341323
Shore Length: 4.87km
Surface Area: 118 acres

Muskeg Island Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 73km NW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.653682768608, -109.09001144836
Shore Length: 6.89km
Surface Area: 408 acres

Muskeg Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 56km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.696544649568, -105.91316418106
Shore Length: 1.78km
Surface Area: 51 acres

Muskeg Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 90km NE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.820020672478, -102.56611687837
Shore Length: 7.79km
Surface Area: 386 acres

Muskeg Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 86km NW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.690836, -109.329415
Surface Area: 360 acres

Muskeg Lakes is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 96km NE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.991105190334, -102.77123788589
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 788 acres
Picnic Area Provincial Park Fishing Dock
Yellow Perch Rainbow Trout

Musker Trout Pond is a very tiny stocked pond in central Saskatchewan. It is located 69km NNE of Prince Albert. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 Candle Lake Provincial Park and Parking are located at Musker Trout Pond.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 11 photos of Musker Trout Pond
RM: Paddockwood No. 520
Communities: Resort Village of Candle Lake
Parks: Candle Lake Provincial Park
Location: 53.80575184645, -105.34978946489
Shore Length: 0.86km
Surface Area: 7 acres

Muskike Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 90km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.222388019633, -103.05564141656
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 344 acres

Muskiki Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 44km WNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Bayne No. 371
Location: 52.337075180414, -105.729509097
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 4383 acres

Muskose Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 95km ESE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.79115455444, -103.91958070726
Shore Length: 6.89km
Surface Area: 292 acres
Provincial Park

Muskrat Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 93km NE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wawken No. 93
Communities: Resort Village of Kenosee Lake
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.832908953507, -102.26562996426
Shore Length: 3.38km
Surface Area: 121 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Muskwasis Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km NE of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.445023, -107.723504
Surface Area: 788 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Musqua Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 17km WSW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.479859345553, -106.86050434627
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 843 acres

Musquash Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 82km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.409653075746, -106.25401895193
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 817 acres

Mustard Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 345km NNE of La Loche. Mustard Lake is named after John Graham Mustard. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.500039156658, -108.072842883
Shore Length: 3.89km
Surface Area: 106 acres

Mustela Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 386km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.955768826071, -109.20792603341
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 485 acres
Provincial Park

Mwoak Lakes is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 61km NNW of Choiceland. The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.025567239341, -104.68931832881
Shore Length: 2.11km
Surface Area: 32 acres

Mydaski Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 398km NNE of La Loche. Mydaski Lake is named after Stanley Mydaski. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.672707993534, -106.33669798073
Shore Length: 9.89km
Surface Area: 263 acres

Myers Lake is a lake in central Saskatchewan. Myers Lake is named after Marquis De Myers. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.979508000794, -103.23673893016

Myers Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 254km N of La Ronge. Myers Lake is named after James Garnet Myers. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.389829336473, -105.07709544271
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 445 acres
Walleye Lake Whitefish

MYERS LAKE is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 373km N of La Loche. MYERS LAKE is named after Theodore Wesley Milton Myers. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.841240379998, -109.51476819708
Shore Length: 3.95km
Surface Area: 205 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Mylrea Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km NW of La Ronge. Mylrea Lake is named after Russell Edward Mylrea. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.649589, -106.324097
Surface Area: 32 acres

Myo Lake is a very tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Creighton and 14km NE of Denare Beach.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Creighton
Location: 54.740037978929, -101.90047632102
Shore Length: 1.07km
Surface Area: 10 acres

Myriad Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 455km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.623235239845, -104.45722911789
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 632 acres

Myrol Lake is a very tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 86km NNE of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.5598173, -107.970134
Surface Area: 10 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Mystic Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 14km SSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.644349179311, -101.95743468137
Shore Length: 50km
Surface Area: 1384 acres