About Us

Welcome to SaskLakes.ca! This website is designed to provide information on Saskatchewan lakes, including their locations and characteristics, fish species, and other general information. The site also provides links to other websites that provide information on lake management, fishing, and other related topics.

We are not affiliated with any government organization. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the data on this site. Please verify any information you find here before using it. Read more about our data sources.

How do I find what I'm looking for?

If you are looking for a specific lake or lakes near a specific location, you can use our search page. For example search 'Last Mountain Lake' or search 'All lakes within 100km of Saskatoon'. We'll be expanding the search tool to support searching by fish species, boat launches, beaches, and other amenities soon!

If you're looking for general information about fishing in Saskatchewan, including regulations, license fees/requirements, season dates, and information about stocked lakes you can visit our page about fishing in Saskatchewan.

About us

Matthew Siemens

Matthew is the owner/operator of SaskLakes.ca.

Where do we get our information?

Our data is sourced from a variety of sources including Federal/Provincial websites and datasets as well as social media accounts, private websites, first-hand experiences, and user-submitted data. Although we do our best to verify the data on the site, all information is provided to be used at your own risk. Please verify anything on the site, especially if heading into a remote area. If you would like to contribute any information or correct anything we have wrong please contact us.