McKeith Lake

McKeith Lake is a medium sized lake located 286km NNE of La Loche and 532km N of Meadow Lake (City). The lake has a surface area of 759 acres and is located at: 58.881902,-107.668551.

The lake is in the northern fishing zone. We don't know of any fish species that can be found in McKeith Lake.

There are no parks or communities on the lake.

Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park is 63km ESE of McKeith Lake.

McKeith Lake was named after Wesley Robert McKeith on 2004-08-04 as part of the GeoMemorial Commemorative Naming Program ran by the Sask Government.

About McKeith Lake

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.881902, -107.668551
Surface Area: 759 acres

About this page

Hi, this is Matthew Siemens. I wrote and compiled the data on this page from a variety of sources. Sources include government websites and data sources, public websites, personal experience, and user-submitted information. References for this page.

No AI is used to generate content anywhere on this site.

I try my best to make sure everything is as accurate as possible. Information could be inaccurate or out of date. Especially for legal fishing/boating information please confirm with official government sources.

If you find any mistakes or have some information I'm missing please reach out and let me know! You can also leave comments, ask questions, and add this lake to your favourites.

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Directions to McKeith Lake


Fishing at McKeith Lake

McKeith Lake is in the northern fishing zone.

What fish are in McKeith Lake

We don't know of any fish species that can be found in McKeith Lake. Please let us know if you do!

Fishing Season

Fishing season on McKeith Lake is open from May 25, 2023 to April 15, 2024.

Other nearby waterbodies

There are 1 other waterbodies near McKeith Lake. The most popular nearby lakes are: