Fish Stocking in Saskatchewan
Hundreds of lakes, ponds, creeks, and rivers in Saskatchewan are stocked with fish every year. Trout and Walleye are the most frequently stocked. Northern Pike and Yellow Perch are stocked occasionally.
Lakes from the far south of the province all the way up north are stocked. The furthest north stocked lakes are over 100km north of La Loche.
You can view more information about what lakes and what species were stocked in a given year below. You can also use the search tool at the bottom of the page to filter stocked lakes by species, or find stocked lakes near you.
Table of Contents
About the stocking program
The fish stocking program in Saskatchewan is a partnership between the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery, the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, and the Ministry of the Environment. The program is funded through the Fish and Wildlife Development Fund (FWDF) which gets 30% of the provincial revenue from angling, hunting and fur licenses sold in Saskatchewan.
Stocking Plan
The stocking plan is produced by provinical fisheries biologists and is based on the results of fish population surveys, angler surveys, and other data. The plan is reviewed annually and is subject to change based on the results of the previous year's stocking and other factors.
Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery
Formerly known as the Fort Qu'Appelle Fish Culture Station, the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery is the only aquaculture facility in the province. The hatchery is located on the shores of Echo Lake, near Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan. Originally established in 1915 the hatchery has been administered by the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) since 2014.
The hatchery is open for tours each year from May 1st to Labor Day.
Stocked Species
The main species stocked in Saskatchewan are Walleye, Trout, and occasionally Northern Pike, Yellow Perch and Lake Sturgeon.
Stocked Trout
Lake Trout is the only native trout species in Saskatchewan. Many other species of trout have been introduced to the province over the years.
Brook Trout, Brown Trout, and Rainbow Trout were first introduced to the province in the 1920s. Splake Trout a hybrid of Lake Trout and Brook Trout began to be introduced in the the 1960s. Tiger Trout are a hybrid species of Brook Trout and Brown Trout and were first introduced in the 1980s.
Species of trout stocked in Saskatchewan include Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Tiger Trout and Splake. Some Lake Trout are periodically stocked in Whiteswan Lake.
The non-native trout species are generally stocked in smaller lakes and ponds as well as some creeks and rivers in the province.
Not all stocked trout in the province have been stocked by the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery. There is some private stocking that takes place, but there are also naturalized trout that enter waters like Lake Diefenbaker from Alberta.
Stocked Bass
Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass have also been stocked in a few lakes in the province in the past. The only lake where Largemouth Bass successfully established a population is Boundary Dam Reservoir.
As of 2023, a small number of Smallmouth Bass have been stocked in [Lovering Lake](/lovering-lakes/). This is the first time Smallmouth Bass have been stocked in the province in over 25 years!
Historically Stocked Species
In the past all sorts of interesting species were attempted to be stocked in Saskatchewan. Some of these species include Atlantic Salmon, Coho Salmon, Arctic Char, Cutthroat Trout and Kokanee Salmon!
None of these species have been stocked in recent years, and I don't believe they proved viable in Saskatchewan.
Stocking by Year
This table shows the total number of different species/sizes stocked each year in the province.
Species | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Brook Trout Adults | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brook Trout Catchables | 0 | 119 | 250 | 350 | 255 |
Brook Trout Fingerlings | 93,700 | 88,290 | 84,750 | 94,300 | 85,300 |
Brook Trout | 93,820 | 88,409 | 85,000 | 94,650 | 85,555 |
Brown Trout Adults | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brown Trout Catchables | 0 | 138 | 0 | 233 | 0 |
Brown Trout Fingerlings | 123,100 | 0 | 147,647 | 0 | 123,182 |
Brown Trout | 123,191 | 138 | 147,647 | 233 | 123,182 |
Lake Trout Catchables | 21 | 81 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lake Trout Fingerlings | 294 | 1,318 | 0 | 2,290 | 0 |
Lake Trout | 315 | 1,399 | 0 | 2,290 | 0 |
Rainbow Trout Adults | 176 | 150 | 27 | 25 | 106 |
Rainbow Trout Catchables | 21,800 | 4,832 | 5,050 | 5,140 | 5,167 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings | 194,390 | 211,100 | 244,300 | 210,600 | 228,336 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings (advanced) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35,289 | 0 |
Rainbow Trout | 216,366 | 216,082 | 249,377 | 251,054 | 233,609 |
Smallmouth Bass Adults | 0 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Smallmouth Bass Fingerlings | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Smallmouth Bass | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Splake Trout Fingerlings | 0 | 50,900 | 0 | 69,250 | 0 |
Splake Trout | 0 | 50,900 | 0 | 69,250 | 0 |
Tiger Trout Adults | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 |
Tiger Trout Fingerlings | 0 | 69,800 | 0 | 76,200 | 0 |
Tiger Trout | 0 | 69,800 | 10 | 76,200 | 3 |
Walleye Fingerlings | 0 | 0 | 22,000 | 0 | 0 |
Walleye Fry | 8,166,900 | 7,874,000 | 6,495,000 | 0 | 0 |
Walleye | 8,166,900 | 7,874,000 | 6,517,000 | 0 | 0 |
Year Total | 8,600,592 | 8,300,748 | 6,999,034 | 493,677 | 442,349 |
Fish Stocked in 2024
In 2024 the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery stocked 145 waters across the province.
Some good news in that the Nisbet Trout Pond was stocked once again, unfortunetly it looks like no more Smallmouth Bass were stocked in 2024.
Description | Count |
Brook Trout Adults | 120 |
Brook Trout Fingerlings | 93,700 |
Brook Trout | 93,820 |
Brown Trout Adults | 91 |
Brown Trout Fingerlings | 123,100 |
Brown Trout | 123,191 |
Lake Trout Catchables | 21 |
Lake Trout Fingerlings | 294 |
Lake Trout | 315 |
Rainbow Trout Adults | 176 |
Rainbow Trout Catchables | 21,800 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings | 194,390 |
Rainbow Trout | 216,366 |
Walleye Fry | 8,166,900 |
Walleye | 8,166,900 |
Year Total | 8,600,592 |
Fish Stocked in 2023
In 2023 the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery stocked 130 waters across the province.
There were a few surprises in this report. Including that the Nisbet Trout Pond has continued to be stocked and of course the news that a small number of Smallmouth Bass have been stocked in Lovering Lake.
Description | Count |
Brook Trout Catchables | 119 |
Brook Trout Fingerlings | 88,290 |
Brook Trout | 88,409 |
Brown Trout Catchables | 138 |
Brown Trout | 138 |
Lake Trout Catchables | 81 |
Lake Trout Fingerlings | 1,318 |
Lake Trout | 1,399 |
Rainbow Trout Adults | 150 |
Rainbow Trout Catchables | 4,832 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings | 211,100 |
Rainbow Trout | 216,082 |
Smallmouth Bass Adults | 14 |
Smallmouth Bass Fingerlings | 6 |
Smallmouth Bass | 20 |
Splake Trout Fingerlings | 50,900 |
Splake Trout | 50,900 |
Tiger Trout Fingerlings | 69,800 |
Tiger Trout | 69,800 |
Walleye Fry | 7,874,000 |
Walleye | 7,874,000 |
Year Total | 8,300,748 |
Fish Stocked in 2022
In 2022 the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery stocked 135 waters across the province.
Description | Count |
Brook Trout Catchables | 250 |
Brook Trout Fingerlings | 84,750 |
Brook Trout | 85,000 |
Brown Trout Fingerlings | 147,647 |
Brown Trout | 147,647 |
Rainbow Trout Adults | 27 |
Rainbow Trout Catchables | 5,050 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings | 244,300 |
Rainbow Trout | 249,377 |
Tiger Trout Adults | 10 |
Tiger Trout | 10 |
Walleye Fingerlings | 22,000 |
Walleye Fry | 6,495,000 |
Walleye | 6,517,000 |
Year Total | 6,999,034 |
Fish Stocked in 2021
In 2021 the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery stocked 107 waters across the province.
All trout this year, no walleye were stocked.
Description | Count |
Brook Trout Catchables | 350 |
Brook Trout Fingerlings | 94,300 |
Brook Trout | 94,650 |
Brown Trout Catchables | 233 |
Brown Trout | 233 |
Lake Trout Fingerlings | 2,290 |
Lake Trout | 2,290 |
Rainbow Trout Adults | 25 |
Rainbow Trout Catchables | 5,140 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings | 210,600 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings (advanced) | 35,289 |
Rainbow Trout | 251,054 |
Splake Trout Fingerlings | 69,250 |
Splake Trout | 69,250 |
Tiger Trout Fingerlings | 76,200 |
Tiger Trout | 76,200 |
Year Total | 493,677 |
Fish Stocked in 2020
In 2020 the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery stocked 101 waters across the province.
All trout this year, no walleye were stocked.
Description | Count |
Brook Trout Catchables | 255 |
Brook Trout Fingerlings | 85,300 |
Brook Trout | 85,555 |
Brown Trout Fingerlings | 123,182 |
Brown Trout | 123,182 |
Rainbow Trout Adults | 106 |
Rainbow Trout Catchables | 5,167 |
Rainbow Trout Fingerlings | 228,336 |
Rainbow Trout | 233,609 |
Tiger Trout Adults | 3 |
Tiger Trout | 3 |
Year Total | 442,349 |
Search and Filter Stocked Lakes

Diamond Lake is a very tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 80km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with brook trout in 2024 The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.
Fishing Zone: | Central Zone |
Photos: | 11 photos of Diamond Lake |
Parks: | Narrow Hills Provincial Park |
Location: | 54.18920878246, -104.80198950835 |
Shore Length: | 1.04km |
Surface Area: | 9 acres |

Greig Lake is a large stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 41km NNW of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with walleye in 2024 Meadow Lake Provincial Park is adjacent to Greig Lake.
Fishing Zone: | Central Zone |
Photos: | 44 photos of Greig Lake |
Communities: | Resort Village of Greig Lake |
Parks: | Meadow Lake Provincial Park |
Location: | 54.454148488114, -108.72320937811 |
Shore Length: | 22km |
Surface Area: | 3998 acres |
Max Depth: | 27.01 m (88.6 ft) |

Jade Lake is a tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 81km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.
Fishing Zone: | Central Zone |
Photos: | 13 photos of Jade Lake |
Parks: | Narrow Hills Provincial Park |
Location: | 54.190643878928, -104.80996246471 |
Shore Length: | 2.11km |
Surface Area: | 30 acres |

Kimball Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 40km NW of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with walleye in 2024 Meadow Lake Provincial Park is adjacent to Kimball Lake.
Fishing Zone: | Central Zone |
Photos: | 27 photos of Kimball Lake |
RM: | Meadow Lake No. 588 |
Parks: | Meadow Lake Provincial Park |
Location: | 54.407058694797, -108.82674472975 |
Shore Length: | 7.69km |
Surface Area: | 715 acres |
Max Depth: | 11 m (36 ft) |

Lost Echo Lake is a small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 73km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with brown trout in 2024 Narrow Hills Provincial Park is adjacent to Lost Echo Lake.
Fishing Zone: | Central Zone |
Photos: | 32 photos of Lost Echo Lake |
Parks: | Narrow Hills Provincial Park |
Location: | 54.128835150424, -104.74962866594 |
Shore Length: | 5.44km |
Surface Area: | 236 acres |
Max Depth: | 13.72 m (45.0 ft) |
Inflows: | Caribou Creek |
Outflows: | Caribou Creek |
Private Fish Stocking in Saskatchewan
Many people also stock privately owned ponds, dugouts and sloughs. There are currently two fisheries that supply Rainbow Trout in the province.
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