Lakes Sitemap (p) - 333 lakes

Pachal Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 75km WNW of La Ronge. Pachal Lake is named after Otto Carl Pachal. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.34426099856, -106.39428279995
Shore Length: 7.58km
Surface Area: 899 acres

Paddling Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 75km NNW of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Leask No. 464, Blaine Lake No. 434
Location: 52.957581013405, -106.9363322565
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 3054 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Pagan Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Pagan Lake Recreation Site and 24km NNE of Meadow Lake. Pagan Lake is named after Arthur Robert Pagan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588
Parks: Pagan Lake Recreation Site
Location: 54.321663103048, -108.2737931767
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 782 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pagato Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 73km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.146493447285, -102.47722471122
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 5299 acres

Pagen Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 194km NE of La Loche. Pagen Lake is named after Gordon Leonard Pagen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.624873329095, -106.98790286286
Shore Length: 5.26km
Surface Area: 299 acres

Painter Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 61km SSE of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Elcapo No. 154
Communities: Broadview
Location: 50.394473666527, -102.60609938017
Shore Length: 3.54km
Surface Area: 69 acres

Painton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 322km N of Sandy Bay. Painton Lake is named after Robert James Painton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.388189196571, -102.5185032137
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 645 acres

Paisley Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 468km N of La Ronge. Paisley Lake is named after George Harold Paisley. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.319715248308, -105.03265442665
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 392 acres
National Park

Pakwaw Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 32km NE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.999811651921, -106.62765188102
Shore Length: 3.36km
Surface Area: 65 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish

Palf Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 37km WSW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.019669837538, -103.43876936851
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 857 acres

Palisade Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 29km WSW of Eastend.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Reno No. 51
Location: 49.407868073854, -109.18682327504
Shore Length: 3.36km
Surface Area: 68 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Palmbere Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 36km ESE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.344434, -108.900953
Surface Area: 21 acres

Palmer Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NE of La Ronge. Palmer Lake is named after Brinsley George Henry Palmer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.709510945002, -104.16042187986
Shore Length: 42km
Surface Area: 1109 acres

Palmer Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km NW of Uranium City. Palmer Lake is named after John Palmer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.655780925178, -108.74871047453
Shore Length: 9.23km
Surface Area: 223 acres

Palmer Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 434km N of Sandy Bay. Palmer Lake is named after Hugh Francis Palmer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.39297715607, -102.61930921573
Shore Length: 9.25km
Surface Area: 375 acres

Palsen Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.562018595564, -106.27698930509
Shore Length: 4.04km
Surface Area: 161 acres

Panasuk Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 388km N of La Loche. Panasuk Lake is named after Nick Panasuk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.96496837886, -109.72945706156
Shore Length: 7.53km
Surface Area: 156 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker

Pancake Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km E of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 54.033829931292, -106.9551131105
Shore Length: 5.59km
Surface Area: 413 acres

Pankoski Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 82km E of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.978170602761, -107.21020354505
Shore Length: 2.99km
Surface Area: 64 acres

Pankratz Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 467km N of Sandy Bay. Pankratz Lake is named after Frank Pankratz. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.677787074251, -102.87982984153
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 447 acres
National Park

Panter Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 31km ENE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.93249907146, -106.59866255043
Shore Length: 2.14km
Surface Area: 51 acres

Pap Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 43km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.40241129444, -104.83215234873
Shore Length: 3.32km
Surface Area: 73 acres

Papic Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 9.4km NNE of Uranium City. Papic Lake is named after John Robert Papic. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.640011520148, -108.5196976424
Shore Length: 4.03km
Surface Area: 68 acres

Pappenfus Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 32km ENE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: St. Peter No. 369
Location: 52.303975165894, -104.6937185718
Shore Length: 3.63km
Surface Area: 103 acres
National Park

Paquin Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 52km NNE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 54.247383612041, -106.65987282592
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 2008 acres

Pardoe Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 253km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 3 photos of Pardoe Lake
Location: 57.297183801886, -104.1428158587
Shore Length: 98km
Surface Area: 3688 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Parenteau Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 62km NW of Creighton. Parenteau Lake is named after Walter Joseph Parenteau. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.082473678135, -102.68968210222
Shore Length: 29km
Surface Area: 883 acres
National Park

Parish Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 94km NW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.910779454739, -106.49996568494
Shore Length: 5.15km
Surface Area: 193 acres

Parisian Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 302km NNE of La Loche. Parisian Lake is named after Raymond Parisian. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.780795152064, -106.7040746418
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 888 acres

Park Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km SE of Uranium City. Park Lake is named after James William Park. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.471621859346, -108.40747345199
Shore Length: 2.12km
Surface Area: 42 acres

Park Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 137km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.523770592863, -108.20258015849
Shore Length: 7.36km
Surface Area: 268 acres

Park Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 96km E of La Ronge. Park Lake is named after Gilbert Earl Park. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.104772235609, -103.78884899568
Shore Length: 43km
Surface Area: 1275 acres

Park Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 124km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.055256084981, -104.24252950616
Shore Length: 1.45km
Surface Area: 21 acres

Parkbeg Reservoir is a reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 51km W of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 50.4466379, -106.26311199995
Max Depth: 11 m (36 ft)

Parker Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 53km WNW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Paynton No. 470
Location: 52.974296774724, -108.97925197182
Shore Length: 2.19km
Surface Area: 62 acres

Parker Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 26km WSW of Île-à-la-Crosse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.32949560979, -108.30730724625
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 1912 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Parker Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 230km NNE of La Ronge. Parker Lake is named after Bruce Alexander Parker. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.088991375319, -104.20578637658
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 638 acres

Parker Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 296km NE of La Loche. Parker Lake is named after Arthur Leslie Parker. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.111136363572, -105.53479894291
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 1121 acres
Northern Pike Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Parks Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 110km NNE of La Ronge. Parks Lake is named after William Roland Parks. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.044530650119, -104.68772698924
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 1690 acres

Parks Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 352km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.153189637534, -103.67867815932
Shore Length: 8.23km
Surface Area: 385 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Parkunow Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 159km NNW of Sandy Bay. Parkunow Lake is named after Thomas Joe Parkunow. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.87525396011, -102.98429742849
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 897 acres
Picnic Area Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Parr Hill Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Porcupine Hills Provincial Park and 53km NNE of Sturgis. The lake is within Porcupine Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 8 photos of Parr Hill Lake
Parks: Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Location: 52.37015323478, -102.193949359
Shore Length: 6.61km
Surface Area: 355 acres
Max Depth: 12.01 m (39.4 ft)
Outflows: Swan River

Parr Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 64km S of La Ronge. Parr Lake is named after Cecil Harris Parr. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.541290805416, -105.40110990663
Shore Length: 9.75km
Surface Area: 153 acres

Parrish Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 156km NNW of Sandy Bay. Parrish Lake is named after John Parrish. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.782728391497, -103.31449588944
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 470 acres

Parry Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 158km N of La Loche. Parry Lake is named after Albert Parry. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.904094501077, -109.27064335588
Shore Length: 9.81km
Surface Area: 597 acres

Partington Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 137km NNE of La Ronge. Partington Lake is named after Richard Partington. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.17498426941, -104.19428064123
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 173 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Partridge Crop Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 32km WSW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.056730871147, -105.77569850513
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 850 acres

Partridge Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 92km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.439247275738, -109.51623807173
Shore Length: 1.31km
Surface Area: 25 acres

Partridge Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 369km NNE of La Loche. Partridge Lake is named after Henry Albert Partridge. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.680398087671, -107.75914090008
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 310 acres

Partridge Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 174km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.44361760382, -103.84053809066
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 424 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Pasfield Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 362km N of La Ronge. Pasfield Lake is named after William Pasfield. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.368991318052, -105.31288371609
Shore Length: 108km
Surface Area: 59367 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pasowun Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km W of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.664749034187, -102.97081115272
Shore Length: 9.59km
Surface Area: 624 acres
Provincial Park Beach Boat Launch
Bigmouth Buffalo Channel Catfish Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Common Carp

Pasqua Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Echo Valley Provincial Park and 58km NE of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 12 photos of Pasqua Lake
RM: North Qu'Appelle No. 187
Communities: Resort Village of Pasqua Lake
Parks: Echo Valley Provincial Park
Location: 50.787116168179, -104.00644954957
Shore Length: 41km
Surface Area: 4613 acres
Max Width: 16.1 km (10.0 mi)
Max Length: 1.6 km (0.99 mi)
Max Depth: 18.3 m (60 ft)
Inflows: Qu'Appelle River
Outflows: Qu'Appelle River at Sioux Crossing

Pasterfield Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 173km NNW of Sandy Bay. Pasterfield Lake is named after William Ernest Newton Pasterfield. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Pasterfield Lake
Location: 56.811279896249, -103.81246452473
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 492 acres
Provincial Park

Paterson Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 68km NE of La Ronge. Paterson Lake is named after Stewart Thomas Paterson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.608440506868, -104.66937797699
Shore Length: 1.82km
Surface Area: 44 acres

Paterson Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km S of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Flett's Springs No. 429, Star City No. 428, Lake Lenore No. 399
Location: 52.697487838907, -104.62671019111
Shore Length: 4.9km
Surface Area: 395 acres
Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Paterson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 294km NNE of La Ronge. Paterson Lake is named after Alexander Gordon Paterson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.690267910034, -104.22424795197
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 838 acres

Patience Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 22km E of Saskatoon.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Aberdeen No. 373, Blucher No. 343
Location: 52.120676263164, -106.34066649987
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 1424 acres
Max Width: 1 km (0.62 mi)
Max Length: 6 km (3.7 mi)

Patmore Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 8.1km SW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.707983022112, -101.98446149947
Shore Length: 7.76km
Surface Area: 167 acres

Patrick Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 387km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.939370543475, -108.67658858265
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 1120 acres

Patsy Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Communities: Anglin Lake
Parks: Anglin Lake Recreation Site
Location: 53.688527299026, -105.92057500029
Shore Length: 2.68km
Surface Area: 103 acres

Patterson Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km NE of Île-à-la-Crosse. Patterson Lake is named after Vernon Foster Patterson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.777479032332, -107.55038122683
Shore Length: 6.75km
Surface Area: 567 acres

Patterson Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 496km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.951774675429, -102.29320204187
Shore Length: 53km
Surface Area: 5612 acres
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Patterson Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 131km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.661837185517, -109.28470749551
Shore Length: 53km
Surface Area: 9339 acres
Provincial Park

Patterson Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Patterson Lake Game Preserve and 50km NNW of Yorkton. The lake is within Patterson Lake Game Preserve.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Good Lake No. 274
Parks: Patterson Lake Game Preserve, Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park
Location: 51.632001328523, -102.71665860338
Shore Length: 3.6km
Surface Area: 223 acres

Pattison Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 96km NNE of Regina. Pattison Lake is named after Raymond Clifford Pattison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.274795519245, -104.22843985161
Shore Length: 8.11km
Surface Area: 165 acres

Patton Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 33km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.028563124043, -102.11988334477
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 538 acres

Pattyson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 375km NE of La Loche. Pattyson Lake is named after Leonard William Pattyson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.859268072393, -104.95740946961
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 1234 acres

Patzer Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 92km NE of La Loche. Patzer Lake is named after Edwin Frederick Patzer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.101410001599, -108.39557941241
Shore Length: 9.77km
Surface Area: 572 acres

Paul Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 45km NE of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Rosthern No. 403
Location: 52.657998104134, -106.20191363408
Shore Length: 0.35km
Surface Area: 1 acres

Paul Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km NE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.788902519243, -102.55967305954
Shore Length: 6.65km
Surface Area: 196 acres

Paul Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NW of La Ronge. Paul Lake is named after Robert Andrew Paul. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.832047, -106.179251
Surface Area: 1513 acres

Paul Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 166km NNE of La Ronge. Paul Lake is named after Joseph Philip Paul. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.366769336438, -103.84940533508
Shore Length: 5.12km
Surface Area: 217 acres

Paul Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km E of Camsell Portage. Paul Lake is named after George William Paul. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.629194635271, -108.95165664471
Shore Length: 4.06km
Surface Area: 107 acres
Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Pauline Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 41km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.837227640511, -102.55706065854
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 896 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Paull Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 120km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Paull Lake
Location: 56.158952183215, -104.81053149997
Shore Length: 76km
Surface Area: 7603 acres

Pawlitza Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 65km ESE of Meadow Lake. Pawlitza Lake is named after Elvyn Joseph Pawlitza. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.96180004084, -107.48577440861
Shore Length: 4.19km
Surface Area: 171 acres

Pawliuk Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 279km NNE of Pinehouse. Pawliuk Lake is named after John Pawliuk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.834593639198, -104.83970843015
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 789 acres

Payn Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 73km SSW of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Alma No. 8
Location: 49.052186525386, -104.20433994516
Shore Length: 3.56km
Surface Area: 102 acres

Payne Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 212km NNE of La Loche. Payne Lake is named after Richard James Payne. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.355720040838, -108.68591770453
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 949 acres

Paysen (Horfield) Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 89km ENE of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Enfield No. 194
Location: 50.717019410267, -106.73792646992
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 1168 acres

Payukoo Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 491km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.219134897345, -102.32247713508
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 768 acres
Provincial Park

Peacard Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km NE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Moose Mountain No. 63
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.712893901588, -102.34931161326
Shore Length: 1.78km
Surface Area: 41 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Peace Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 93km E of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 54.144589691001, -107.02098404454
Shore Length: 5.23km
Surface Area: 242 acres

Peach Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 414km NNE of La Loche. Peach Lake is named after Robert Trevor Peach. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.640136633463, -105.70063780616
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 268 acres
Lake Trout Walleye Lake Whitefish

Peak Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 84km NNW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.240395719209, -106.97389231033
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 811 acres

Peaker Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 53km ENE of Buffalo Narrows. Peaker Lake is named after George Ernest Peaker. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.055670489529, -107.76057110312
Shore Length: 9.02km
Surface Area: 501 acres
Northern Pike

Pear Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 84km SW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.677829888853, -106.35240811612
Shore Length: 5.19km
Surface Area: 370 acres
Boat Launch
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout

Pear Lake is a stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km NNW of Prince Albert. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 14 photos of Pear Lake
Location: 53.8282521, -105.9184783

Pearce Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NNE of Pinehouse. Pearce Lake is named after Douglas Pearce. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.973605832339, -106.26705331194
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 437 acres

Pearce Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 250km N of Sandy Bay. Pearce Lake is named after Gordon Alvry Pearce. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.733202223168, -102.7402731061
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 1362 acres

Pearce Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 93km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.432907601726, -109.53439651886
Shore Length: 2.41km
Surface Area: 59 acres

Pearce Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 31km ENE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: St. Peter No. 369
Location: 52.280703341099, -104.68920557532
Shore Length: 1.03km
Surface Area: 13 acres

Pearl Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 62km S of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Parkdale No. 498
Location: 53.569635462398, -108.44327759043
Shore Length: 4.48km
Surface Area: 161 acres
Provincial Park Campground

Pearl Lake is a very tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 80km NNW of Choiceland. The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 7 photos of Pearl Lake
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.184037418577, -104.80153105783
Shore Length: 0.88km
Surface Area: 8 acres

Pearsall Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 185km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.00945715362, -108.1814490659
Shore Length: 9.41km
Surface Area: 820 acres

Pearson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 33km NE of Stony Rapids. Pearson Lake is named after Axel Peter Pearson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.481699958373, -105.46604581198
Shore Length: 5.83km
Surface Area: 135 acres

Pearson Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km NW of Creighton. Pearson Lake is named after Percy Aigner Pearson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.024109121665, -102.39514710071
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 273 acres

Peart Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 54km ESE of La Ronge. Peart Lake is named after Edward Burgess Peart. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.006001028688, -104.4685521308
Shore Length: 5.25km
Surface Area: 216 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Pease Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 75km NNE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.42437708098, -106.46760940921
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 1446 acres
Provincial Park

Peat Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 68km ENE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Peat Lake is named after Walter Peat. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.28019069871, -104.25816167735
Shore Length: 4.83km
Surface Area: 141 acres

Pebble Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 99km SSW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wood Creek No. 281, Arm River No. 252, Big Arm No. 251
Location: 51.37692966299, -105.65177109017
Shore Length: 1.62km
Surface Area: 20 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Pechey Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 38km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.378449945317, -104.91010849326
Shore Length: 5.17km
Surface Area: 262 acres
Provincial Park Campground Beach Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker

Peck Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Bronson Forest Recreation Site and 72km NNE of Lloydminster. Last stocked with walleye in 2023

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 21 photos of Peck Lake
RM: Loon Lake No. 561
Communities: Peck Lake Cabins
Parks: Bronson Forest Recreation Site
Location: 53.893554911124, -109.59975000715
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 1815 acres
Max Width: 2.78 km (1.73 mi)
Max Length: 4.52 km (2.81 mi)
Max Depth: 14 m (46 ft)
Inflows: Galletly Lake
Outflows: Monnery River

Peddie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 359km NNE of La Loche. Peddie Lake is named after Roy Norman Peddie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.372013496949, -106.68556863739
Shore Length: 4.54km
Surface Area: 102 acres

Pedersen Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 12km WNW of Pinehouse. Pedersen Lake is named after Walter Carl Pedersen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.539574, -106.779248
Surface Area: 1234 acres

Pedersen Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 4.3km S of Kerrobert.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mariposa No. 350
Communities: Kerrobert
Parks: Mariposa Wildlife Management Unit
Location: 51.883328266182, -109.13046045451
Shore Length: 3km
Surface Area: 88 acres
Provincial Park

Pederson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located in Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park and 288km N of La Loche. The lake is within Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park. Pederson Lake is named after Gordon Otis Pederson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park
Location: 59.059103907423, -108.91140925985
Shore Length: 8km
Surface Area: 244 acres

Pederson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 180km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.718473910956, -105.72987667816
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 1120 acres

Peebles Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km SSW of Uranium City. Peebles Lake is named after Roy Peebles. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.462055775735, -108.66687637813
Shore Length: 7.8km
Surface Area: 149 acres

Peebles Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 90km WNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.413095100742, -109.72669555887
Shore Length: 1.71km
Surface Area: 28 acres

Pegasus Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 475km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.376755511527, -104.84940372133
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 858 acres

Pegmatite Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 498km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.582749505182, -105.64464111506
Shore Length: 3.69km
Surface Area: 67 acres

Peirson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 22km E of Southend Reindeer. Peirson Lake is named after Robert Sheppard Peirson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.358876055982, -102.89482240797
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 451 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Peitahigan Lake is a medium sized stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 49km NW of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with walleye in 2024 The lake is within Meadow Lake Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Location: 54.445330963686, -108.9417042988
Shore Length: 8.46km
Surface Area: 676 acres
Max Depth: 14.03 m (46.0 ft)

Pekakumew Lakes is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 23km SSW of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Canwood No. 494
Location: 53.63716794349, -107.11964307514
Shore Length: 35km
Surface Area: 1643 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Pelican Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Pelican Narrows and 80km WNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Pelican Narrows
Location: 55.062713170937, -103.02837040337
Shore Length: 359km
Surface Area: 24556 acres

Pelican Lake is a very large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 37km WNW of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Pelican Lake
RM: Eyebrow No. 193, Caron No. 162, Wheatlands No. 163, Marquis No. 191
Location: 50.541813010646, -106.01111807099
Shore Length: 42km
Surface Area: 5530 acres

Pelican Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 49km S of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: St. Louis No. 431, Hoodoo No. 401
Communities: Domremy
Location: 52.778800584532, -105.69930680434
Shore Length: 7.19km
Surface Area: 554 acres

Pelkey Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 472km NNW of Sandy Bay. Pelkey Lake is named after Charles Earl Pelkey. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.634134028054, -104.02036856305
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 479 acres

Pellant Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km SE of Wollaston Lake Hamlet. Pellant Lake is named after James Walter Pellant. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.931720926795, -102.89456202282
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 796 acres

Pellerin Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 477km N of La Ronge. Pellerin Lake is named after Lorenzo Pellerin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.403350716829, -105.17834074589
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 223 acres

Pelletier Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 98km WNW of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Kellross No. 247, Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.285409513781, -104.08287514143
Shore Length: 4.21km
Surface Area: 71 acres

Pelletier Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 66km WNW of Creighton. Pelletier Lake is named after Joseph Pelletier. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.960470530354, -102.86568042477
Shore Length: 6.26km
Surface Area: 189 acres

Peltier Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 52km NNE of La Ronge. Peltier Lake is named after John Peltier. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.56930190223, -105.07662790648
Shore Length: 8.76km
Surface Area: 216 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pendleton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 197km NE of Pinehouse. Pendleton Lake is named after William Pendleton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.954161938268, -104.73353385064
Shore Length: 67km
Surface Area: 2090 acres

Penner Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 454km N of La Ronge. Penner Lake is named after Alvin Harold Penner. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.163923190209, -104.39026008061
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 434 acres

Penner Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 173km NNE of La Ronge. Penner Lake is named after Frank Penner. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.413641791091, -103.77572079887
Shore Length: 5.67km
Surface Area: 240 acres

Penney Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km ENE of La Ronge. Penney Lake is named after William Francis Penney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.431871112684, -104.01601472436
Shore Length: 8.63km
Surface Area: 141 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Pennycook Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km NE of Wollaston Lake Hamlet. Pennycook Lake is named after Elmer James Pennycook. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.241936125415, -102.82770810731
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 1037 acres

Pentland Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km SE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Star City No. 428, Pleasantdale No. 398
Location: 52.687230351053, -104.32550620423
Shore Length: 2.88km
Surface Area: 87 acres

Pentland Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 76km S of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.608387608418, -109.93902117556
Shore Length: 5km
Surface Area: 163 acres

Peonan Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 31km SE of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Birch Hills No. 460
Location: 53.025632916682, -105.34931113828
Shore Length: 2.27km
Surface Area: 50 acres
Picnic Area Washrooms Provincial Park Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Pepaw Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Porcupine Hills Provincial Park and 48km SSE of Hudson Bay. The lake is within Porcupine Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 9 photos of Pepaw Lake
Parks: Porcupine Hills Provincial Park
Location: 52.424619389804, -102.22536751085
Shore Length: 4.56km
Surface Area: 199 acres
Max Depth: 7.93 m (26.0 ft)
Outflows: Pepaw River

Perch Lake is a lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 57km WSW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.992093619064, -109.27671726142
National Park

Perch Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 34km NE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 54.034144926648, -106.63348277297
Shore Length: 5.11km
Surface Area: 150 acres

Perch Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Pleasantdale No. 398, Star City No. 428
Location: 52.654697995137, -104.3862645827
Shore Length: 3.62km
Surface Area: 186 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

Perch Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 47km NE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Communities: Paradise Developments, Echo Bay Developments, Laketop Properties, Perch Lake North Cabin Assoc
Location: 53.579701969371, -109.46709495402
Shore Length: 5.65km
Surface Area: 240 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Perch Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km NE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Spiritwood No. 496, Meeting Lake No. 466
Location: 53.196698936587, -107.34905685297
Shore Length: 1.5km
Surface Area: 36 acres

Perching Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 445km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.104304087421, -104.76941556442
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 1108 acres

Perdue Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 61km ESE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Paynton No. 470, Eldon No. 471
Location: 52.985320649402, -109.22099099437
Shore Length: 5.28km
Surface Area: 228 acres

Perepelitz Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 93km NNE of La Ronge. Perepelitz Lake is named after Fred Perepelitz. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.838684433718, -104.56156607756
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 243 acres

Pernerowski Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 157km NNW of Sandy Bay. Pernerowski Lake is named after Ernest Johannes Pernerowski. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.768651539753, -103.40235071871
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 433 acres

Perpeluk Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km NNE of La Ronge. Perpeluk Lake is named after Steve Perpeluk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.936240945534, -104.72896250541
Shore Length: 9.42km
Surface Area: 238 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Perpete Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 254km NNW of La Ronge. Perpete Lake is named after Maximin Perpete. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.34565508582, -106.1722741522
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 422 acres
Rainbow Trout

Perrin Dam is a stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 91km SSW of Moose Jaw. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2022

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.622084228525, -105.97217600429

Perrin Lakes is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 91km SE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Spy Hill No. 152
Location: 50.601058265937, -101.61097257659
Shore Length: 5.56km
Surface Area: 100 acres

Perron Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 393km NNE of La Loche. Perron Lake is named after Antoine Joseph Elphege Perron. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.543444317146, -106.07277673115
Shore Length: 7.36km
Surface Area: 298 acres
Provincial Park

Perrson Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 61km N of Choiceland. The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.039213572457, -104.57589779516
Shore Length: 1.58km
Surface Area: 33 acres

Perry Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 26km ENE of Raymore.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279, Emerald No. 277
Location: 51.478552180667, -104.16381839771
Shore Length: 4.18km
Surface Area: 187 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Perry Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 159km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.907644110766, -102.71211772642
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 1945 acres

Perry Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km NNE of Uranium City. Perry Lake is named after John Perry. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.731161682682, -108.48121852671
Shore Length: 4.54km
Surface Area: 56 acres

Perwiznuik Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 199km N of La Ronge. Perwiznuik Lake is named after John Perwiznuik. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.896741065866, -105.51405126955
Shore Length: 35km
Surface Area: 1263 acres

Pesimokan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 117km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.969839666293, -104.20000798962
Shore Length: 5.07km
Surface Area: 147 acres

Petabec Lakes is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 100km N of Hudson Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.733759285948, -102.17877409148
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 80 acres

Petallen Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 57km S of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Terrell No. 101
Location: 49.888986196577, -105.46463205484
Shore Length: 2.55km
Surface Area: 89 acres

Petch Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km E of La Ronge. Petch Lake is named after James Walter Petch. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.149258732359, -104.09992906501
Shore Length: 3.83km
Surface Area: 106 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Pete Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 65km WNW of Sandy Bay. Pete Lake is named after Mike Pete. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.746491724374, -103.24582558589
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 704 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Peter Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 252km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.245480135471, -103.89386444837
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 6527 acres

Peter Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km S of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279, Wreford No. 280
Location: 51.464720653332, -104.91176514924
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 354 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Peter Pond Lake is a massive pond in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Michel Village and 72km NW of Île-à-la-Crosse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Peter Pond Lake
Communities: Buffalo Narrows, Michel Village
Parks: Big Buffalo Beach Recreation Site
Location: 55.911775978809, -108.79448675841
Shore Length: 210km
Surface Area: 191786 acres

Peters Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 480km NNE of La Ronge. Peters Lake is named after Lloyd Ernest Peters. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.321268, -103.579099
Surface Area: 259 acres

Peters Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 335km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.483995, -110.003409
Surface Area: 297 acres

Peters Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 175km NNW of Sandy Bay. Peters Lake is named after Francis Lionel Peters. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.838741656776, -103.77087382093
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 273 acres

Peterson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 467km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.300045713489, -104.8757691103
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 1068 acres

Peterson Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 81km SSE of Saskatoon.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: McCraney No. 282
Location: 51.445086854018, -106.30913597666
Shore Length: 1.22km
Surface Area: 7 acres

Peterson Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km NNE of Preeceville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Preeceville No. 334
Location: 52.19044408231, -102.58151995195
Shore Length: 5.74km
Surface Area: 138 acres

Peterson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 269km NE of La Loche. Peterson Lake is named after Lloyd Harvey Peterson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.453383143725, -106.80969560045
Shore Length: 6.76km
Surface Area: 297 acres

Pettingale Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 17km NW of Pinehouse. Pettingale Lake is named after Stanley Linwood Pettingale. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.636432278343, -106.75995482798
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 693 acres

Pewapisk Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 499km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.422079364619, -103.00177874467
Shore Length: 53km
Surface Area: 2515 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

Peyasew Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 19km NE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Parks: Nesslin Lake Recreation Site
Location: 53.960286644339, -106.82993162484
Shore Length: 6.45km
Surface Area: 247 acres

Phaneuf Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Jan Lake Recreation Site and 59km WNW of Creighton. Phaneuf Lake is named after Eugene Joseph Phaneuf. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.864033997303, -102.8069377511
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 456 acres
Golf Course
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish

Phantom Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 5.7km SSE of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 6 photos of Phantom Lake
Location: 54.715337967795, -101.8695011997
Shore Length: 40km
Surface Area: 1151 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Phelan Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 57km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.257420697693, -102.14650368321
Shore Length: 35km
Surface Area: 1600 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Phelps Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 476km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.239240069049, -103.21623207879
Shore Length: 517km
Surface Area: 31198 acres

Phil Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 21km SSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.583618464761, -101.99877467168
Shore Length: 1.56km
Surface Area: 26 acres

Philfoster Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km N of Creighton. Philfoster Lake is named after Philip Herbert Foster. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.154077729314, -101.98578469417
Shore Length: 6.35km
Surface Area: 187 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Philion Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 90km NNE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.607397373311, -106.64963532204
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 1836 acres

Phillip Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km NNW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.244324290127, -103.81009568769
Shore Length: 1.53km
Surface Area: 15 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Phillips Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 30km NW of Creighton. Phillips Lake is named after Clifford Stanley Phillips. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.949822, -102.237198
Surface Area: 79 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Phillips Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 255km N of La Ronge. Phillips Lake is named after Winston Spencer Moyses Phillips. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.372104462918, -105.98804629605
Shore Length: 32km
Surface Area: 2121 acres

Phillips Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 367km NNW of Sandy Bay. Phillips Lake is named after Thomas Phillips. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.703576634076, -103.73955356216
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 625 acres

Phillis Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 7.7km E of Rockglen.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Poplar Valley No. 12
Location: 49.190222559992, -105.84070000277
Shore Length: 3.88km
Surface Area: 110 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Philmitchell Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 72km WSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.571549973894, -102.97339325653
Shore Length: 8.07km
Surface Area: 629 acres

Phoenix Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 481km N of La Ronge. Phoenix Lake is named after Owen Harvey Phoenix. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.43057, -104.952517
Surface Area: 504 acres
Provincial Park

Phyllis Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Great Blue Heron Provincial Park and 44km NNW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Great Blue Heron Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521, Paddockwood No. 520
Parks: Great Blue Heron Provincial Park
Location: 53.59723280446, -105.87701955587
Shore Length: 3.05km
Surface Area: 32 acres

Picea Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 412km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.905286102082, -106.74210050824
Shore Length: 102km
Surface Area: 2712 acres

Pickel Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 27km S of Porcupine Plain. Pickel Lake is named after Gordon Edgar Pickel. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Porcupine No. 395
Location: 52.355034569371, -103.27512836915
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 486 acres

Pickford Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 90km NNE of La Loche. Pickford Lake is named after Raymond Ernest Pickford. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.222800337781, -108.80612527119
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 725 acres
Campground Boat Launch Beach
Yellow Perch Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout

Picnic Lake is a small stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 56km NNW of North Battleford. Last stocked with brown trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.208341865643, -108.66481525031
Shore Length: 2.93km
Surface Area: 123 acres

Pidcock Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 499km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.952414, -103.164582
Surface Area: 187 acres
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch Beach
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Splake Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Pierce Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 93km WNW of Meadow Lake. The lake is within Meadow Lake Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 33 photos of Pierce Lake
RM: Beaver River No. 622
Parks: Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Location: 54.502975495004, -109.71098478914
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 6579 acres
Max Depth: 46.4 m (152 ft)
Inflows: Cold River
Outflows: Cold River

Pierce Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 51km WNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Shellbrook No. 493
Location: 53.404444857843, -106.37712103989
Shore Length: 3.51km
Surface Area: 66 acres

Piercy Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.596161378717, -104.24737855366
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 204 acres
Northern Pike

Pig Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 5.2km W of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.563130073705, -108.70261599806
Shore Length: 1.02km
Surface Area: 11 acres

Pig Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NNW of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hazel Dell No. 335
Location: 51.951359722709, -103.21236206335
Shore Length: 7.98km
Surface Area: 145 acres

Piggott Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 141km ENE of La Loche. Piggott Lake is named after John Edward Piggott. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.085278781551, -107.38861982774
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 440 acres
Provincial Park Campground Beach Boat Launch
Northern Pike

Pike Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Pike Lake Provincial Park and 28km SSW of Saskatoon.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 40 photos of Pike Lake
RM: Vanscoy No. 345, Dundurn No. 314
Communities: Community of Pike Lake
Parks: Pike Lake Provincial Park
Location: 51.90547726333, -106.80612845093
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 638 acres
Max Length: 4 km (2.5 mi)
Max Depth: 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)
Provincial Park

Piket Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 69km E of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Piket Lake is named after Jacob Piket. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.19013168363, -104.21128089351
Shore Length: 5.98km
Surface Area: 114 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Sauger

Pikoo Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 99km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.528373729023, -102.67987587369
Shore Length: 51km
Surface Area: 1500 acres

Pikusikun Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 377km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.883317069016, -102.48741084336
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 948 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pikusikun Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 32km N of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.469113, -102.98013
Surface Area: 1109 acres

Pikwuche Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 458km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.564282790995, -103.47872342217
Shore Length: 84km
Surface Area: 2120 acres

Pilling Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km NW of Pelican Narrows. Pilling Lake is named after John Pilling. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.604619499047, -103.74453418317
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 667 acres

Pillow Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km NNW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.258319598825, -103.87373612004
Shore Length: 1.91km
Surface Area: 35 acres

Pimple Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 84km NNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.849319543941, -108.79067236115
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 567 acres

Pimutik Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 443km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.471726434227, -102.66734882526
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 1898 acres

Pinacie Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 31km ESE of Raymore.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Kellross No. 247, Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.3173218979, -104.10375414464
Shore Length: 6.34km
Surface Area: 113 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike White Sucker

Pine Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km NW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.69810992132, -103.57476411427
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 374 acres
Launch Site Provincial Park
Rainbow Trout Splake

Pine Lake is a very tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 59km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park. Parking is adjacent to Pine Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 5 photos of Pine Lake
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.007467814674, -104.665309687
Shore Length: 0.91km
Surface Area: 9 acres
Max Depth: 9 m (29 ft)
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Pinehouse Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Pinehouse and 91km WNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Pinehouse
Location: 55.553763598779, -106.49542489506
Shore Length: 735km
Surface Area: 92755 acres
Inflows: Churchill River
Outflows: Churchill River
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Piney Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 89km WNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.029190529049, -103.2130335072
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 667 acres

Pingwi Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 30km SE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.673541428122, -104.2727148299
Shore Length: 8.41km
Surface Area: 586 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pink Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 188km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.695919038777, -104.25237935024
Shore Length: 84km
Surface Area: 4005 acres

Pinkham Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 482km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.393431041775, -104.11903604297
Shore Length: 132km
Surface Area: 4804 acres
Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye

Pinkney Lake is a small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Whiteswan Lake (Whelan Bay) Recreation Site and 73km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with walleye in 2023 The lake is within Whiteswan Lake (Whelan Bay) Recreation Site. Pinkney Lake is named after Charles Frederick Pinkney. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 10 photos of Pinkney Lake
Parks: Whiteswan Lake (Whelan Bay) Recreation Site
Location: 54.04921197358, -105.07767965344
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 350 acres

Piotrofsky Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 498km N of La Ronge. Piotrofsky Lake is named after Paul Piotrofsky. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.549753820489, -104.15841529447
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 760 acres

Pipe Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 74km NNW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.696483295021, -109.01697211943
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 971 acres

Pipe Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 57km ESE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.922186519671, -107.6416431976
Shore Length: 2.09km
Surface Area: 32 acres

Piper Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 367km NNE of La Loche. Piper Lake is named after Frederick James Piper. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.687988982505, -107.91660289965
Shore Length: 7.56km
Surface Area: 209 acres
Launch Site

Pipestone Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 81km SSE of Melville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Silverwood No. 123, Kingsley No. 124
Location: 50.237761562615, -102.44209961276
Shore Length: 9.99km
Surface Area: 398 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pipestone Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 233km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.902290237666, -106.58034737884
Shore Length: 52km
Surface Area: 5584 acres

Pipon Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 415km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.907252700932, -106.5937099924
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 1186 acres
Boat Launch
Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout Splake White Sucker

Piprell Lake is a small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Piprell Lake Recreation Site and 77km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with brown trout and rainbow trout in 2024 Piprell Lake Recreation Site is adjacent to Piprell Lake. Piprell Lake is named after Gordon Leslie Piprell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 11 photos of Piprell Lake
Parks: Piprell Lake Recreation Site
Location: 54.140599742701, -104.90890884512
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 330 acres
Max Depth: 20 m (66 ft)

Pirie Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 465km N of La Ronge. Pirie Lake is named after James Allan Pirie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.252362424343, -104.23079453337
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 615 acres

Pisew Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km WNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.24128173121, -106.04302120869
Shore Length: 66km
Surface Area: 2161 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon Sauger Round Whitefish

Pita Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 28km WNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.551226107341, -102.74324363147
Shore Length: 193km
Surface Area: 7284 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch

Pitch Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Spiritwood No. 496
Location: 53.419997159, -107.32577277286
Shore Length: 6.06km
Surface Area: 200 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pitching Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km ENE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.470113045005, -104.10305472254
Shore Length: 39km
Surface Area: 1623 acres

Pitihkwakew Lake is a lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km ENE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.089181364017, -107.2370080283
Provincial Park

Piwei Lakes is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km SE of Porcupine Plain.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Porcupine No. 395
Parks: Greenwater Lake Provincial Park
Location: 52.521184333729, -103.13468247269
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 1114 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Cisco

Pixley Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 36km NW of Pelican Narrows. Pixley Lake is named after Frederick James Pixley. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.36146013077, -103.40368286362
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 684 acres

Plane Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 24km SE of Cumberland House.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.767065055448, -102.07763269561
Shore Length: 3.98km
Surface Area: 176 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Planinshek Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 69km NW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.562091061788, -103.78458199985
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 2753 acres
Provincial Park

Platana Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 73km E of La Ronge. Platana Lake is named after Daniel Dominique Platana. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.160352857792, -104.14777077176
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 608 acres

Platt Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km N of Resort Village of Tobin Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.330365993751, -103.65528710137
Shore Length: 6.35km
Surface Area: 497 acres

Platt Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 98km NNW of Sandy Bay. Platt Lake is named after George Platt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.353961072293, -102.67989063721
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 726 acres

Plaxton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 379km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.893966376706, -109.30964620373
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 657 acres

Plover Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 30km WSW of Luseland.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Heart's Hill No. 352
Location: 51.948479990526, -109.77114198074
Shore Length: 7.07km
Surface Area: 390 acres

Plug Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 22km ENE of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.701491047607, -108.9212538055
Shore Length: 1.89km
Surface Area: 24 acres

Pluton Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 5.3km NNE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.614420230095, -108.57797438996
Shore Length: 3.79km
Surface Area: 47 acres

Pocket Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 82km NNE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.7820603569, -102.42689520461
Shore Length: 4.99km
Surface Area: 47 acres

Poegal Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 447km NE of La Loche. Poegal Lake is named after Donald Leighton Poegal. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.688004071984, -104.83853460844
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 688 acres

Point Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 73km SSE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.676709090261, -109.57138629969
Shore Length: 4.21km
Surface Area: 109 acres
Northern Pike Burbot White Sucker

Pointer Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 74km NW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.647148675471, -103.76604040633
Shore Length: 50km
Surface Area: 1774 acres

Poitras Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 386km N of La Ronge. Poitras Lake is named after Edward Joseph Poitras. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.578428791758, -105.59601340238
Shore Length: 40km
Surface Area: 1159 acres

Polaris Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 423km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.943070563872, -106.41479779197
Shore Length: 38km
Surface Area: 1176 acres

Polaris Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 88km NNE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.831570394472, -102.38861130969
Shore Length: 0.95km
Surface Area: 15 acres

Polgreen Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 480km N of Sandy Bay. Polgreen Lake is named after Frances Eunice Polgreen. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.778170908749, -103.22567097333
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 475 acres

Polishak Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 47km N of La Ronge. Polishak Lake is named after August John Polishak. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.536566236945, -105.16924198392
Shore Length: 8.73km
Surface Area: 203 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pollock Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 29km N of Pelican Narrows. Pollock Lake is named after Robert Joseph Pollock. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.443701301556, -102.93681038432
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 535 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Pollon Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 7.7km ENE of Southend Reindeer. Pollon Lake is named after Clifford Simon Andrew Pollon. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.367706700276, -103.13761422315
Shore Length: 7.34km
Surface Area: 224 acres

Polosa Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 72km NNW of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.884106893034, -107.1131742328
Shore Length: 2.68km
Surface Area: 67 acres

Ponass Lakes is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 76km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Ponass Lake No. 367
Location: 52.284553173454, -103.98662334112
Shore Length: 151km
Surface Area: 2635 acres

Poole Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 103km NNE of La Ronge. Poole Lake is named after Earl John William Poole. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.92880448529, -104.52699131633
Shore Length: 9.8km
Surface Area: 335 acres

Poorman Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 91km SE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279, Big Quill No. 308
Location: 51.532863671931, -104.36120526841
Shore Length: 5.97km
Surface Area: 185 acres
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout

Poplar Ridge Lake is a tiny stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 53km ESE of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with brook trout and rainbow trout in 2024 Parking is adjacent to Poplar Ridge Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Poplar Ridge Lake
Location: 53.924034781846, -107.70282195209
Shore Length: 1.82km
Surface Area: 30 acres

Porcupine Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 78km NW of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.630538550211, -109.27716218956
Shore Length: 2.89km
Surface Area: 74 acres

Porcupine Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 61km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.757956883993, -105.86502806184
Shore Length: 2.34km
Surface Area: 66 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike White Sucker

Porky Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 73km NW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.705666961806, -103.6237484041
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 320 acres

Portage Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 26km S of Beauval.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.910842928869, -107.57474465877
Shore Length: 2.55km
Surface Area: 104 acres

Porten Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 471km N of La Ronge. Porten Lake is named after Jack Mervin Frank Porten. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.346793344498, -105.0352852534
Shore Length: 7.03km
Surface Area: 261 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Porter Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 90km NE of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.328360221162, -107.35171080523
Shore Length: 122km
Surface Area: 14702 acres

Porter Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km SE of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.197772571903, -106.28958994867
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 618 acres

Porter Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 252km NE of La Loche. Porter Lake is named after Charles Rae Porter. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.213318, -106.70198
Surface Area: 356 acres

Possum Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 49km SW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Duck Lake No. 463
Location: 52.923393058168, -106.217517247
Shore Length: 2.85km
Surface Area: 26 acres

Posthumus Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 100km NNE of Regina. Posthumus Lake is named after Berent Peter Posthumus. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Touchwood No. 248, Kellross No. 247
Location: 51.300412637132, -104.16592234705
Shore Length: 4.1km
Surface Area: 92 acres

Postnikoff Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 41km NW of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Blaine Lake No. 434
Location: 52.621487340628, -106.94394070602
Shore Length: 3.16km
Surface Area: 86 acres

Potato Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 96km N of Hudson Bay.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.695627659306, -102.10625004437
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 2355 acres
Launch Site
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Potato Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 13km SSW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 7 photos of Potato Lake
Location: 55.00030422913, -105.33585867041
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 927 acres

Potter Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 112km NNE of Buffalo Narrows. Potter Lake is named after John Foster Potter. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.733197323871, -107.62976898549
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 753 acres

Potts Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 30km SE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Saltcoats No. 213
Location: 51.059152352497, -102.11075933547
Shore Length: 2.14km
Surface Area: 86 acres

Potts Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 44km NW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.492345429665, -105.55041846759
Shore Length: 2.81km
Surface Area: 72 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Poulin Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km S of Creighton. Poulin Lake is named after William John Poulin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.082049146819, -101.84802197733
Shore Length: 4.87km
Surface Area: 347 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Poulin Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 74km NW of La Ronge. Poulin Lake is named after Eugene Poulin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.540386, -106.191137
Surface Area: 138 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Poulton Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within MacKay Lake Recreation Site and 44km NNE of La Ronge. MacKay Lake Recreation Site is adjacent to Poulton Lake. Poulton Lake is named after John Denis Poulton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: MacKay Lake Recreation Site, Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.449200657833, -104.90662846989
Shore Length: 2.84km
Surface Area: 36 acres

Poulton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 289km NNE of Pinehouse. Poulton Lake is named after Alan Ronald Poulton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.835212870552, -104.45634281655
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 942 acres

Pourbaix Lakes is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km ESE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.39238, -108.721579
Surface Area: 247 acres

Povol Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km ESE of La Ronge. Povol Lake is named after Ervin Povol. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.870254201929, -103.99023490802
Shore Length: 7.45km
Surface Area: 770 acres

Pow Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km NNW of Pelican Narrows. Pow Lake is named after Leslie Gordon Drummond Pow. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.539011652957, -103.16519077475
Shore Length: 9.43km
Surface Area: 312 acres

Powder Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 13km E of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.603129275023, -109.03375131329
Shore Length: 4.33km
Surface Area: 129 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Powdrill Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 49km E of La Ronge. Powdrill Lake is named after Ross Powdrill. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.090067817344, -104.52673783914
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 1451 acres

Powerline Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 13km WSW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.537732848544, -108.83226600792
Shore Length: 5.62km
Surface Area: 146 acres

Powley Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 372km NNE of La Loche. Powley Lake is named after David Alexander Powley. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.737811852499, -107.93046951758
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 305 acres

Prairie View Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 35km NE of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Excelsior No. 166
Location: 50.525042975079, -107.47233199483
Shore Length: 4.76km
Surface Area: 132 acres

Pratt Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 99km NNE of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.29067421835, -104.16943912537
Shore Length: 5.92km
Surface Area: 120 acres

Pratt Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 24km N of Stony Rapids. Pratt Lake is named after Ralph Winston Pratt. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.465758687244, -105.82937057737
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 540 acres

Precipice Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 12km N of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.872948016167, -101.8680048386
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 381 acres

Premier Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 423km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.862831799389, -106.09523475834
Shore Length: 167km
Surface Area: 8987 acres

Prentice Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 22km NNW of Creighton. Prentice Lake is named after Arthur Henry Prentice. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.951454, -102.025204
Surface Area: 1234 acres

Prescott Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 74km NNW of La Ronge. Prescott Lake is named after Howard Roy Prescott. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.744680790974, -105.67177731088
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 298 acres
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Preston Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Preston Lake Wildlife Refuge and 105km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Preston Lake Wildlife Refuge
Location: 57.418537381401, -109.15081213366
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 6328 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Preston Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 96km NW of Creighton. Preston Lake is named after David Porter Preston and Lee Irwin Preston. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.305119158798, -103.0629947978
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 744 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Preview Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 45km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.415706719254, -104.81121661467
Shore Length: 7.69km
Surface Area: 203 acres

Price Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 179km NNW of Sandy Bay. Price Lake is named after George Albert Price. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.905549245749, -103.68846913721
Shore Length: 8.52km
Surface Area: 213 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Primeau Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 56km NW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.900596034221, -107.18368726858
Shore Length: 90km
Surface Area: 12486 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Primrose Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Backes Island Wildlife Refuge and 62km N of Pierceland. Backes Island Wildlife Refuge is adjacent to Primrose Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Backes Island Wildlife Refuge
Location: 54.896346221875, -109.77156631728
Shore Length: 210km
Surface Area: 107833 acres
Outflows: Martineau River

Prince Albert Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 497km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.953536388346, -102.63618176008
Shore Length: 6.87km
Surface Area: 349 acres

Prince Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 22km ENE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.607481049596, -108.23229781613
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 783 acres

Prince Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 69km W of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hillsdale No. 440
Location: 52.823394666227, -109.2956073162
Shore Length: 4.32km
Surface Area: 197 acres

Pring Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km NE of Camsell Portage. Pring Lake is named after Clifford Russell Pring. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.72134253262, -109.10802470195
Shore Length: 8.52km
Surface Area: 154 acres

Pringle Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 14km W of Beauval. Pringle Lake is named after Bertram Hamilton Pringle. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Little Amyot Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.143364997092, -107.84965385067
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 541 acres

Pritchard Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 159km NNW of Sandy Bay. Pritchard Lake is named after William David Pritchard. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.748685171465, -103.54343916366
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 675 acres

Pritchard Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 92km NNW of St. Walburg.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Beaver River No. 622
Location: 54.322453324964, -109.95613271704
Shore Length: 8.51km
Surface Area: 871 acres

Pritchett Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 202km NE of La Loche. Pritchett Lake is named after Walter Leslie Pritchett. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.822645716341, -107.15644486824
Shore Length: 6.67km
Surface Area: 626 acres

Probert Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 20km S of Creighton. Probert Lake is named after Kenneth Frederick Probert. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.580505589041, -101.90756955602
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 504 acres

Proctor Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 48km S of Saskatoon.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.70538435196, -106.64815999958
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 620 acres
Yellow Perch

Prokopchuk Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km N of Stony Rapids. Prokopchuk Lake is named after Sam Prokopchuk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.425341225841, -105.90181301248
Shore Length: 9.02km
Surface Area: 215 acres

Prokopschuk Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 80km NE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: St. Philips No. 301
Location: 51.762938654009, -101.73619897045
Shore Length: 2.36km
Surface Area: 33 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Prongua Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 92km WNW of Creighton. Prongua Lake is named after Charles Victor Prongua. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.124220814856, -103.19983512
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 659 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Propp Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 96km NE of La Ronge. Propp Lake is named after Frederick Edwin Propp. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.690515381243, -104.15463139098
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 759 acres

Prosofsky Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 372km NNE of La Loche. Prosofsky Lake is named after Alfred Wilfred Prosofsky. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.729062054002, -107.89083421929
Shore Length: 6.98km
Surface Area: 145 acres

Prospect Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 13km NNW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.23351183065, -103.79732361005
Shore Length: 7.19km
Surface Area: 94 acres

Prost Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 44km SSE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Pleasantdale No. 398
Location: 52.509873396748, -104.29933627865
Shore Length: 4.98km
Surface Area: 158 acres

Proudfoot Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 80km NE of La Loche. Proudfoot Lake is named after William Wallace Proudfoot. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.954025786813, -108.41001050638
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 1262 acres

Proudlock Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 396km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.999755502921, -108.40000998076
Shore Length: 7.11km
Surface Area: 128 acres

Prouse Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Kelvington and 25km SE of Rose Valley.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Sasman No. 336
Communities: Kelvington
Location: 52.166279591917, -103.51596475016
Shore Length: 1.97km
Surface Area: 61 acres

Pruden Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 70km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.119314101383, -102.10760170044
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 1595 acres

Publicover Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 362km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.548565016621, -107.36952697512
Shore Length: 59km
Surface Area: 1449 acres

Pulley Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 347km N of La Loche. Pulley Lake is named after Robert James Pulley. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.596644132392, -109.81885652831
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 552 acres

Pumphouse Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 207km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.344456701527, -109.58177573881
Shore Length: 1.41km
Surface Area: 17 acres

Pup Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 93km N of Choiceland.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.326498515724, -104.46138065066
Shore Length: 2.35km
Surface Area: 20 acres

Pup Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 409km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.940077516139, -107.0393503483
Shore Length: 41km
Surface Area: 1471 acres

Purcell Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 374km NNE of La Loche. Purcell Lake is named after John Gerald Purcell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.734585958074, -107.81536522921
Shore Length: 4.57km
Surface Area: 87 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Purdey Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 33km NW of Southend Reindeer. Purdey Lake is named after George William Purdey. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.552938295448, -103.58597363065
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 585 acres

Purdy Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 26km ESE of Buffalo Narrows. Purdy Lake is named after Clifford Irwin Purdy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.760948818987, -108.16105256664
Shore Length: 9.19km
Surface Area: 311 acres
National Park

Purvis Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 37km NE of Big River. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park. Purvis Lake is named after Donald Everett Purvis. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 54.08571822778, -106.65881092473
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 512 acres

Pusakan Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 114km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.093779215033, -104.75600776297
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 874 acres

Puswawao Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 127km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.086631, -104.236714
Surface Area: 117 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Putnam Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 81km N of La Ronge. Putnam Lake is named after Max Ernest Putnam. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.836285776464, -105.4822967618
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 684 acres

Puzzle Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 463km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.965218077023, -105.10015805176
Shore Length: 44km
Surface Area: 1208 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Pyett Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 278km NNE of La Ronge. Pyett Lake is named after Frederick Earl Pyett. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.436987907666, -103.6268246116
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 1304 acres

Pylypow Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 151km NNW of La Ronge. Pylypow Lake is named after Steve Pylypow. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.43262689841, -105.84617242719
Shore Length: 35km
Surface Area: 1569 acres