Fishing in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is world famous for its fishing! Fishing in Saskatchewan is a popular recreational activity for locals and visitors alike. Some of the most popular lakes for fishing include Lake Diefenbaker, Lake Athabasca, and Last Mountain Lake. These lakes are home to many fish species, such as walleye, northern pike, lake trout, and yellow perch. Whether you are looking for a relaxing day on the water, a challenging trophy hunt, or a family-friendly adventure, fishing in Saskatchewan has something for everyone.

Angler's Map of Saskatchewan


Blackstrap Lake Outline of Blackstrap Lake
Provincial Park Golf Course Campground Beach Boat Launch Cabins Picnic Area
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish
Candle Lake Outline of Candle Lake
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch Beach Cabins Golf Course
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon
Christopher Lake Outline of Christopher Lake
Boat Launch Beach Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker
Diamond Lake Outline of Diamond Lake
Provincial Park Campground Launch Site
Brook Trout Splake
Emma Lake Outline of Emma Lake
Golf Course Campground Provincial Park Boat Launch Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker Longnose Sucker
Fishing Lake Outline of Fishing Lake
Beach Regional Park Golf Course Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker
Grace Lakes Outline of Grace Lakes
Provincial Park
Northern Pike
Greenwater Lake Outline of Greenwater Lake
Provincial Park Boat Launch Campground Golf Course Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker
Greig Lake Outline of Greig Lake
Provincial Park Beach Campground Boat Launch Picnic Area
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker
Jade Lake Outline of Jade Lake
Campground Provincial Park Launch Site
Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout Splake
Katepwa Lake Outline of Katepwa Lake
Provincial Park Beach Golf Course Boat Launch
Bigmouth Buffalo Channel Catfish Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Common Carp
Kenosee Lake Outline of Kenosee Lake
Provincial Park Beach Boat Launch
Yellow Perch Walleye
Kimball Lake Outline of Kimball Lake
Provincial Park Beach Campground Boat Launch Cabins
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker
Lac Île-à-la-Crosse Outline of Lac Île-à-la-Crosse
Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker
Lake Diefenbaker Outline of Lake Diefenbaker
Provincial Park Regional Park Campground Boat Launch Cabins Golf Course Beach Launch Site
Goldeye Mooneye Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Rainbow Trout Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon Sauger
Lost Echo Lake Outline of Lost Echo Lake
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker
Madge Lake Outline of Madge Lake
Provincial Park Golf Course Campground Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker
Opal Lake Outline of Opal Lake
Provincial Park Launch Site Campground
Brown Trout Brook Trout
Pear Lake Outline of Pear Lake
Boat Launch
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout
Sapphire Lake Outline of Sapphire Lake
Provincial Park Campground Launch Site
Wascana Lake Outline of Wascana Lake
White Sucker Common Carp
Waskesiu Lake Outline of Waskesiu Lake
National Park Golf Course Campground Beach Boat Launch
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker
Amisk Lake Outline of Amisk Lake
Campground Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker
Anglin Lake Outline of Anglin Lake
National Park Campground Boat Launch Beach Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker
Barrier Lake Outline of Barrier Lake
Boat Launch Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker Common Carp
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Fishing Zones

Saskatchewan is divided into three fishing zones (Southern,Central and Northern) with different fishing seasons. General fishing limits are the same across all zones, but individual lakes/waters may have additional restrictions/limits. These zones are managed by the provincial government.

The Prince Albert National Park is managed separately by the federal government. Limits, season dates, and regulations are different from the other zones in the province. Some lakes are closed to fishing and some have additional restrictions.

Important dates

Fishing Season start/end

Zone Opens Closes
Southern May 5, 2024 March 31, 2025
Central May 15, 2024 March 31, 2025
Northern May 25, 2024 April 15, 2025

Free fishing weekends in Saskatchewan

Twice a year Saskatchewan residents and visitors are able to fish for free without a Saskatchewan fishing license.

The first Free Fishing Weekend took place in the summer of 1989, a winter Free Fishing Weekend was added in 2015. This is a great opportunity to introduce new people to the sport and the amazing fishing options in the province.

Please note the following:

  • All regular limits, restrictions, and regulations still apply
  • The free fishing weekend does not apply in National Parks!
  • If you want to transport fish out of the province a license is still required

Free Fishing Weekend Dates

  • Second Weekend in July: July 13-14, 2024
  • Family Day Weekend: February 15-17, 2025

Fish Species in Saskatchewan

While fishing in Saskatchewan, you could encounter a wide range of species. The most popular include Lake Trout, Walleye, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch, and Arctic Grayling.

General Limits

Species Limit Additional Restrictions
Arctic grayling 2 only one may exceed 35 cm
Burbot 8
Bigmouth buffalo 0
Channel catfish 1 which cannot exceed 60 cm
Goldeye / Mooneye 8
Lake trout 3 only one may exceed 65 cm
Largemouth bass 2
Northern pike 5 only one may exceed 75 cm
Perch 25
Rock bass 6
Stocked trout (brook, brown, rainbow, splake, and tiger trout) 5 all species combined
Smallmouth bass 0
Sturgeon 0
Walleye / sauger / saugeye 4 only one may exceed 55 cm
Whitefish ( Lake Whitefish , Round Whitefish ) 8

Catch and Release (CR) Limits

Zone Species Limit Additional Restrictions
CR1 Arctic grayling 1
Lake Trout 2 Only one may exceed 65 cm
Northern Pike 3 Only one may exceed 75 cm
Walleye/sauger/saugeye 2 Only one may exceed 55 cm
CR2 Arctic grayling 1 Which cannot exceed 35 cm
Lake Trout 2 None may exceed 65 cm
Northern Pike 3 None may exceed 75 cm
Walleye/sauger/saugeye 2 None may exceed 55 cm
CR3 Arctic grayling 1 Which cannot exceed 35 cm
Lake Trout 1 Which cannot exceed 65 cm
Northern Pike 1 Which cannot exceed 75 cm
Walleye/sauger/saugeye 1 Which cannot exceed 55 cm

Ice Fishing

Ice fishing is an increasingly popular activity on thousands of lakes across Saskatchewan every winter. It's a great way to keep enjoying our beautiful lakes and scenery during our long, cold Saskatchewan winters. There is a large and very vibrant ice-fishing community in the province with large clusters of ice-fishing shacks and tents forming on many lakes every winter. Learn more about ice fishing in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Fishing License

A Saskatchewan fishing license is required to fish on provincial waters in almost all cases.

How to buy a Saskatchewan fishing license

There are a few different ways to buy your fishing license:

  • Online at:
  • In person at any Saskatchewan angling licence issuer (many insurance offices in small towns, resorts, etc).
  • At a Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment field office.
  • At some provincial park offices.
  • By phone: 1-855-848-4773 (8 a.m. to 9 p.m.). (Up to 10 days for delivery by mail)

The quickest and easiest is to buy your license online. You can even opt in to having your license renew every year if you are buying an annual license. You can then print it out or save it to your phone. I'd recommend having a printed copy in a plastic bag in your tackle box, just in case!

If you buy your license online you will require a Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence (HAL) system account. This is a free account and is used by the government to link you to your hunting/fishing license.

Different types of fishing license

You can buy a license that is valid for a single day, three days, or the entire season. You can buy an annual license at any point during the year, but it expires at the end of the current fishing season. So if you plan on fishing at any point during the year, you might as well buy your license early.

Who doesn't need a fishing license

There are a few situations where an individual would be allowed to fish and wouldn't need to have a license.

  • Saskatchewan residents 65 years and older do not need a fishing license. Bring along proof of age and residency.
  • Children under the age of 16 do not need a fishing license. It would be a good idea to bring along some sort of identification to prove their age.
  • First Nations and Metis individuals may not require a license to fish.

Canadian veterans honourably discharged from the Canadian Armed Forces. Do require a license but are eligible for a free annual angling license.

License Fees

License Cost
Saskatchewan Resident - Annual $42
Saskatchewan Resident - One Day $15
Saskatchewan Resident - Three Day $21
Canadian Resident - Annual $86
Canadian Resident - One Day $23
Canadian Resident - Three Day $46
Non-resident - Annual $115
Non-resident - One Day $28
Non-resident - Three Day $57
Prince Albert National Park - Three Day $12.75
Prince Albert National Park - Annual $44.25

Fishing in National Parks within Saskatchewan

There are different rules/license requirements and open seasons for fishing in Prince Albert National Park.
