Arctic Grayling in Saskatchewan

Photo of Arctic Grayling

Arctic Grayling is a very popular game fish in the province.

Only found in the far north of the province, they are known as "Sailfish of the North" due to their long dorsal fin that resembles a sail.


Scientific name: Thymallus arcticus
Avg. weight: under 2kg (2 lbs)
Conservation status: Least Concern
General Limit: 2 (only one may exceed 35 cm)
SK Record: 4lb 5oz @ in 1996
Distribution: Found in 28 waters in Saskatchewan


See where Arctic Grayling can be found in Saskatchewan.

Distribution of Arctic Grayling in Saskatchewan
All lakes with Arctic Grayling

Fishing for Arctic Grayling in Saskatchewan

General Limits

The limit for Arctic Grayling is 2 (only one may exceed 35 cm) in Saskatchewan provincial waters. Some provincial waters may have different limits for Arctic Grayling or be closed to fishing altogether. Always double check with the Sask Anglers Guide before heading out.

Sask Record for Arctic Grayling

The Sask angling record for an Arctic Grayling (4lb 5oz) was caught in the Fond Du Lac River in 1966.

Lakes with Arctic Grayling

Results 28 (Displaying page 1 of 6)
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Black Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 29km ESE of Stony Rapids.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 6 photos of Black Lake
Location: 59.147782538736, -105.37394177957
Shore Length: 381km
Surface Area: 110213 acres
Max Width: 17 km (11 mi)
Max Length: 55 km (34 mi)
Inflows: Chipman River, Cree River, Fond du Lac River, Souter River
Outflows: Fond du Lac River
Provincial Park
Arctic Grayling Goldeye Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Lake Athabasca is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park and 56km SSE of Camsell Portage. Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park is adjacent to Lake Athabasca.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park
Location: 59.123901342692, -109.01873204606
Shore Length: 1612km
Surface Area: 1925762 acres
Max Width: 50 km (31 mi)
Max Length: 283 km (176 mi)
Max Depth: 124 m (407 ft)
Inflows: Peace River, which backs up through Rivière des Rochers during flooding, Athabasca River, William River, MacFarlane River, Colin River, Fond du Lac River,
Outflows: Rivière des Rochers that meets with the Peace to form the Slave
Arctic Grayling Goldeye Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Reindeer Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Reindeer Lake (Norvil Olson) Recreation Site and 190km N of Sandy Bay. Reindeer Lake (Norvil Olson) Recreation Site is adjacent to Reindeer Lake.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 7 photos of Reindeer Lake
Parks: Reindeer Lake (Norvil Olson) Recreation Site
Location: 57.206821551143, -102.43366639094
Shore Length: 5497km
Surface Area: 1362782 acres
Max Depth: 219 m (719 ft)
Inflows: Cochrane River (Canada)
Outflows: Reindeer River
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Wollaston Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km NW of Wollaston Lake Hamlet.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Wollaston Lake
Communities: Wollaston Lake Hamlet
Parks: Wollaston Lake (Hidden Bay) Recreation Site
Location: 58.179148609331, -103.29333906934
Shore Length: 2081km
Surface Area: 517812 acres
Max Depth: 97 m (318 ft)
Inflows: Geikie River
Outflows: Fond du Lac River (10%) Cochrane River (90%)[1]
Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Wapata Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 343km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.843727804418, -105.69701934701
Shore Length: 76km
Surface Area: 12400 acres
Max Depth: 90ft
Results 28 (Displaying page 1 of 6)

Learn more about fish species found in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Freshwater Fishes - Waterproof Guide Ken Schultz's Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes
