Lakes Sitemap (d) - 257 lakes

Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye

D'Amour Lake is a small stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 86km NNW of Warman. Last stocked with walleye in 2022

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of D'Amour Lake
Communities: Image D'Amour
Location: 53.054463144546, -107.00663010915
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 284 acres

Dagg Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 42km NW of Hudson Bay. Dagg Lake is named after Archie Dagg. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hudson Bay No. 394
Location: 53.153053642131, -102.72926816362
Shore Length: 2.85km
Surface Area: 151 acres
Provincial Park

Dahl Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 37km NNW of Hudson Bay. Dahl Lake is named after Carl Melvin Dahl. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Hudson Bay No. 394
Parks: Wildcat Hill Provincial Park
Location: 53.161076530546, -102.55320564832
Shore Length: 2.99km
Surface Area: 145 acres

Dahle Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 116km N of La Loche. Dahle Lake is named after Truman Helmer Dahle. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.528058871713, -109.21304231888
Shore Length: 9.85km
Surface Area: 317 acres

Dakin Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 40km N of Pierceland. Dakin Lake is named after Thomas Dunbar Dakin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.698056017655, -109.7728326671
Shore Length: 5.02km
Surface Area: 294 acres

Dale Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km W of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Canwood No. 494, Leask No. 464
Location: 53.200600726605, -106.9178887195
Shore Length: 2.88km
Surface Area: 56 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Dale Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 100km NNE of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.654557133421, -107.80510911578
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 2208 acres

Dalshaug Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 193km NNW of La Ronge. Dalshaug Lake is named after Ernest Willard Dalshaug. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.754700830187, -106.28074406294
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 738 acres
Lake Trout Walleye Lake Whitefish

Daly Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 158km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.522547172744, -105.6643903871
Shore Length: 122km
Surface Area: 15175 acres

Daly Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km W of Camsell Portage. Daly Lake is named after Patrick Michael Daly. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.594937, -109.604212
Surface Area: 1502 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Dam Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km E of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.620703701218, -108.99865830081
Shore Length: 6.03km
Surface Area: 164 acres

Dan Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km SSW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.951730605914, -102.46901147058
Shore Length: 3.8km
Surface Area: 249 acres

Dana Salt Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 39km W of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Bayne No. 371
Parks: Dana Recreation Site
Location: 52.238148571059, -105.69803908565
Shore Length: 8.52km
Surface Area: 522 acres

Danchuk Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 288km NNE of La Loche. Danchuk Lake is named after William Danchuk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.706759136728, -106.93003466675
Shore Length: 9.33km
Surface Area: 561 acres

Dancing Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 74km SSE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411, Manitou Lake No. 442
Location: 52.639761769088, -109.71446506028
Shore Length: 3.29km
Surface Area: 136 acres

Daniel Green/Russell Creek Reservoir is a medium sized reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 48km SSE of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.8969, -107.51676
Surface Area: 1607 acres

Daniels Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 72km NNE of Sandy Bay. Daniels Lake is named after William Daniels. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.125882103131, -102.05492675664
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 365 acres

Daniels Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km ENE of Uranium City. Daniels Lake is named after Bill Andrew Daniels. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.618979994618, -108.29332017589
Shore Length: 3.06km
Surface Area: 38 acres

Danielson Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 81km NE of Buffalo Narrows. Danielson Lake is named after Daniel Gordon Danielson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.374329760065, -107.6266412745
Shore Length: 8.35km
Surface Area: 284 acres

Darby Morin Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 94km ESE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Canwood No. 494, Spiritwood No. 496, Big River No. 555
Location: 53.701904866654, -107.19917348135
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 586 acres

Dardier Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 386km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.828098386332, -107.63472647749
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 1365 acres

Dargavel Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 366km NNE of La Loche. Dargavel Lake is named after William Bryce Dargavel. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.702901740081, -108.10540659756
Shore Length: 4.62km
Surface Area: 204 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike

Darieu Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 92km E of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.208700630047, -103.85991973423
Shore Length: 28km
Surface Area: 1867 acres

Dark Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 9.3km ESE of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.574278259168, -109.11349581748
Shore Length: 3.77km
Surface Area: 79 acres

Darling Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 492km N of Sandy Bay. Darling Lake is named after Sidney Darling. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.85814628215, -103.62843216575
Shore Length: 9.75km
Surface Area: 209 acres

Darnell Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 65km NE of Pinehouse. Darnell Lake is named after Ralph Vernon Darnell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.973862, -105.956837
Surface Area: 209 acres

Daschuk Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 371km N of Sandy Bay. Daschuk Lake is named after Billy Daschuk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.824541998129, -102.18558109311
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 866 acres

Dauk Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 384km N of Creighton. Dauk Lake is named after Hironimus Dominik Alouise Dauk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.210741001878, -102.21733579015
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 641 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Dautremont Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 246km NE of La Loche. Dautremont Lake is named after Louis Silverius Dautremont. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.278781156107, -107.01114308907
Shore Length: 41km
Surface Area: 2554 acres

Davenport Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 397km NNE of La Loche. Davenport Lake is named after Harold Davenport. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.648664820751, -106.29191743906
Shore Length: 7.68km
Surface Area: 286 acres

Davey Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 18km SSW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.965409545941, -105.39627296
Shore Length: 2.55km
Surface Area: 103 acres
Rainbow Trout

David Laird Trout Pond is a stocked pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in North Battleford and 5.2km ENE of Battleford. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.75018932885, -108.243237005
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

David Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 36km NNW of Southend Reindeer.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.610140557551, -103.54037185314
Shore Length: 82km
Surface Area: 3893 acres

Davidson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 364km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.628087028357, -107.72094523005
Shore Length: 6.16km
Surface Area: 233 acres

Davidson Reservoir is a reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km NNW of Craik.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.25673055, -105.97074952978

Davies Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 89km NNE of Big River. Davies Lake is named after Edmund Alfred John Davies. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.608866111788, -106.71800685773
Shore Length: 4.89km
Surface Area: 402 acres

Davies Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 487km NNE of La Ronge. Davies Lake is named after Leonard Gordon Davies. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.281203560371, -102.81763028287
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 713 acres

Davies Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 172km NNE of La Ronge. Davies Lake is named after Leslie John Davies. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.46781788531, -103.95962785168
Shore Length: 6.58km
Surface Area: 157 acres

Davies Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 472km N of Sandy Bay. Davies Lake is named after Emerson Clarke Davies. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.738372151338, -102.24972485162
Shore Length: 7.47km
Surface Area: 398 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Davin Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 171km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Davin Lake
Parks: Davin Lake Recreation Site
Location: 56.826064799145, -103.67965027713
Shore Length: 136km
Surface Area: 15820 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Davis Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 39km NE of Missinipe.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Davis Lake
Parks: McLennan Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.866525022789, -104.34753942128
Shore Length: 68km
Surface Area: 2900 acres

Davison Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 25km N of Stony Rapids. Davison Lake is named after William Wade Davison. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.476291775464, -105.76083251448
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 503 acres
Provincial Park
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Davy Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park and 274km NNE of La Loche. Davy Lake is named after Henry William Davy. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Parks: Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park
Location: 58.870974683699, -108.26752582991
Shore Length: 93km
Surface Area: 27434 acres

Daw Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km SW of Uranium City. Daw Lake is named after Laurence Edward Daw. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.461831149664, -108.76996649757
Shore Length: 2.62km
Surface Area: 52 acres

Dawson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 279km NNE of La Ronge. Dawson Lake is named after Charles Dawson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.428325007322, -103.54940570782
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 456 acres

Day Bird Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 92km NNE of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.234255956009, -104.19545748378
Shore Length: 2.47km
Surface Area: 41 acres

Day Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 396km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.512691824756, -105.88890194179
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 985 acres

Day Star Lakes is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 94km SE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279, Big Quill No. 308
Location: 51.537363513703, -104.28299027954
Shore Length: 3.44km
Surface Area: 32 acres

Dayman Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 175km NNE of La Loche. Dayman Lake is named after George Hardman Dayman. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.97946884478, -108.51334473509
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 775 acres

De Armond Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 113km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.011546684744, -104.45032038832
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 410 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker

de Balinhard Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 63km NW of Meadow Lake. The lake is within Meadow Lake Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Location: 54.487674121202, -109.18059485275
Shore Length: 8.89km
Surface Area: 524 acres

De Nevers Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 416km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 60.000274305815, -106.99730143462
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 350 acres

Dead Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 39km WNW of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Cymri No. 36
Location: 49.301159000605, -103.45929522826
Shore Length: 8.55km
Surface Area: 153 acres

Deadhorse Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 14km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.871286, -102.008151
Surface Area: 410 acres

Deadman Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 64km SE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.792875516738, -107.63538888086
Shore Length: 2.59km
Surface Area: 84 acres
Provincial Park

Deadmans Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 88km NE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wawken No. 93
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.791686984214, -102.30142855207
Shore Length: 4.11km
Surface Area: 90 acres

Deadmoose Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km NNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Humboldt No. 370
Location: 52.303287307791, -105.16713800732
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 2641 acres

Deadsteer Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 36km NE of Sturgis.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Clayton No. 333
Location: 52.210513329648, -102.24058762182
Shore Length: 3.31km
Surface Area: 160 acres
National Park

Deadwood Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 95km NNW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.935897930936, -106.44234309563
Shore Length: 1.1km
Surface Area: 12 acres

Debus Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 85km SSE of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.546560371756, -109.69468888779
Shore Length: 2.17km
Surface Area: 47 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Deception Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 173km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 13 photos of Deception Lake
Location: 56.555239475062, -104.2421448627
Shore Length: 234km
Surface Area: 26079 acres

Deception Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 48km S of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Rosemount No. 378
Location: 52.333884982674, -108.34866802946
Shore Length: 5.24km
Surface Area: 84 acres

Decorby Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 47km N of Sturgis.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.359986888693, -102.41743162457
Shore Length: 3.2km
Surface Area: 126 acres

Deditch Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 59km NNW of Martensville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Redberry No. 435
Parks: Redberry Lake Bird Sanctuary
Location: 52.7346470288, -107.144438232
Shore Length: 1.8km
Surface Area: 24 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Deep End Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 80km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.2001131, -109.2841217
Surface Area: 1627 acres

Deep Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km E of Regina.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Deep Lake
RM: Montmartre No. 126, Francis No. 127
Location: 50.416505109464, -103.67463282927
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 686 acres

Deep Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 89km E of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 54.003079813579, -107.08933509972
Shore Length: 3.13km
Surface Area: 66 acres
Yellow Perch

Deep Lake is a very tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.833858044604, -102.56858550445
Shore Length: 0.63km
Surface Area: 6 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Deep Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 35km NNW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.030779851086, -102.17574197345
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 354 acres

Deep Lake is a very tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 75km SE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Big River No. 555, Spiritwood No. 496
Location: 53.732534768693, -107.50993006585
Shore Length: 1km
Surface Area: 9 acres

Deep Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 15km ESE of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.571664722835, -109.01054111831
Shore Length: 1.36km
Surface Area: 13 acres

Deep Water Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 80km NNE of Estevan.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.786453161149, -102.49105582838
Shore Length: 4.04km
Surface Area: 61 acres

Deep Water Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 91km SSW of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Grassy Creek No. 78
Location: 49.573428114768, -108.40162573831
Shore Length: 1.38km
Surface Area: 13 acres

Deer Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 89km W of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Beaver River No. 622
Location: 54.156266024707, -109.80355774008
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 815 acres
Boat Launch
Rainbow Trout Splake

Deer Lake is a stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km ESE of Meadow Lake. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.7241864, -107.3694511

Deering Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 324km N of Sandy Bay. Deering Lake is named after Vernon John Deering. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.403731262354, -102.0897590379
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 1115 acres

Degryse Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 24km WNW of Pinehouse. Degryse Lake is named after Ernest Norman DeGryse. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.587866573539, -106.96160797364
Shore Length: 8.67km
Surface Area: 485 acres

Deighton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 142km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.379917823534, -104.94284619826
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 632 acres

Deitsch Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 160km NNW of Sandy Bay. Deitsch Lake is named after Lawrence Henry Deitsch. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.850138939505, -103.15812922999
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 745 acres

Delaine Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 31km ENE of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: St. Peter No. 369
Location: 52.287978272276, -104.7008485497
Shore Length: 3.91km
Surface Area: 92 acres

Delamere Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 388km N of La Loche. Delamere Lake is named after Edwin Justin Delamere. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.964217697464, -109.92364756788
Shore Length: 4.27km
Surface Area: 71 acres
Boat Launch Beach Campground
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Delaronde Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Delaronde Lake (Zig Zag Bay) Recreation Site and 91km E of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 40 photos of Delaronde Lake
RM: Big River No. 555
Communities: Lakeshore RV Properties, Phillips Grove
Parks: Delaronde Lake (Zig Zag Bay) Recreation Site
Location: 54.055302641402, -107.0463934204
Shore Length: 186km
Surface Area: 35110 acres

Delhaye Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 465km NNE of La Ronge. Delhaye Lake is named after Roger Amedee Delhaye. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.104878559363, -103.03527836865
Shore Length: 57km
Surface Area: 2537 acres

Dell Lake is a lake in northern Saskatchewan. Dell Lake is named after Ronald Frank Dell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.595362, -108.851825
Provincial Park

Dell Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Duck Mountain Provincial Park and 84km NE of Yorkton. The lake is within Duck Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 51.750045214332, -101.62289329654
Shore Length: 6.85km
Surface Area: 149 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker

Dellwood Reservoir is a small reservoir in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 46km SSW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Usborne No. 310
Location: 51.80798707553, -105.32927804737
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 473 acres
Max Depth: 6.1 m (20 ft)

Delorme Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 63km W of Creighton. Delorme Lake is named after Louis Thomas Delorme. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.82843977014, -102.87982550535
Shore Length: 5.84km
Surface Area: 192 acres
Provincial Park

Demchenko Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 7.8km S of La Ronge. Demchenko Lake is named after Max Exal Demchenko. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.047154208743, -105.31079697926
Shore Length: 3.54km
Surface Area: 104 acres

Dempster Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 209km NE of La Loche. Dempster Lake is named after Richard Dempster. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.820969, -106.980952
Surface Area: 104 acres

Dennis Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 127km N of La Loche. Dennis Lake is named after Russel Edward Dennis. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.61695115266, -109.09983013662
Shore Length: 9.33km
Surface Area: 749 acres

Denys Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 88km ESE of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Communities: Chelan
Location: 52.627398, -103.362674
Surface Area: 2537 acres
Rainbow Trout

Denzil Trout is a stocked lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 23km ESE of Macklin. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.232311097376, -109.64930598433

Depper Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 119km N of La Loche. Depper Lake is named after Clifford Lloyd Depper. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.542014537483, -109.12621205987
Shore Length: 9.17km
Surface Area: 254 acres

Derbyshire Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km N of Buffalo Narrows. Derbyshire Lake is named after George Edward Derbyshire. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.2334241, -108.634058
Surface Area: 396 acres

Derkson Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 138km N of La Loche. Derkson Lake is named after William Edward Derkson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.70483479148, -109.01531796124
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 396 acres

Dermody Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km SW of Uranium City. Dermody Lake is named after Bernard John Dermody. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.488166769395, -108.72043531839
Shore Length: 2.92km
Surface Area: 86 acres
Provincial Park

Dermody Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located in Moose Mountain Provincial Park and 90km NNE of Estevan. The lake is within Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Moose Mountain Provincial Park
Location: 49.851676388098, -102.40009328507
Shore Length: 8.59km
Surface Area: 123 acres
Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Deschambault Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Deschambault Lake (South East Arm) Recreation Site and 99km W of Creighton. Deschambault Lake (South East Arm) Recreation Site is adjacent to Deschambault Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 15 photos of Deschambault Lake
Communities: Deschambault Lake Subdivision
Parks: Deschambault Lake (South East Arm) Recreation Site
Location: 54.792957027179, -103.43511444392
Shore Length: 1052km
Surface Area: 134133 acres
Max Depth: 22.4 m (73 ft)
Inflows: Puskwakan River, Palf Creek, Ballantyne River, Deschambault River
Outflows: Channel to Pelican Lake

Deschamps Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 547km N of La Ronge. Deschamps Lake is named after Joseph Adrien Deschamps. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.945617151328, -103.60756812083
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 257 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Descharme Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 68km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Communities: Hamlet of Descharme Lake
Location: 57.088897306916, -109.22072889785
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 2187 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Burbot White Sucker

Deserter Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 65km NNE of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Spiritwood No. 496, Medstead No. 497
Location: 53.263224620332, -107.76120385604
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 260 acres

Desjardins Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 389km N of La Loche. Desjardins Lake is named after Joseph Ernest Desjardins. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.97740814948, -109.62853517664
Shore Length: 5.45km
Surface Area: 96 acres

Desjardins Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 31km W of Pelican Narrows. Desjardins Lake is named after Marcel Eddy Desjardins. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.149683353833, -103.42057035595
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 391 acres

Desjarlais Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km N of Uranium City. Desjarlais Lake is named after Mathew Joseph Desjarlais. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.677617595898, -108.58673030889
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 236 acres

Desnomie Lakes is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 161km N of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.962317596426, -106.76743108755
Shore Length: 48km
Surface Area: 1219 acres

Detour Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 466km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.640781092365, -104.22290464471
Shore Length: 59km
Surface Area: 2317 acres
Provincial Park Boat Launch Campground
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker

Devil Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Devil Lake Recreation Site and 71km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Devil Lake Recreation Site, Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.669276353107, -104.74309254633
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 743 acres

Devil's Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 75km SSW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wood Creek No. 281, Morris No. 312
Location: 51.597576817898, -105.6121700755
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 381 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Devils Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 98km ENE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.722402672778, -107.87388949311
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 1029 acres

Devitt Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 85km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411, Round Valley No. 410
Location: 52.541350853228, -109.48068118773
Shore Length: 4.7km
Surface Area: 269 acres

DeWalt Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 44km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Paddockwood No. 520, The District of Lakeland No. 521
Parks: Emma Lake (Murray Point) Recreation Site
Location: 53.5784647124, -105.92964123835
Shore Length: 0.81km
Surface Area: 11 acres

Dewar Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 176km NNE of La Loche. Dewar Lake is named after Murray Stewart Dewar. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.794034135227, -107.77726335711
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 760 acres

Dewey Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 61km ENE of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Morse No. 165
Location: 50.582860643715, -107.0645621471
Shore Length: 5.95km
Surface Area: 183 acres

Dexter Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 36km NNW of La Ronge. Dexter Lake is named after Stanley Reginald Dexter. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.388093258685, -105.60099487141
Shore Length: 6.49km
Surface Area: 129 acres

Dezall Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 28km NE of Uranium City. Dezall Lake is named after Arthur Edwin Dezall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.747878913203, -108.25707442504
Shore Length: 8.54km
Surface Area: 135 acres

Dezall Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 462km NNE of La Ronge. Dezall Lake is named after Raymond Purdy Dezall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.115417885017, -103.2695170241
Shore Length: 9.58km
Surface Area: 500 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish Burbot

Dezort Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 46km NNW of Creighton. Dezort Lake is named after Otto Lawrence Dezort. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.112023447818, -102.28680804924
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 467 acres

Dezou Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 35km SW of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Lenore No. 399
Location: 52.63701354044, -104.97316569349
Shore Length: 1.34km
Surface Area: 25 acres
Provincial Park Campground Launch Site
Brook Trout Splake

Diamond Lake is a very tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 80km NNW of Choiceland. Last stocked with brook trout in 2024 The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 11 photos of Diamond Lake
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.18920878246, -104.80198950835
Shore Length: 1.04km
Surface Area: 9 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Dickens Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Dickens Lake Recreation Site and 83km NNE of La Ronge. Dickens Lake Recreation Site is adjacent to Dickens Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Dickens Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.750535719092, -104.60184142389
Shore Length: 49km
Surface Area: 1627 acres

Dickie Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 467km N of Sandy Bay. Dickie Lake is named after Malcolm Harry Dickie. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.609257775783, -103.87952210583
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 276 acres

Dickin Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 100km NNE of La Ronge. Dickin Lake is named after Leonard Lloyd Dickin. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.953715825757, -104.72564587246
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 236 acres

Dicks Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 129km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.301184203494, -107.91605543845
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 403 acres

Dicus Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km W of Brabant. Dicus Lake is named after Harvey Eckhart Dicus. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.106451059601, -104.03768123468
Shore Length: 7.02km
Surface Area: 242 acres

Dieter Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 197km NNE of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.205460719699, -105.64626376148
Shore Length: 2.27km
Surface Area: 29 acres

Dill Lakes is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 33km NNW of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Three Lakes No. 400
Communities: Middle Lake
Location: 52.487332013612, -105.25998216036
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 103 acres
Yellow Perch Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout

Dillberry Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 79km S of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.575714607646, -110.00355120098
Shore Length: 5.35km
Surface Area: 200 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Dillon Lake is a very large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 62km W of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.758526661278, -109.50633724872
Shore Length: 34km
Surface Area: 8035 acres

Dilworth Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 231km NNE of La Loche. Dilworth Lake is named after Gordon Alan Dilworth. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.263402847947, -107.42008352985
Shore Length: 23km
Surface Area: 711 acres

Dimick Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 129km ENE of La Loche. Dimick Lake is named after Harold William Dimick. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.0303, -107.558497
Surface Area: 711 acres
Provincial Park

Dingwall Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 60km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Dingwall Lake is named after Fred Thompson Dingwall. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.477893164039, -104.60041904297
Shore Length: 6.81km
Surface Area: 176 acres

Dinty Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 362km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.64602353986, -107.92774711588
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 383 acres

Dion Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 5.9km S of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Creighton
Location: 54.710253613422, -101.8869709755
Shore Length: 1.71km
Surface Area: 22 acres

Dionne Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 499km N of Sandy Bay. Dionne Lake is named after Edmond Dionne. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.978996718464, -102.34288448386
Shore Length: 4.12km
Surface Area: 181 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Dipper Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 65km NW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.935203986892, -107.31405220752
Shore Length: 73km
Surface Area: 15097 acres
Lake Trout Lake Whitefish

Dirks Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NW of Pelican Narrows. Dirks Lake is named after William Mervin Dirks. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.666194054173, -103.97407777614
Shore Length: 34km
Surface Area: 1363 acres

Discovery Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Location: 53.653239381062, -105.85764144287
Shore Length: 2.11km
Surface Area: 83 acres

Discovery Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 17km NNW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.258994310468, -103.85223359821
Shore Length: 0.97km
Surface Area: 11 acres

Dive Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km WNW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.614079863022, -108.78785566715
Shore Length: 3.42km
Surface Area: 55 acres

Diver Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 72km SSE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Medstead No. 497
Location: 53.512671522836, -108.07058774686
Shore Length: 3.51km
Surface Area: 159 acres
Provincial Park

Divide Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 85km N of Choiceland. The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.251663674766, -104.65686779179
Shore Length: 1.71km
Surface Area: 28 acres

Dixon Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 43km SSE of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Terrell No. 101
Location: 50.023552355568, -105.40130552978
Shore Length: 3.29km
Surface Area: 50 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Dixon Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 112km N of La Loche. Dixon Lake is named after Chester Brockie Dixon. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.48910087197, -109.18933111184
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 451 acres
Cabins Boat Launch Beach
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye

Dixon Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Ingvald Opseth Wildlife Refuge and 49km SSE of Prince Albert. Ingvald Opseth Wildlife Refuge is adjacent to Dixon Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 22 photos of Dixon Lake
RM: Invergordon No. 430
Communities: Crystal Springs, Eagle Bay
Parks: Ingvald Opseth Wildlife Refuge
Location: 52.831570558685, -105.34159388152
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 732 acres

Dmytruk Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 206km NE of La Loche. Dmytruk Lake is named after Peter Dmytruk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.778319341596, -106.96744248466
Shore Length: 7.63km
Surface Area: 243 acres

Dobbin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 179km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.712740507527, -104.92931740626
Shore Length: 42km
Surface Area: 2118 acres

Dobson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 249km N of Sandy Bay. Dobson Lake is named after William Andrew Dobson. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.712839860998, -102.80521548024
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 774 acres

Dockerill Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 22km NE of Uranium City. Dockerill Lake is named after John Peter Dockerill. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.696431973523, -108.3075259278
Shore Length: 6.37km
Surface Area: 99 acres

Dockerill Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km WNW of Pinehouse. Dockerill Lake is named after Frederick James Dockerill. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.632051628373, -107.22151325814
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 686 acres

Doctor Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 21km E of Raymore.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Mount Hope No. 279, Touchwood No. 248
Location: 51.396900233409, -104.22654170582
Shore Length: 1.68km
Surface Area: 20 acres

Dodd Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 8.1km NE of Camsell Portage. Dodd Lake is named after Thomas Wilfred Dodd. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.667923485479, -109.16884865544
Shore Length: 5.42km
Surface Area: 155 acres

Dodds Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 352km NNE of La Loche. Dodds Lake is named after Gilbert Derrick Dodds. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.566922056613, -108.04061265219
Shore Length: 7.19km
Surface Area: 162 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish White Sucker

Dodge Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 431km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.79736673738, -105.62157307379
Shore Length: 257km
Surface Area: 12758 acres
National Park

Dog Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Prince Albert National Park and 90km NNW of Prince Albert. The lake is within Prince Albert National Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.905729485072, -106.39395653637
Shore Length: 2.78km
Surface Area: 65 acres
Rainbow Trout

Dog Lake is a tiny stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 88km SW of La Ronge. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.476339873716, -106.08572794344
Shore Length: 2.43km
Surface Area: 44 acres

Dog Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 80km NW of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Invermay No. 305, Foam Lake No. 276
Location: 51.733364926604, -103.25355769167
Shore Length: 9.12km
Surface Area: 349 acres

Dohoo Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km SSW of Uranium City. Dohoo Lake is named after Ernest George Dohoo. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.468001387132, -108.69217140635
Shore Length: 2.9km
Surface Area: 81 acres

Domino Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km NW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.496472981666, -106.15984585442
Shore Length: 2.43km
Surface Area: 57 acres

Don Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 4.3km NNE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.607088300364, -108.5934725105
Shore Length: 2.21km
Surface Area: 26 acres

Donald Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 93km NNE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Livingston No. 331
Location: 51.962013571405, -101.86363149077
Shore Length: 2.74km
Surface Area: 42 acres

Donaldson Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 12km ENE of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.598142254056, -108.40798240873
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 803 acres

Donnelly Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 65km NNE of Pinehouse. Donnelly Lake is named after Earl Brown Donnelly. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.080995723648, -106.31054110069
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 721 acres

Doraetta Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 17km SW of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Doraetta Lake
RM: Swift Current No. 137
Location: 50.173600079698, -107.95695558712
Shore Length: 8.07km
Surface Area: 137 acres
Campground Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Doré Lake is a massive lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Hamlet of Dore Lake and 48km SSE of Beauval. Dore Lake Recreation Site, Bazill Wildlife Refuge and Rock Island Wildlife Refuge are located at Doré Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Hamlet of Dore Lake
Parks: Dore Lake Recreation Site, Bazill Wildlife Refuge, Rock Island Wildlife Refuge
Location: 54.754214350528, -107.30914068123
Shore Length: 207km
Surface Area: 157120 acres
Outflows: Doré River to the Beaver River

Doreen Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 4.9km WNW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.582800582059, -108.69469006182
Shore Length: 2.48km
Surface Area: 33 acres

Doreen Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 34km E of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 54.075327319003, -107.92350966526
Shore Length: 5.23km
Surface Area: 82 acres

Dorine Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 51km NNW of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: The District of Lakeland No. 521
Parks: Fairy Island Wildlife Refuge
Location: 53.64749847743, -105.94049147205
Shore Length: 3.36km
Surface Area: 106 acres

Dormouse Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 34km SW of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Lake Lenore No. 399, Flett's Springs No. 429
Location: 52.65099703232, -104.9762144456
Shore Length: 2.74km
Surface Area: 43 acres
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout

Dorothy Lake is a stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Little Bear Lake Recreation Site and 91km N of Choiceland. Last stocked with tiger trout in 2023

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.304205854638, -104.69040768344

Dorrell Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 421km NNE of La Loche. Dorrell Lake is named after Matthew Dorrell. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.999610345495, -106.7706587471
Shore Length: 24km
Surface Area: 491 acres

Dot Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NNW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.348480118228, -107.04356792392
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 588 acres

Doucet Lakes is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 9.3km SSE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 53.758414067443, -106.97875650119
Shore Length: 9.92km
Surface Area: 148 acres

Dougal Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 29km NNW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.352884208496, -103.92585302279
Shore Length: 30km
Surface Area: 1148 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Dougherty Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km NW of Creighton. Dougherty Lake is named after Franklin Edward Dougherty. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.069752218702, -102.29969336472
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 356 acres

Douglas Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Creighton and 12km NE of Denare Beach.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Communities: Creighton
Location: 54.730708436856, -101.92599123625
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 284 acres

Douglas Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 490km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.234408110682, -102.45183420638
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 295 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Douglas Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 287km N of La Ronge. Douglas Lake is named after William Ernest Douglas. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.652527754549, -104.46185257287
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 493 acres

Douglas Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 480km N of Sandy Bay. Douglas Lake is named after Harry Lawrence Douglas. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.714851436164, -103.95591791243
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 472 acres

Doukhobor Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 84km NE of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 51.823629017507, -101.75096480582
Shore Length: 3.76km
Surface Area: 107 acres

Dowd Lakes is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 70km SE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.595379412308, -104.68027138001
Shore Length: 7.26km
Surface Area: 158 acres

Dowler Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 268km N of La Loche. Dowler Lake is named after Norman Garth Dowler. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.8835647, -109.8343146
Surface Area: 158 acres

Downie Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 19km SW of Maple Creek.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Maple Creek No. 111
Location: 49.79711434145, -109.68303628644
Shore Length: 9.7km
Surface Area: 522 acres
Rainbow Trout

Downton Lake is a very small stocked lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 4.1km ENE of La Ronge. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 Downton Lake is named after John Edwin Lawrence Downton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.127942316945, -105.23034458936
Shore Length: 3.67km
Surface Area: 63 acres

Doze Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 380km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.8835146, -110.000965
Surface Area: 158 acres
Regional Park
Rainbow Trout

Dr. Mainprize Trout Pond is a stocked pond in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 39km SSE of Weyburn. Last stocked with rainbow trout in 2024 The pond is within Mainprize Regional Park.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Mainprize Regional Park
Location: 49.369294384215, -103.56831227145

Dragon Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 388km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.969277657614, -109.39942810327
Shore Length: 21km
Surface Area: 717 acres

Drake Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 94km S of Lloydminster.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.444997197504, -109.93310252202
Shore Length: 7.78km
Surface Area: 608 acres

Drake Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 382km NNE of La Loche. Drake Lake is named after James Marshall Drake. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.844128000139, -108.03218640226
Shore Length: 8.69km
Surface Area: 205 acres

Draper Lakes is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 17km SE of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.514618837128, -109.03134011861
Shore Length: 8.27km
Surface Area: 198 acres

Dreaver Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NNE of La Ronge. Dreaver Lake is named after Harvey Dreaver. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.881841210703, -104.78799334261
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 872 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Dreger Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 27km NNW of Pinehouse. Dreger Lake is named after Fredrich Richard Dreger. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.744372400409, -106.75369834089
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 3102 acres

Dreveny Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 491km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.900278, -102.64
Surface Area: 3102 acres

Drew Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 98km N of La Ronge. Drew Lake is named after Wendell Pierce Drew. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.98944444578, -105.51453734321
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 1317 acres

Dreyer Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NNE of Pinehouse. Dreyer Lake is named after Raymond Wesley Dreyer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.340753277303, -106.09243134437
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 657 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Sauger

Drinking Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located partially within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 76km ENE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Drinking Lake
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.409379050663, -104.21568218882
Shore Length: 37km
Surface Area: 1784 acres

Drinking Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 54km N of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.312901606104, -106.8882972578
Shore Length: 4.46km
Surface Area: 324 acres

Driscol Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 80km S of Swift Current.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Wise Creek No. 77
Location: 49.568962942495, -107.75812318894
Shore Length: 6.86km
Surface Area: 262 acres

Driscoll Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 87km NE of La Ronge. Driscoll Lake is named after Thomas John Driscoll. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.605976209781, -104.21975191042
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 300 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Sauger

Drope Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 64km ENE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Drope Lake is named after Thomas Bruce Drope and William John Drope. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 10 photos of Drope Lake
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.427799141626, -104.4540264764
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 1797 acres

Drummond Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 94km NNE of La Ronge. Drummond Lake is named after Neville Stuart Drummond. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.859675213298, -104.58132565307
Shore Length: 3.95km
Surface Area: 66 acres

Dry Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 47km W of Weyburn.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Norton No. 69
Location: 49.654620178445, -104.50571156794
Shore Length: 7.96km
Surface Area: 337 acres

Dryboro Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 75km S of Moose Jaw.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 49.724148, -105.501273
Surface Area: 66 acres

Dubé Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 85km NNE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.827306450646, -107.92603125143
Shore Length: 8.74km
Surface Area: 482 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Dube Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 386km N of La Ronge. Dube Lake is named after Laurenzo Joseph Dube. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.578303029297, -105.0596545503
Shore Length: 18km
Surface Area: 1808 acres

Dubets Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 168km NNE of La Loche. Dubets Lake is named after John Dubets. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.876469493005, -108.32742425867
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 689 acres

Dubois Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 28km ENE of Uranium City. Dubois Lake is named after William Dubois. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.692271119165, -108.1740470998
Shore Length: 7.62km
Surface Area: 156 acres

Ducharme Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 473km NNE of La Ronge. Ducharme Lake is named after Georges Napoleon Ducharme. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.242517961217, -103.44510863393
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 298 acres

Duck Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 83km E of Humboldt.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Ponass Lake No. 367, Lakeview No. 337
Location: 52.143504038661, -103.91573243607
Shore Length: 6.22km
Surface Area: 127 acres

Duck Lake is a large lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 55km NNE of Warman.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Rosthern No. 403, Duck Lake No. 463
Communities: Duck Lake
Location: 52.787309927744, -106.29197191554
Shore Length: 69km
Surface Area: 3897 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch

Duck Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 35km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.357114442537, -104.94209178845
Shore Length: 4.6km
Surface Area: 122 acres
Provincial Park

Ducker Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 77km NE of La Ronge. Ducker Lake is named after Benjamin Victor Lloyd Ducker. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.660197813557, -104.54751084624
Shore Length: 7.77km
Surface Area: 181 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Duddridge Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 73km NW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.553097578252, -106.14130787946
Shore Length: 32km
Surface Area: 1416 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Dufferin Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 149km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.456911276829, -107.7215450439
Surface Area: 1416 acres

Duffield Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 162km NNW of Sandy Bay. Duffield Lake is named after Murray Douglas Duffield. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.891804977591, -103.03474526477
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 573 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Dugout Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 41km NNE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.193924573022, -106.88313144942
Shore Length: 2.87km
Surface Area: 89 acres

Dukart Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 99km E of Meadow Lake. Dukart Lake is named after John Dukart. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Big River No. 555
Location: 54.054677307792, -106.92833775453
Shore Length: 1.51km
Surface Area: 31 acres

Dumas Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 496km N of La Ronge. Dumas Lake is named after Maurice George Dumas. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.566211282952, -105.47240723695
Shore Length: 6.45km
Surface Area: 111 acres

Dumbell Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 96km NE of Carrot River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 53.968589894029, -102.7208232495
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 1446 acres
Lake Trout

Dummer Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 114km ENE of La Loche. Dummer Lake is named after Henry Dummer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.984238607273, -107.77851185982
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 562 acres

Dumont Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 190km N of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.465553100252, -102.07220439856
Shore Length: 26km
Surface Area: 1077 acres

Dunae Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 361km NNE of La Loche. Dunae Lake is named after Alexander Dunae. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.452828270432, -106.95295761084
Shore Length: 4.45km
Surface Area: 93 acres

Dunajski Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 45km ESE of La Ronge. Dunajski Lake is named after Francis Xavier Joseph Dunajski. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.002852383057, -104.61750026206
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 1074 acres

Dunand Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 473km N of La Ronge. Dunand Lake is named after Emile Joseph Francis Dunand. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.299823614955, -103.91891688928
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 515 acres

Dunbar Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 63km SE of Beauval.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.772564146456, -106.89177319029
Shore Length: 5.79km
Surface Area: 426 acres
Northern Pike Walleye White Sucker

Duncan Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 280km NNE of La Ronge. Duncan Lake is named after William Walter Duncan. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 2 photos of Duncan Lake
Location: 57.568189, -104.251364
Surface Area: 317 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Duncan Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 94km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.340940843763, -102.25680235817
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 947 acres

Dundas Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 452km N of Sandy Bay. Dundas Lake is named after Kenelm Crispin Vivian Dundas. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.520640579655, -103.25937319572
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 250 acres

Dunlop Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km NE of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Paddockwood No. 520
Communities: Weirdale
Location: 53.480494840178, -105.22757740097
Shore Length: 3.9km
Surface Area: 95 acres

Dunlop Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 397km N of Sandy Bay. Dunlop Lake is named after James Mather Dunlop. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.021044202961, -103.27774275643
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 95 acres

Dunlop Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 108km N of La Ronge. Dunlop Lake is named after George Russell Dunlop. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.083087887446, -105.20351277303
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 416 acres

Dunn Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 65km NW of Martensville.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Redberry No. 435
Location: 52.733427917365, -107.28728097766
Shore Length: 2.51km
Surface Area: 59 acres

Dunn Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km N of Sandy Bay. Dunn Lake is named after Lorne Stanley Dunn. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.885823892554, -102.34577400178
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 626 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Dunn Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 384km N of La Ronge. Dunn Lake is named after Dennis Clifford Dunn. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.561581499687, -105.01021956701
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 666 acres

Dunn Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 120km N of La Ronge. Dunn Lake is named after Eustace Hedley Dunn. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.190652423065, -105.1782169051
Shore Length: 13km
Surface Area: 394 acres

Dunnet Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.896089131754, -104.83756408916
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 342 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish White Sucker

Dunnett Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 284km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.472667597186, -103.55239108846
Shore Length: 17km
Surface Area: 2322 acres

Dunning Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 178km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.941642648597, -108.18179513874
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 3513 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Duns Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 85km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.2501137, -109.4341308
Surface Area: 3513 acres

Dunsmore Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 169km N of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.030933784984, -106.31553078623
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 860 acres

Dunster Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 83km ENE of Big River.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.240939382331, -105.96879101437
Shore Length: 3.53km
Surface Area: 188 acres

Duplex Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 424km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.676569106446, -105.48337091485
Shore Length: 40km
Surface Area: 1901 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot Cisco

Dupre Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 72km N of La Loche. Dupre Lake is named after Frederick Louis Edward Dupré. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.1334461, -109.2507853
Surface Area: 188 acres
Launch Site
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Dupueis Lakes is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 94km N of Choiceland. Parking is adjacent to Dupueis Lakes. Dupueis Lakes is named after Charles Gordon Dupueis. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 7 photos of Dupueis Lakes
Location: 54.338529401811, -104.53731558834
Shore Length: 6.64km
Surface Area: 283 acres

Durk Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 464km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 60.007020551212, -105.16339146866
Shore Length: 7.3km
Surface Area: 205 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish

Durocher Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 97km NNE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.927775587061, -107.8431891936
Shore Length: 33km
Surface Area: 2899 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Durrant Lake is a very large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 389km N of La Ronge. Durrant Lake is named after John Chetwynd Durrant. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 4 photos of Durrant Lake
Location: 58.577672490061, -104.43029393237
Shore Length: 130km
Surface Area: 6911 acres

Dusyk Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 371km NNE of La Loche. Dusyk Lake is named after Michael Dusyk. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.748453180376, -108.09051060964
Shore Length: 8.04km
Surface Area: 109 acres

Dutch Lake is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 86km WSW of North Battleford.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Round Valley No. 410, Senlac No. 411
Location: 52.486048801347, -109.46063514642
Shore Length: 3.09km
Surface Area: 73 acres

Dutertre Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 16km NW of Pinehouse. Dutertre Lake is named after Joseph Rene Pierre Dutertre. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.615997208007, -106.77720063922
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 377 acres

Dutton Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 467km N of Sandy Bay. Dutton Lake is named after Thomas Alexander Dutton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.690216999292, -102.36331246779
Shore Length: 67km
Surface Area: 2704 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Dwyer Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 289km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.946774999634, -103.88519867084
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 3279 acres

Dyck Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 459km N of Sandy Bay. Dyck Lake is named after Paul Dyck. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.580409263131, -103.37233359776
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 440 acres

Dyck Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 127km NNE of La Loche. Dyck Lake is named after John Dyck. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.584154596562, -108.81358689189
Shore Length: 4.85km
Surface Area: 377 acres

Dye Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 95km N of La Ronge. Dye Lake is named after Jack Ellsworth Dye. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.967181981027, -105.39261787296
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 233 acres
Provincial Park

Dyer Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 59km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park. Dyer Lake is named after Harold George Dyer. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
Location: 55.521653476724, -104.70301969467
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 172 acres

Dyke Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 362km NNE of La Loche. Dyke Lake is named after Heinrich George Dyke and Victor Edward Dyke. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.666723720207, -108.10586694807
Shore Length: 4.38km
Surface Area: 92 acres

Dzikowicz Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 271km NNW of Sandy Bay. Dzikowicz Lake is named after Adolf Dzikowicz. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.766655418854, -103.92090888783
Shore Length: 12km
Surface Area: 242 acres