Lake Sturgeon in Saskatchewan

Photo of Lake Sturgeon

Lake Sturgeon is the only species of sturgeon found in Saskatchewan.


Although reported in a handful of lakes it is primarily found in the Saskatchewan River in the province.


Scientific name: Acipenser fulvescens
Avg. weight: 3 to 10 kg (6.6 to 22 lbs)
Conservation status: Endangered
Also known as: rock sturgeon
Distribution: Found in 11 waters in Saskatchewan


See where Lake Sturgeon can be found in Saskatchewan.

Distribution of Lake Sturgeon in Saskatchewan
All lakes with Lake Sturgeon

Lakes with Lake Sturgeon


Candle Lake Outline of Candle Lake
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch Beach Cabins Golf Course
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon
Lake Diefenbaker Outline of Lake Diefenbaker
Provincial Park Regional Park Campground Boat Launch Cabins Golf Course Beach Launch Site
Goldeye Mooneye Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Rainbow Trout Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon Sauger
Cumberland Lake Outline of Cumberland Lake
Provincial Park
Goldeye Mooneye Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon Sauger
Round Lake Outline of Round Lake
Beach Boat Launch Campground
Bigmouth Buffalo Channel Catfish Mooneye Northern Pike Yellow Perch Rock Bass Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Common Carp Lake Sturgeon Sauger
Tobin Lake Outline of Tobin Lake
Cabins Campground
Goldeye Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Lake Sturgeon Sauger
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Learn more about fish species found in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Freshwater Fishes - Waterproof Guide Ken Schultz's Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes
