Brown Trout in Saskatchewan

Photo of Brown Trout

Brown Trout is one of the rarer stocked trout species that can be found in Saskatchewan. They are only found in a fairly small number of lakes in the province.

In Saskatchewan, Brook Trout are raised at the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery on Echo Lake and released into ponds and lakes across the province.


Scientific name: Salmo trutta
Avg. weight: 1 to 2.5 kg (2.2 to 5.5 lbs)
Conservation status: Least Concern
SK Record: 32lbs - 38" @ Lake Diefenbaker in 2018
Distribution: Found in 14 waters in Saskatchewan


See where Brown Trout can be found in Saskatchewan.

Distribution of Brown Trout in Saskatchewan
All lakes with Brown Trout

Sask Record for Brown Trout

The Sask angling record for a Brown Trout (32lbs 38“) was caught in Lake Diefenbaker in 2018.

Lakes with Brown Trout


Lake 14
Opal Lake Outline of Opal Lake
Provincial Park Launch Site Campground
Brown Trout Brook Trout
Piprell Lake Outline of Piprell Lake
Boat Launch
Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout Splake White Sucker
Shannon Lake Outline of Shannon Lake
Provincial Park Boat Launch
Brown Trout
Zeden Lake Outline of Zeden Lake
Provincial Park Campground Boat Launch Beach
Yellow Perch Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout
Blacker Lake Outline of Blacker Lake
Yellow Perch Brown Trout White Sucker
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Learn more about fish species found in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Freshwater Fishes - Waterproof Guide Ken Schultz's Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes
