GeoMemorial Commemorative Naming Program

Thousands of lakes, islands, bays and other geographical features across the province have been named in honour of those who lost their lives in the service of Saskatchewan and Canada through the GeoMemorial Commemorative Naming Program.

The program is most well known for naming Saskatchewan features after fallen veterans, but it is also used to name locations after other prominent Saskatchewanians, or those with historical or cultural connections to a location.

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Places named through the program

The lakes named through the program are the most well known including popular names like Piprell Lake, Townsend Lake, and Sealey Lake. The program has also been used to name other features including bays, islands, rapids, rivers, creeks, channels, inlets and schools. The vast majority of these are located in remote areas of central and northern Saskatchewan. There are a small number that are accessible by road/trail or even located in a city while the majority require a plane to access.

Type of Feature Count
Lake 2,450
Island 307
Bay 251
River 128
Cape 67
Rapid 55
Waterfall 23
Channel 22

Most recent lakes in the program

The program is still active and new names are still being assigned.

Some of the most recently named lakes in the program include Gordan Lake named after Lawrence Samuel Gordan in 2016, Dreveny Lake named after Pavel Dreveny in 2016 and Goddard Lake named after Nichola Kathleen Sarah Goddard in 2015.


The program is administered by the Government of Saskatchewan through the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport.

Doug Chisholm

Doug Chisholm has installed plaques at many of these remote lakes on behalf of the families of those being commemorated. He's also helped facilitate family to visit many of these lakes that are very difficult to get to.

History of the program

The GeoMemorial Commemorative Naming Program has been honouring service members and other prominent Saskatchewanians since 1947 shortly after the end of the 2nd World War.

Places Named Through the GeoMemorial Commemorative Naming Program

You can search by both the name of the place (Atchison Island) or by the name of the person the place was named after (Colin Bird).

Note that I don't have every single place available in this search tool. Coverage of geographic features is mostly complete though.


Lake 2468
All 3452
Park 1
Town 1
Island 308
Mountain 1
Bay 313
Unincorporated 4
River 163
Channel 30
Cape 78
Waterfall 25
Valley 3
Rapid 57
Gordon Lake Outline of Gordon Lake
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot
Lussier Lake Outline of Lussier Lake
Provincial Park
Brook Trout
Mullock Lake Outline of Mullock Lake
Tiger Trout Splake White Sucker
Pagan Lake Outline of Pagan Lake
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye White Sucker
Pinkney Lake Outline of Pinkney Lake
Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye
Piprell Lake Outline of Piprell Lake
Boat Launch
Brown Trout Rainbow Trout Tiger Trout Splake White Sucker
Burnett Lake Outline of Burnett Lake
Carswell Lake Outline of Carswell Lake
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker
Close Lake Outline of Close Lake
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish
Gow Lake Outline of Gow Lake
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot
Isbister Lake Outline of Isbister Lake
Campground Provincial Park Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker
Johnston Lake Outline of Johnston Lake
Boat Launch Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye
Kvamsing Lake Outline of Kvamsing Lake
Leckie Lake Outline of Leckie Lake
Northern Pike Walleye
Sealey Lake Outline of Sealey Lake
Washrooms Provincial Park Boat Launch
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout
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