Brook Trout in Saskatchewan

Photo of Brook Trout

Brook Trout are one of the species of stocked trout that can be found in Saskatchewan.

In Saskatchewan, brook trout are raised at the Saskatchewan Fish Hatchery on Echo Lake and released into ponds and lakes across the province.


Although brook trout are not a native species in Saskatchewan, they have a long history in the province. They have been stocked as a recreational game fish for over a hundred years. The earliest stocking record I've seen for brook trout was 2,500 fingerlings in 1919 that were put into Oscar Creek. Even though brook trout aren't native to Saskatchewan some lakes and rivers have developed self-supporting populations.

Similar Species

  • Brown Trout.
  • Tiger Trout. The sterile offspring of a male brook trout and a female brown trout. Tiger Trout can be mistaken for either of their parents.


Scientific name: Salvelinus fontinalis
Avg. weight: 0.5 to 1 kg (1.1 to 2.2 lbs)
Conservation status: Secure
Also known as: speckled trout
SK Record: 7lb 5oz @ Loch Leven in 2004
Distribution: Found in 32 waters in Saskatchewan


See where Brook Trout can be found in Saskatchewan.

Distribution of Brook Trout in Saskatchewan
All lakes with Brook Trout

Sask Record for Brook Trout

The Sask angling record for a Brook Trout (7lb 5oz) was caught in Loch Leven in 2004.

Lakes with Brook Trout


Lake 32
Diamond Lake Outline of Diamond Lake
Provincial Park Campground Launch Site
Brook Trout Splake
Opal Lake Outline of Opal Lake
Provincial Park Launch Site Campground
Brown Trout Brook Trout
Pear Lake Outline of Pear Lake
Boat Launch
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout
Lady Lake Outline of Lady Lake
Regional Park
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout Tiger Trout
Loch Leven Outline of Loch Leven
Boat Launch Provincial Park Beach
Rainbow Trout Brook Trout
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Learn more about fish species found in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Freshwater Fishes - Waterproof Guide Ken Schultz's Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes
