Lakes Sitemap (u) - 75 lakes

Arctic Grayling Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Ubiquity Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 153km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.281258395042, -107.37526969048
Shore Length: 39km
Surface Area: 1526 acres
Provincial Park
Yellow Perch White Sucker

Uchuk Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 87km N of Choiceland.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.275062803197, -104.55234557023
Shore Length: 5.74km
Surface Area: 171 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Uhrich Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 147km NNE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.716606084401, -108.53775315874
Shore Length: 8.04km
Surface Area: 860 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot

Ukoop Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 99km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.337695094297, -103.07648647354
Shore Length: 31km
Surface Area: 1800 acres

Ulbricht Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 498km N of La Ronge. Ulbricht Lake is named after Gustave Ulbricht. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.581430979829, -105.68105865924
Shore Length: 4.33km
Surface Area: 114 acres

Umfreville Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 379km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.969830023262, -105.06930679664
Shore Length: 27km
Surface Area: 1346 acres

Umpherville Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 292km NNW of Sandy Bay. Umpherville Lake is named after Jerry Umpherville. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.875123266745, -104.31902601566
Shore Length: 47km
Surface Area: 1837 acres

Umpherville Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 174km NE of La Ronge. Umpherville Lake is named after Robert Maxwell Umpherville. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.400126317868, -103.71969916904
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 805 acres

Unger Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 368km N of La Loche. Unger Lake is named after Abraham Unger. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.779782805119, -109.96965759587
Shore Length: 4.52km
Surface Area: 143 acres

Unlucky Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 30km NE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588
Location: 54.287330635223, -108.08098429181
Shore Length: 7.49km
Surface Area: 227 acres

Unnamed "Boomerang" Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 293km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.745276660322, -105.08408094172
Shore Length: 5.57km
Surface Area: 65 acres
Yellow Perch

Unnamed "Jean" Lake is a tiny lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 94km E of Melfort.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.811771252284, -103.21426508787
Shore Length: 1.2km
Surface Area: 20 acres

Unnamed (Eva) Lake is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 47km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.5166667, -105.51666666667

Unnamed (Salamander) Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 74km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.764283554013, -105.57233797405
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 187 acres
Northern Pike White Sucker

Unnamed (Toland Bay) Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 36km NE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.298484123595, -104.82196103848
Shore Length: 2.8km
Surface Area: 59 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Unnamed (Twin) Lakes is a very small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 95km NNW of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 52.039422746067, -102.7808662723
Shore Length: 2.79km
Surface Area: 84 acres

Unnamed (Wood Duck) Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.493388970474, -105.4567260863
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 293 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Unnamed Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.23200178283, -103.06386458824
Shore Length: 1.36km
Surface Area: 15 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Unnamed Lake is a very tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 91km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.232872140214, -103.06802707631
Shore Length: 0.8km
Surface Area: 7 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 39km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.461713090827, -105.21692314898
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 326 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.535224366172, -105.48414180458
Shore Length: 5.16km
Surface Area: 113 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 41km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.480855891968, -105.41295316261
Shore Length: 8.75km
Surface Area: 211 acres
Provincial Park

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Meadow Lake Provincial Park and 39km NNW of Meadow Lake. The lake is within Meadow Lake Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Meadow Lake Provincial Park
Location: 54.455832142435, -108.63615834035
Shore Length: 10km
Surface Area: 392 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 51km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.12917712266, -102.38327399675
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 186 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 77km NW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.326512899494, -102.58873204031
Shore Length: 6.33km
Surface Area: 114 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 76km NNE of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.186949080435, -106.35258009455
Shore Length: 6.3km
Surface Area: 269 acres

Unnamed Lake is a lake in central Saskatchewan.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.335393612016, -104.81678009033
Provincial Park

Unnamed Lake is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Clarence - Steepbank Lakes Provincial Park and 91km NNW of Choiceland. The lake is within Clarence - Steepbank Lakes Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 3 photos of Unnamed Lake
Parks: Clarence - Steepbank Lakes Provincial Park
Location: 54.248750623453, -105.00260521505

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 157km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.902011031926, -109.42663518972
Shore Length: 5.25km
Surface Area: 159 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 145km N of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.788879968419, -109.42820700582
Shore Length: 3.64km
Surface Area: 164 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 369km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.326080587432, -103.8057308817
Shore Length: 6.69km
Surface Area: 256 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 369km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.3316193918, -103.86008449203
Shore Length: 9.67km
Surface Area: 345 acres

Unnamed Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 283km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.59568300625, -104.29899975405
Shore Length: 8.06km
Surface Area: 774 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 294km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.010471729407, -103.77417358766
Shore Length: 14km
Surface Area: 345 acres

Unnamed Lake is a large lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 182km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.043662971823, -103.26212724378
Shore Length: 59km
Surface Area: 3300 acres

Unnamed Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 257km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.419314210048, -104.95076604642
Shore Length: 2.7km
Surface Area: 99 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 261km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.448758352174, -104.95117895015
Shore Length: 4.4km
Surface Area: 95 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 262km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.458597829544, -104.95652668054
Shore Length: 3.58km
Surface Area: 68 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake is a very small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 261km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.456719102449, -104.96912505423
Shore Length: 2.74km
Surface Area: 72 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 262km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.460202264015, -104.94040708018
Shore Length: 4.27km
Surface Area: 160 acres

Unnamed Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 250km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.696991913804, -103.12167989251
Shore Length: 7.82km
Surface Area: 232 acres

Unnamed Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 390km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.553092996082, -104.06679000603
Shore Length: 15km
Surface Area: 1045 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake (Half an Hour) is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 133km NNE of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.269092015054, -104.7320186212
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 513 acres
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake (Heika) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.5333333, -105.5

Unnamed Lake (Leuzinger) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.5333333, -105.5

Unnamed Lake (Luttge) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 48km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.5333333, -105.5
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake (Two Williams) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 39km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.4666667, -105.21666666667

Unnamed Lake (Vertmont) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 40km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.45, -105.53333333333

Unnamed Lake (Wildgoose) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.4833333, -105.41666666667

Unnamed Lake (Wood Duck) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 42km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.4833333, -105.41666666667

Unnamed Lake (Woody) is a lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 35km NNW of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.4166667, -105.46666666667
Northern Pike

Unnamed Lake 5703/10317 is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 184km NNW of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.053836249348, -103.29314636154
Shore Length: 1.72km
Surface Area: 26 acres

Unser Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 83km W of Creighton. Unser Lake is named after Anton Nicholas Unser. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Limestone Lake Recreation Site, Deschambault Lake (South East Arm) Recreation Site
Location: 54.712066456834, -103.18465080489
Shore Length: 7.58km
Surface Area: 358 acres

Unwin Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 81km W of Prince Albert.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Leask No. 464
Location: 53.114892393104, -106.88365180832
Shore Length: 6.41km
Surface Area: 259 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch White Sucker

Upises Lake is a tiny lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Lac La Ronge Provincial Park and 43km NE of La Ronge. The lake is within Lac La Ronge Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Lac La Ronge Provincial Park, MacKay Lake Recreation Site
Location: 55.433191360516, -104.90916628332
Shore Length: 1.54km
Surface Area: 18 acres

Upisk Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 135km N of Sandy Bay.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.711247119565, -102.34777945463
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 657 acres

Upper Cumins Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 43km SSW of Buffalo Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.508151400825, -108.80782917429
Shore Length: 25km
Surface Area: 3935 acres

Upper Eva Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 444km NE of La Loche.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.623800507961, -104.76233141979
Shore Length: 16km
Surface Area: 585 acres
Provincial Park Boat Launch
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish White Sucker Cisco

Upper Fishing Lake is a small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located in Narrow Hills Provincial Park and 64km N of Choiceland. The lake is within Narrow Hills Provincial Park.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Upper Fishing Lake
Parks: Narrow Hills Provincial Park
Location: 54.057069648578, -104.65989334137
Shore Length: 5.29km
Surface Area: 126 acres
Max Depth: 14.91 m (48.9 ft)
Inflows: Caribou Creek
Outflows: Caribou Creek
Lake Trout Northern Pike Yellow Perch Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker

Upper Foster Lake is a massive lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 188km N of La Ronge.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 56.807495966025, -105.30321122844
Shore Length: 494km
Surface Area: 26091 acres
Provincial Park
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Upper Makwa Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 55km W of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Loon Lake No. 561
Parks: Makwa Lake Provincial Park, Steele Narrows Provincial Park
Location: 54.03579005725, -109.26650274944
Shore Length: 7.98km
Surface Area: 281 acres

Upper Nistoassini Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 21km NNW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 5 photos of Upper Nistoassini Lake
Location: 56.292533398352, -103.87083378453
Shore Length: 38km
Surface Area: 2322 acres

Upper Peak Lake is a very small lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 87km NNW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.26973622628, -106.99523823436
Shore Length: 4.07km
Surface Area: 63 acres
Lake Trout Northern Pike Lake Whitefish

Upper Waddy Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 13km NW of Brabant.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Photos: 1 photos of Upper Waddy Lake
Location: 56.20667145804, -103.87148724698
Shore Length: 20km
Surface Area: 2147 acres
Northern Pike Walleye Lake Whitefish

Upson Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 71km NNW of Pinehouse.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 56.090356721, -107.10938040845
Shore Length: 45km
Surface Area: 1897 acres

Urban Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 279km N of La Ronge. Urban Lake is named after Ludvik Urban. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.586893411574, -106.03876331686
Shore Length: 11km
Surface Area: 300 acres

Urton Lake is a medium sized lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 280km NNE of La Loche. Urton Lake is named after Joseph Richard Urton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.785373627601, -107.51739291584
Shore Length: 22km
Surface Area: 547 acres

Usinne Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 50km SW of Creighton.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.488803552222, -102.52083758143
Shore Length: 19km
Surface Area: 843 acres
Northern Pike Walleye White Sucker

Usinneskaw Lake is a medium sized lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 89km NW of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Sasman No. 336, Foam Lake No. 276
Communities: Margo
Location: 51.788062153512, -103.36519989692
Shore Length: 7.44km
Surface Area: 713 acres

Usiske Lake is a tiny lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 18km NNW of Uranium City.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.717568137279, -108.71786978396
Shore Length: 2.8km
Surface Area: 20 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Longnose Sucker Sauger

Uskik Lake is a large lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 46km NNW of Pelican Narrows.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 55.548275473751, -103.27502622076
Shore Length: 29km
Surface Area: 3284 acres
Northern Pike Walleye

Utai Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 69km ESE of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Location: 53.896894702274, -107.45494277132
Shore Length: 3.88km
Surface Area: 132 acres
Northern Pike Yellow Perch Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco

Utikumak Lake is a medium sized lake in central Saskatchewan. It is located 81km N of Meadow Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Location: 54.840701923863, -108.23743216693
Shore Length: 7.75km
Surface Area: 849 acres

Utim Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 16km SE of Camsell Portage.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.526691623377, -109.02877663002
Shore Length: 3.22km
Surface Area: 121 acres

Uzelman Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 148km ENE of La Loche. Uzelman Lake is named after Peter Uzelman. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 57.164613147173, -107.33818550998
Shore Length: 9.49km
Surface Area: 299 acres