No invasive mussels found in Saskatchewan in 2024

Based on testing in 2024, Saskatchewan is still free of zebra mussels, quagga mussels and spiny waterflea! This is great news for our lakes and rivers and a big success story given the spread in other provinces and states. (Check out an article about Zebra Mussels in MB here.) It's not all good news though with some worrying news in the report. Inadequately cleaned watercraft and even watercraft with mussels were found during inspections.

The Ministry of Environment released a report January 27, 2025. The report outlined the efforts to protect Saskatchewan's waters against Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). The ministry inspected over 3,500 watercraft at 5 different inspection stations. All of the inspections stations were operating in the south eastern part of the province.

Ministry of Environment Update

You can find the full government release here. The infographic from the report is below.

Aquatic Invasive Species Program Summary 2024

Our surveys confirm that Saskatchewan's efforts to protect our lakes and rivers from AIS have been successful. Collaborating with our partners, the ministry will continue to implement a robust AIS prevention program that includes monitoring, roadside watercraft inspections and decontamination, and public awareness and education, to ensure that success continues.

—Environment Minister Travis Keisig

The risks to Saskatchewan

Invasive mussels continue to spread in provinces and states around Saskatchewan. They are found in Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec, as well as 34 states including North Dakota and Minnesota.

Invasive mussels pose a serious risk to the province. They threaten aquatic habitat, fisheries, and once established are almost impossible to eliminate.

Mussels detected during inspections

Worryingly there were 6 watercraft found during inspection that had zebra/quagga mussels. Additionally 250 watercraft from high-risk areas were intercepted that were not properly cleaned/drained/dried. Please clean/drain/dry your boat! Protect our waters for everyone!

Water samples

Over 450 water samples were tested from across the province. Notably, no Prussian Carp were detected in the Qu'Appelle River watershed during this testing.

Invasive fish

The ministry cleaned out goldfish from stormwater ponds. Koi were reported in Junction Reservoir.

Goldfish were released into the Waldheim Trout Pond a few years ago. The pond is stocked with rainbow trout and the pond was allowed to winterkill to try and get rid of the goldfish. This is another example of how difficult and expensive it is to remove invasive fish species.

Please do not release live fish in any waters in the province. Most water systems are connected. Fish can find their way from one pond into larger bodies of water and rivers and spread widely. Once established they threaten local species.

Invasive plants

Over 100km of creeks and rivers had invasive flowering rush removed.

How you can help

  • Report any aquatic invasive species to 1-800-667-7561.
  • Follow the clean/drain/dry protocols for watercraft and any gear that came into contact with water before moving between lakes and other waterbodies.
  • Stop at all roadside watercraft inspection stations. $500 fine + $50 surcharge for not stopping
  • Remember to always remove drain plugs on all watercraft during transport. It's the law!

My experience

I visited nearly 200 lakes in 2024 all across the province. During that time I never ran into an inspection station, but I was asked about where my canoe had been when pulling into Kipabiskau Regional Park. I'm really glad they asked and it's something we all need to be more aware of to keep our waters safe!

Thanks to all the provincial workers, partners, and users of Saskatchewan lakes for helping to keep them safe in 2024!