Fulton Lake

There are 2 lakes named Fulton Lake in Saskatchewan.

You can view the details of each lake below.

Results 2 (Displaying page 1 of 1)
Lake Trout Burbot Longnose Sucker Round Whitefish

Fulton Lake is a small lake in northern Saskatchewan. It is located 11km ESE of Uranium City. Fulton Lake is named after Daniel Fulton. Learn more about the GeoMemorial Naming Program.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 59.547160126279, -108.41613395901
Shore Length: 4.66km
Surface Area: 132 acres

Fulton Lake is a small lake in southern Saskatchewan. It is located 60km N of Yorkton.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Keys No. 303
Communities: Amsterdam
Location: 51.749653643707, -102.41494438154
Shore Length: 7.16km
Surface Area: 299 acres