Crooked Lake

There are 3 lakes named Crooked Lake in Saskatchewan.

You can view the details of each lake below.

Results 3 (Displaying page 1 of 1)
Provincial Park Campground Beach Golf Course Boat Launch
Bigmouth Buffalo Channel Catfish Mooneye Northern Pike Yellow Perch Rock Bass Walleye Lake Whitefish Burbot White Sucker Cisco Common Carp

Crooked Lake is a recreational and fishing lake in the Qu'Appelle Valley. It is a popular destination in winter and summer! One of the many lakes within the valley it is 100km S of Yorkton and 168km E

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Photos: 55 photos of Crooked Lake
RM: Elcapo No. 154, Grayson No. 184
Communities: Melville Beach, Moose Bay Hamlet, Sunset Beach Hamlet, Grenfell Beach, Exne's Twin Bays
Parks: Crooked Lake Provincial Park
Location: 50.605666561126, -102.73304456297
Shore Length: 36km
Surface Area: 3977 acres
Max Depth: 15 m (49 ft)
Inflows: Qu'Appelle River
Outflows: Qu'Appelle River
National Park

Crooked Lake is a very small (82 acre) lake. Prince Albert National Park is adjacent to Crooked Lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
Parks: Prince Albert National Park
Location: 53.909785332028, -106.47001040709
Shore Length: 2.52km
Surface Area: 82 acres

Crooked Lake is a large (2618 acre) lake.

Fishing Zone: Northern Zone
Location: 58.724726361815, -103.94293393179
Shore Length: 74km
Surface Area: 2618 acres