Silver Lake

There are 5 lakes named Silver Lake in Saskatchewan.

You can view the details of each lake below.

Results 5 (Displaying page 1 of 1)
Golf Course Beach Regional Park

Silver Lake is a very small (85 acre) lake. Silver Lake Regional Park is adjacent to Silver Lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
Parks: Silver Lake Regional Park
Location: 53.23092040186, -109.27536310237
Shore Length: 2.81km
Surface Area: 85 acres

Silver Lake is a medium sized (837 acre) lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Invermay No. 305, Insinger No. 275, Foam Lake No. 276
Location: 51.676415969754, -103.231517597
Shore Length: 7.3km
Surface Area: 837 acres

Silver Lake is a small (133 acre) lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: Sasman No. 336
Communities: Kuroki, Hamlet of North Shore Fishing Lake
Parks: Fishing Lake Wildlife Refuge
Location: 51.864764107994, -103.48032421587
Shore Length: 3.16km
Surface Area: 133 acres

Silver Lake is a tiny (42 acre) lake.

Fishing Zone: Southern Zone
RM: McCraney No. 282
Location: 51.407894885469, -106.07383246017
Shore Length: 2.86km
Surface Area: 42 acres

Silver Lake is a small (307 acre) lake.

Fishing Zone: Central Zone
RM: Meadow Lake No. 588
Location: 54.257333697039, -107.92901264821
Shore Length: 5.05km
Surface Area: 307 acres